View Full Version : Shameless promotion...

09-30-2004, 07:06 PM
I'm postimg this right now ust to tease you... and I won't be awake when the site goes live, so I might as well plug it now.

This is a site that I'm woking on with some friends(there's 5 of us all together). Right now, since Anime and whatnot really isn't my thing, I'm just doing Reviews(mostly CD's) and helping a bit behind the scenes, as well as just chilling in the chat and forums. But I've got a whole section on the way...

Anyway, on with the plug: http://TheHybrid.net/. Goes Live at 12AM EST Thursday Night/Friday Morning. So...uh, tell me what you think of it(after it's up). I know there's not much atm, but there's gonna be alot more to come.

Oh, and btw, I go by the name Shroomie over there(and more or less everywhere but here and PBN...)