View Full Version : DM4 Owners Question about Tadeo

09-30-2004, 08:03 AM
OK I got the new chip and threw it into my DM4, what the hell. No difference. What is up with this. The chip does not improve anything. My stock chip shoots identical. I know I have two markers setup identical and shoot them side by side. Is this tadeo a bunch of hype?

09-30-2004, 09:21 AM
It eliminates almost all mechanical bounce. It also has a better battery life than the stock board. Both boards' maximum ROF are much higher than any human (or loader) today could achieve. You won't be getting a speed increase, but the other features are what the Tadao board is for. My captain and my teammate have one each. They bounce much less than stock DM4s.

09-30-2004, 09:27 AM
I don't know about the battery life but that is not worth 50 bucks. I put a new battery in every time I play a tourney. I am anal about that. As for bouncing. Neither gun bounces with eyes on or off side by side. I like the mechanical bounce but I think that is BS also. Mech bounce can be taken away by adjusting trigger travel for free.

09-30-2004, 09:28 AM
Why do they brag the board is scanned 100000 times a second for a pull. That increases speed like the was and frenzy. This one doesn't

09-30-2004, 09:35 AM
the only way that most boards (non ramping commercial boards) can increase your rate of fire is if the stock board doesn't buffer shots, and the aftermarket does. Your dm4 board does have debounce right? so it will store any shots that are missed because the gun is already firing. Other than that the only way to shoot faster, is to fine tune the debounce settings so that it will pass a bounce check, but under rapid fire a few shots will be added. Not exactly legal I don't think, but no way to check for it really, except in NPPL.

Basically any properly set up tourney legal board won't shoot any faster than stock. Work on setting up the trigger for yourself, and practice shooting all the time. You should get some faster.

09-30-2004, 10:05 AM
Personally I did notice a speed increase (maybe 2 bps) when I put mine in, as well as my friends who tried it.

A lot of people were having problems with bounce, which the AMB helps reduce that. If you play in tournies I bet you wouldn't want your gun to get pulled because of a couple trigger bounces.

09-30-2004, 10:17 AM
I already shoot fast as hell. I just want more and better you know I always want more. I refuse to buy the ramping boards even though I know we play against some. You can just tell. Our whole team everyone shoots about 15 to 18 BPS and when we play one team it is like what the hell is that a machine gun. NO way but it passes the judges test every time. Anyway I guess I don't see the advantage of the tadeo board. I am going back to stock so if anyone wants a day old tadeo board 40 bucks and it is yours.

09-30-2004, 01:56 PM
Personally I did notice a speed increase (maybe 2 bps) when I put mine in, as well as my friends who tried it.

A lot of people were having problems with bounce, which the AMB helps reduce that. If you play in tournies I bet you wouldn't want your gun to get pulled because of a couple trigger bounces.

Team Gnarkill Uses the tadao chip in their DM4's. They took first place in the Velocity Summer Series.
Whats the problem? I went to talk to them at the Bonita Store Location, and they told me it did NOTHING but bounce.
Even worse, they admitted to cheating,trigger bounce, bonus balling, etc etc.
The husky white guy let me shoot his DM4 and boy, I have never seen a marker bounce like that.
They should not have won.

Editted for spelling.

09-30-2004, 02:16 PM
From what I remember Tadao boards are no longer accepted in NPPL.

Also if you really were hard up for a board that makes a difference I think I can get my hands on ramping one. Not cool but they are fun.

09-30-2004, 02:37 PM
Yeah everywhere online has ramp boards for 199 or more so they are easy to get. I just want something that shoots as fast as my timmy but does not break all the time like my timmy.

09-30-2004, 03:30 PM
Agree completely with you, tadao is definitely an un-needed upgrade.

Toxic Dave
09-30-2004, 05:30 PM
The Tadao Boards/ chips have been approved by NPPL as well as PSP for use in their events. They do not bounce/ ramp unless extremely low debounce setting are used, which is they case with just about every other aftermarket board.

Out of the package Tadao Debounce is set at 5, if you change it to 2 or 3 you will notice thatthey gun just feels more responsive trigger-wise than stock.

I didn't notice much difference till I dropped my db to 3, then it aloowed me to shoot insane ropes of paint, without any hint of bounce, etc.


09-30-2004, 06:34 PM
According to the manual that came with my tadeo it default debounce is 1 so I will play some more.

RT pRo AuToMaG
09-30-2004, 08:30 PM
Only advantage Tadao chip has over stock is improved battery efficientcy, instant on (which is a VERY GOOD feature, especially for tourny use), and a little bit more adjustable. What were you expecting, it's just a chip. It's not going to make your fingers faster. (unless you set it up to bounce, or buy a ramping chip)

09-30-2004, 09:37 PM
The instant on and being able to access the menu without opening the grip are worth the $40.not to mention the eyes cut themselves off when they are not working properly. I love my tadeo chip! Timmys bounce tooo much. ;)

10-01-2004, 10:20 AM
One guy on my team has a tadao chip in his DM and another has the WAS chip.
THe WAS seems a little faster and it "spurts" when you walk the trigger. The Tadao is faster than the stock chip. Both chips offer more adjustability that the stock chip, and the rof is unlimited with eyes on..the "logic" of the eye system is much better than stock.
When set up right there is a noticable difference.
I have a tadao board in my matrix, it is much faster than a stock boarded matrix.