View Full Version : Automag with ULT VIDEO !!!!!!

09-30-2004, 03:19 PM
ok guys, i finally got myself to make a video of my ULT'ed classic mag. For now i'm hosting it on my crappy dsl at home but am in the process of getting it on jayloo.com. it's only about 6mb's so that shouldn't be too bad

The video first shows the stock on/off valve in the classic and how crapp that is, and then it moves to the ULT on/off. i doubt you will be able to read at the end what it says so here it goes a summary of what it says

4 L10 shims in L10 with the gold spring. and 6 L10 shims and 5 ULT shims in the ULT assembly. some chuffing but only if your under 800PSI above that it's actually fairly hard to chuff unless your not used to the trigger, once you learn the trigger it get's much better and is extremely easy to walk.


oh and yes i made it with a mac so yes you need quicktime, now stop your whining and go download it

09-30-2004, 04:03 PM
hehe, awsome man thanks. i changed my post to the new link. ENJOY !!!!

09-30-2004, 04:05 PM
dont have what it takes to open a mp4. what do i need?

09-30-2004, 04:57 PM
you need quicktime, try updating if you already have it, and you also need to right click and say save as, i found that my browser dosen't like me if i just left click on this particular link... i knew i shoulda done the .avi format. oh well. mabye when i get home from work....

09-30-2004, 07:18 PM
Ill see if i can get a WMV of it and post the link here.

EDIT: here is a WMV http://www.jayloo.com/files/vids/100/automag_ult_764.wmv
its only 2.73mb

09-30-2004, 08:18 PM
so when you got that chuffing from holding the trigger back, that was only becasue you had < 800 psi?

09-30-2004, 08:39 PM
kewl vid... :cheers:

09-30-2004, 08:44 PM
i guess i should explain a little more. when i was holding the trigger back it was kinda chuffing on every shot, but probably because i was actually short stroking it, i was just doing that to demonstrate how much rt effect you actually gain from this mod. the chuffing i meant was for walking / normal shooting. if you are walking or shooting normally it's actually fairly hard to short stroke as long as 1. you get used to the trigger. and 2. you have more than 800 psi coming into the gun. less than 800 psi and you can really feel the trigger almost lagging behind your finger when you pull away from the trigger (after shooting) mainly because it dosen't have enough psi to push the trigger fast enough. the main goal is to shoot with your fingers fully clearing the trigger's path. if i stop my finger half way through the return stroke of the trigger it will either rapid fire (bounce off my finger and shoot again) if it is >800psi or chuff if it is <800psi

hope that clears it up a little bit more. you really gotta try it for yourself to understand what i'm trying to get at here. but i think the video should give you guys a good understanding of how well the ULT can work on the classic. i will try and fill my tank up again and get hopefully a better video of just the ULT.

SuiciDal Sn Y p ER
09-30-2004, 11:54 PM
i see a pretty big difference but it also seems like there was a bit of bouncing (or reactivity) on that trigger...could just be the video quality after it was converted into a .wmv

10-01-2004, 01:25 AM
hey since i dont have a xvalve, could someone post a vid just like his of the ULT in action on the xvalve? does it function the same? better? i still have a classic and have never fired an X

10-01-2004, 01:38 AM
hey since i dont have a xvalve, could someone post a vid just like his of the ULT in action on the xvalve? does it function the same? better? i still have a classic and have never fired an X

i have fired a ULT in an xvalve before (roguefactors mag :headbang: ) and it is more reactive and with how he has it set up, pretty much impossible to chuff.

to answer suicidal's questions. yes there is a lot of reactivity in this thing, in fact theres more reactivity in it with the ULt than there was without the ULT. the next video that i will make will be of me shooting it and that will determine if it chops and how i make it chop and also if and how much drop of i get. but i can't make that video until i'm the only one at my house, parents don't want me shooting paint around the back yard

10-01-2004, 04:00 AM
Great video. I'm impressed with the difference. Try and make another once you get your tank filled. Maybe with some more walking with the ULT.

Thanks for sharing!

10-01-2004, 08:33 AM
Awesome. Thanks man, been looking for something like that for a long time.. a video that compares the two.

10-01-2004, 05:17 PM
another thing i wanna do is take a bag and fill it with quarters and see at what amount of coins it takes to fire each on/off, like hang the bag with a string from the trigger and just add more coins till it fires

10-01-2004, 06:38 PM
finally a mag video you can watch with quicktime (besides "z-guy" or whatever). i like the reactivity of the ult. im definetly gonna get it down the road. great great vid though.

10-01-2004, 08:15 PM
i havent seen the vid, but i havw one of my own to post of my classic ult, it rocks, i cant wait, but im not using my comp now, i will get it up later, woot.

10-01-2004, 10:10 PM
cool, just post it in this thread too

"the FitZ"
10-02-2004, 04:25 PM
so 6 lvl10 shims and all 5 ult shims. if i remember correctly i have 2 lvl10 shims and 4 ult in my minimag and it barely fits. How then did you get yours to fit. I'm not saying youre lying but i want to do the same to mine. and about the reactivity thing i do believe it feels like more w/ the ult the stock xvalve has 3lb pull w/ 6 lb return so that's like 200% return force and I'm gonna guess the ult has the same or close ratio. i have gotten my air valve to bounce like CRAZY w/ ult. the trick is soft fingers very very soft fingers w/ a little wiggling. ehh..works for me.

10-02-2004, 07:11 PM
so 6 lvl10 shims and all 5 ult shims. if i remember correctly i have 2 lvl10 shims and 4 ult in my minimag and it barely fits. How then did you get yours to fit. I'm not saying youre lying but i want to do the same to mine. and about the reactivity thing i do believe it feels like more w/ the ult the stock xvalve has 3lb pull w/ 6 lb return so that's like 200% return force and I'm gonna guess the ult has the same or close ratio. i have gotten my air valve to bounce like CRAZY w/ ult. the trick is soft fingers very very soft fingers w/ a little wiggling. ehh..works for me.

honestly i'm just guessing with the shim count. all i know is i have a total of 10 L10 shims and 5 ULT shims, and I have 4 L10's in my bolt setup and the rest are in the ULT. another thing i forgot to mention is that that is the most shims i can cram into the ULT, but i have found that i can furthur adjust the ULt by how much i tigten the 2 halves together, right there in the video i just snugly screwed the halves together, but if i tightly screw them together then it dosen't kick as much, but i probably would have less troubles with the refs at the local fields then ;) . with snugly tigtening the ULT, it is extremely easy to rapid fire.

10-02-2004, 08:42 PM
I have four lvl10 shims and five ULT shims?? and it barely fits into the body???

maby you should go recount your shims, I truly believe you're mistaken...

10-03-2004, 12:15 AM
looks like tons of bounce

10-03-2004, 01:22 AM
yeah ths shim count deff seems off i doubt you could fit that many shims in