View Full Version : And this is why Canada sucks!!!

10-01-2004, 04:06 PM
They are building a monument to AMerican Draft Dodgers!!!! :tard:

WTF!!! (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,132971,00.html)

Maybe Bill Clinton will be at the unveiling! :mad:

10-01-2004, 04:34 PM
Maybe Bill Clinton will be at the unveiling! :mad:

George Bush and Dick Cheney could join him. :)

The only difference between those three and the draft dodgers that fled to Canada is that the draft dodgers didn't have the money or connections to cover their cowardice by getting posts that would avoid active duty.

I agree the statue is pathetic idea.

10-01-2004, 04:49 PM
The statue and 2-day festival serve no other purpose than to spite the US. Honestly, did these draft-dodgers do any special for this Canadian city? Did they get together and start a food bank while they were there? A volunteer fire department? I doubt it.

Good Job Canada. But its not like i didnt hate Canada already. This is just fuel for the fire.
Im going to build a statue comemorating those USAF pilots who "accidentaly" dropped a bomb on those Canadian soldiers. If u can call them that.

10-01-2004, 04:57 PM
Im going to build a statue comemorating those USAF pilots who "accidentaly" dropped a bomb on those Canadian soldiers. If u can call them that.

Ouch, not nice. Funny, but not nice!!! :cuss:

10-01-2004, 04:59 PM
Good Job Canada. But its not like i didnt hate Canada already. This is just fuel for the fire.
Im going to build a statue comemorating those USAF pilots who "accidentaly" dropped a bomb on those Canadian soldiers. If u can call them that.

Alright, that was totally uncalled for. Hope someone kills some of your family and we'll celebrate that. :mad:

Want to have a competition of which country has the most yahoo idiots? Considering California has a bigger population than Canada, I think the US beats in shear numbers of looney bin candidates living on the left coast.

Canada, like the US is a free country. People can celebrate and build statues for whatever they want. Doesn't mean CANADA is organising it.

But even then, it's not commemorating the the draft dodgers, it's commemorating the welcoming of them by the town.

Considering Vietnam was such a SNAFU, can't say I'm not the side of the dodgers. Hell, the current American president and vice-president were all for avoiding duty by all means possible.

Now a statue of the Air National Guard welcoming scared rich American kids. There's a project. :clap:

How about we shut this thread down.

10-01-2004, 05:01 PM
Ouch, not nice. Funny, but not nice!!! :cuss:

well what if you were a soldier who went to Vietnam in the place of a draft-dodger that went to Canada.

Maybe it was a little harsh...

10-01-2004, 05:01 PM
The statue and 2-day festival serve no other purpose than to spite the US. Honestly, did these draft-dodgers do any special for this Canadian city? Did they get together and start a food bank while they were there? A volunteer fire department? I doubt it.

Good Job Canada. But its not like i didnt hate Canada already. This is just fuel for the fire.
Im going to build a statue comemorating those USAF pilots who "accidentaly" dropped a bomb on those Canadian soldiers. If u can call them that.

Harsh dude, harsh.

Canadians in general are very honest, good people. You can't comdemn a nation for what our leaders do, and that applies to the US as well; still does not change the fact I do not like Americans, in general. Most of the American members of AO do not get on my nerves, but almost every American I've met made me want to punch myself in the groin.

The USAF comment is disgusting, thanks for confirming my doubts of Western society and its future.

10-01-2004, 05:05 PM
just offer free travel to the opening of the monument

then when all the draft dodgers go, dont let them back in the US. Let them stay with there monument

this is bad on so many levels

10-01-2004, 05:07 PM
well what if you were a soldier who went to Vietnam in the place of a draft-dodger that went to Canada.

Maybe it was a little harsh...

Nothing to do with it. Only the scummiest pieces of filth would consider celebrating the death of any innocent human being.

Your example is all the more heiinous because you suggest that some dumb :cuss: trigger happy moron who can't follow orders and caused the death of good soldiers should be glorified. :cuss:

If you were a soldier that went to Vietnam in the place of a draft dodger, IMO, you should have the following reactions: Pride in your own service (if it was honourable), and pride that you live a country so democratic and accepting that the dodgers were pardoned.

