View Full Version : Urgent, need a good famous paintball quote

09-29-2004, 07:47 PM
guys i got a speech tomarrow and apperantly we have to open with a quote... i need a good one ASAP... thanks

09-29-2004, 07:49 PM
are those my balls on your face?

09-29-2004, 07:52 PM
ok no... not that kinda quote... something about the sport of painball that is wont make a teacher say get outta my class..

09-29-2004, 07:54 PM
don't forget to wipe

Aiecc Ixi
09-29-2004, 07:54 PM
hahahahahha that would be a great opener....

"are those my balls on your face?" Not only does this quote stand for alot of what paintball has become it symbolizes more than just what it says. At first glance the connotation of the phrase may seem a little provocative, but in actuality the phrase means much much more.

09-29-2004, 07:59 PM
"looks at sig, then points to it"

I can get the whole quote to you but it's extremely long

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09-29-2004, 08:08 PM
Apocalypse is at hand!

09-29-2004, 08:29 PM
the matty marshall quote on sunday drivers, I just can't think of it, but it's perfect.

09-29-2004, 08:30 PM
check out toyota boys sig...

09-29-2004, 09:36 PM
Definitely the Matty Marshall quote, I'll try to find the entire thing for ya.

09-29-2004, 10:06 PM
"...those who have saved every last dime just to go out on the weekend to throw paint getting ready for the next tourney. Those who have sacrificed relationships, job and friendships to play this game. Those who sit in class during the week scribbling paintball logos dreaming of the next time they get to play. And those who sleep 10 in a one-bed hotel room waiting for the next morning to take the field... "

That was on someone's profile, i just forgot who's :confused::cry:

But i liked it

09-29-2004, 10:24 PM
How about. dont get shot.

09-29-2004, 10:46 PM
It happens on a random monday coming back from an event, or late on a sunday night right before you get on the plane and you're about to be frisked for the third time. You're driving, You're flying, you're sitting in an airport seat with boys from the team. You're drinking stale coffee trying to stay awake. You're explaing the fat welt on the side of the neck to a confused stranger or best friend.You're coming back to the other life, the one without paintball. Where no one understand why you do it. You're tired, you're working off little sleep, and the question creeps up and you try to ignore it, Why do I do this? Why the travel, why the losses, missed work work, missed school, hours of practise and the complaining girlfriend?because the lure of living a paintball life is just too potent. And the products of the roads, the travel are memories forever and trips and strange lands with stranger people. At tournaments, it feels like for once you actually get to live as loud as you want. It's worth the sacrifices it's worth all the bull**** because if you work hard enough a sunday will roll around, and you be in the huddle, screaming, with your hand in, one among ten, playing for the world title. And suddenly all those cliches you ever heard make sense. and you are defined. you say it to yourself and it means everything." I am a paintball player, in this moment, right here, this is my life.."

-Matty Marshall, Ironmen Sunday Drivers

There ya go. There is a Naughty dogs quote that is pretty good as well.


09-29-2004, 10:51 PM
thats deep.. and explains any tourny baller.. I <3 it and matty marshals

09-29-2004, 11:02 PM
"why do I play tournys? well alot of reasons...

first and formost for fun and friends

but other than that

A paintball tournament is where I feel most alive

this is somthing I was writing about the other night
alot of it might not make sense to anybody who wasn't there but I'll put it up here anyway

life to me:

life to me is a long ride to get to the game, it is 3:00 am fire alarms in the skydome hotel the night before finals,

it is a doughnut orgy in Fla.

it is pit beef sandwiches in Maryland.

it is being so tired and filthy at the end of a day playing that you can get away with just about anything at the hotel afterwords because you must appear completly insane to the staff.

it is 600 fields in 600 citys and 600 different hotel rooms in cities that you have never been to before. and just before everbody falls asleep it's "TELL ME A STORY" as you are beaten by your 10 teamates that have shoe horned themselves into a room the size of a closet.

it is 3....2....1..... TEN SECONDS!!! and for some reason that ten seconds last a lifetime.

it is dive bars up and down the east coast

It is flying back home after a tourny and hoping you get home in time to catch the dropkick murphys show

it is making the finals at Skyball by one point

life to me is calling your girlfriend from 2,000 miles away and trying to convince her that you realy do love her even though work only permits you to see her on the weekends and alot of those have to be used for practice, scrimages, tourneys, team meetings, and machine work for other players.

it is seeing your team name or picture in the magizines for the first time and after that waiting none to patiently for them to come to your door just to see if you are in it again

it is the feeling you get right before the game starts when everybody has a hand in and you look at your teamates and know that there is nowhere else you would rather be

Gliney the mag monkey

Mass Destruction
Destructive customs

that was a couple years ago I wrote that

now, I don't know why

I have been playing for 15 years

I have been building things for the sport since 1993, this is what I want to do full time,

the technology of paintball was started in garages and basements by players.... the problem is, now there is money in it and it has attracted bigger names and the little guy will be muscled out... times are changing and in the long run it may be better for the sport but I wish people would stop and think about where we are going.

I think I would feel better if I could find a little time to play


Long but good.

09-29-2004, 11:31 PM
"Paintball is not just a sport, its a lifestyle." - Dont know who said it but I heard it one some paintball dvd.

09-29-2004, 11:50 PM
"Paintball, the most fun you can have with your pants on"-some paintball sticker i have.

09-30-2004, 12:28 AM
"Don't mill your tank." -Miscue

09-30-2004, 06:19 AM
"He'll never hit me from way over there...DOH!!!"

09-30-2004, 06:48 AM
There's actually famous quotes made about paintball? Or even famous players besies ones who play that are already famous (say BReal or Shatner)?

Huh.... well whaddya know.

09-30-2004, 12:28 PM
It's not as good as the Matty Marshall quote, but a guy I used to know said this to me once, when we were talking about getting people to surrender, and I'll never forget it:

"I like to yell their name just before I shoot them in the back. They'll remember that."
:ninja: :shooting:

09-30-2004, 01:47 PM
these wouldnt be good for a speech, but i just have to anyway:

"make your balls happy, play with your cocker."

"paintball is the only place where you can shoot your load in 15 seconds and be damn proud of yourself for it."