10-01-2004, 05:08 PM
Harsh dude, harsh.

Canadians in general are very honest, good people. You can't comdemn a nation for what our leaders do, and that applies to the US as well; still does not change the fact I do not like Americans, in general. Most of the American members of AO do not get on my nerves, but almost every American I've met made me want to punch myself in the groin.

The USAF comment is disgusting, thanks for confirming my doubts of American society and its future.

Wow, so we are "good" Americans? You started off fine, but the commentary about not liking Americans is not needed. You want to start a cross-border argument, Im all for it.

10-01-2004, 05:09 PM
By American society, I suppose I should have said 'Western', as I experience the same feelings about the way things are up here too. Sorry for the mis-communication :argh: .

10-01-2004, 05:11 PM
Wow, so we are "good" Americans? You started off fine, but the commentary about not liking Americans is not needed. You want to start a cross-border argument, Im all for it.

Honestly. A thread is started that lumps Canadians into one bunch and then belittles the death of soldiers and proclaims hatred of us, and Canadians have to play nice with you? :cuss:

10-01-2004, 05:11 PM
If you want to punch yourself in the groin everytime you meet someone from "Western" society, Im guessing that makes for long and paintful days. Since you changed it from "American" to "Western" its certainly less inflamitory. *EDITED because I phrased something poorly.*

10-01-2004, 05:13 PM
I grew up 45 minutes away from Nelson, BC, and my sister went to school there. It is far from representative of the rest of the country. If you visit any of its surrounding towns, you'll see everyone is pretty normal and respectful (and probably to your liking, Conservative). But if you go to Nelson (the population is around 10,000 or so, I think. All towns in that part of BC are small), you'll find a ton of hippies on the streets, homeless in the allies, and drugs everywhere.

It's a small town with big city problems, minus the things that make small towns great. None of the surrounding towns have homeless, yet Nelson does. None of the surrounding towns have that much drugs, or gay pride festivals as Nelson does. If you go to any surrounding town with long unwashed hair, and baggy hemp clothing you'll get stared at - but in Nelson you'll fit right in. The main street is filled with unemployed hippies and coffee shops. I've stood at a crosswalk in Nelson at one time, and had someone come and ask me if I wanted to buy pot. You don't find that anywhere else.

Nelson attracts very strange people from all over North America (and if any draft dodgers came to the area, they'd be heading to Nelson). It's a small island of weirdness in beautiful southeast BC. Don't judge Canada on what Nelson does. The place is made fun of by everyone else in the Kootenays.

10-01-2004, 05:14 PM
Honestly. A thread is started that lumps Canadians into one bunch and then belittles the death of soldiers and proclaims hatred of us, and Canadians have to play nice with you? :cuss:

One guy started the thread, so that gives you a free pass to ridicule all Americans? Go to www.websters.com and look up "hypocrite."

10-01-2004, 05:14 PM
If you want to punch yourself in the groin everytime you meet someone from "Western" society, Im guessing that makes for long and paintful days. Since you changed it from "American" to "Western" its certainly less inflamitory, but believe me when I say that, in general, Western society>Eastern society.

..Eye of the beholder, buddy. In my opinion we could learn a thing or 2 from Euro's. And Asia (Modernized Asia, or Westernized Asia). While they may be the bastard child of a thousand year old culture and a newer, less 'classy' culture, something about it works. What I do know, is that our culture has some serious flaws.

10-01-2004, 05:14 PM
I'm guessing Nelson is the Canadian equivilant of the People's Republic of Berkeley in California.

10-01-2004, 05:15 PM
Canadians in general are very honest, good people.

And so are MOST Americans. AO has it's mix of both good and bad.

10-01-2004, 05:15 PM
..Eye of the beholder, buddy. In my opinion we could learn a thing or 2 from Euro's. And Asia (Modernized Asia, or Westernized Asia). While they may be the bastard child of a thousand year old culture and a newer, less 'classy' culture, something about it works. What I do know, is that our culture has some serious flaws.

Europeans are western society. *Again edited due to poor phrasing on my part*

10-01-2004, 05:16 PM
Nothing to do with it. Only the scummiest pieces of filth would consider celebrating the death of any innocent human being.

Your example is all the more heiinous because you suggest that some dumb :cuss: trigger happy moron who can't follow orders and caused the death of good soldiers should be glorified. :cuss:

If you were a soldier that went to Vietnam in the place of a draft dodger, IMO, you should have the following reactions: Pride in your own service (if it was honourable), and pride that you live a country so democratic and accepting that the dodgers were pardoned.

mm i think it has everyting to do with it. How many of those soldiers didnt come home because of draft-dodgers. And your hypocritial nature shows through calling those pilots "trigger happy morons who can't follow orders and caused the death of good soldiers".
I didnt know you were at the scene when it happened? Thats interesting, why dont you give us a rundown, seeing as how you were there and know exactly how it went down.

10-01-2004, 05:18 PM
One guy started the thread, so that gives you a free pass to ridicule all Americans? Go to www.websters.com and look up "hypocrite."

Go to Webster's and look up "Dense".

Where did I ridicule all Americans?

10-01-2004, 05:25 PM
believe me when I say that, in general, Western society>Eastern society.

That's the most ethnocentric crap I've read all day

10-01-2004, 05:26 PM
mm i think it has everyting to do with it. How many of those soldiers didnt come home because of draft-dodgers. And your hypocritial nature shows through calling those pilots "trigger happy morons who can't follow orders and caused the death of good soldiers".
I didnt know you were at the scene when it happened? Thats interesting, why dont you give us a rundown, seeing as how you were there and know exactly how it went down.

And some soldiers may not have come home because G.W. was doing his finest cruising around doing as little as possible. Hope you're out campaigning against him.

Some people may have been sent to Vietnam because of the draft dodgers, sure. But anyone that complains about that is as bad as the dodgers. They wish someelse had gone in their place.

Did you not read or see any of the reports of the trial/inquiry and jerk-off attitude of that pilot? He was ordered out of the area by the AWACS. The rules of engagement told him to get out of there. But, he wanted to blow something up. Pilots usually get given their nickname for a reason. That pilot certainly lived up to his.

And calling the pilots of one plane jerks makes me a hypocrite? Are you some sort of mental midget who thinks insulting specific people or things is an insult against 250 odd million Americans? :tard:

But then again it seems to be beyond your capacity to understand that what one small town does in Canada doesn't necessarily reflect the ideas and standards of the entire country.

10-01-2004, 05:34 PM
That's the most ethnocentric crap I've read all day

Wait for it. Rooster hasn't said anything yet. :rofl:

10-01-2004, 05:36 PM
I can see where that could seem ethnocentric, but that was not my intention. I aplogize if it came accross that way.

10-01-2004, 05:39 PM
Go to Webster's and look up "Dense".

Where did I ridicule all Americans?

Honestly. A thread is started that lumps Canadians into one bunch and then belittles the death of soldiers and proclaims hatred of us, and Canadians have to play nice with you?

I had responded to oysterboy saying that he didn't like Americans. You defended that with your above mentioned comment. So, in essense, you were saying it was okay to talk bad about Americans because someone said something bad about Canadians. That seemed hypociritcal to me.

10-01-2004, 06:53 PM
And some soldiers may not have come home because G.W. was doing his finest cruising around doing as little as possible. Hope you're out campaigning against him.

Some people may have been sent to Vietnam because of the draft dodgers, sure. But anyone that complains about that is as bad as the dodgers. They wish someelse had gone in their place.

Did you not read or see any of the reports of the trial/inquiry and jerk-off attitude of that pilot? He was ordered out of the area by the AWACS. The rules of engagement told him to get out of there. But, he wanted to blow something up. Pilots usually get given their nickname for a reason. That pilot certainly lived up to his.

And calling the pilots of one plane jerks makes me a hypocrite? Are you some sort of mental midget who thinks insulting specific people or things is an insult against 250 odd million Americans? :tard:

But then again it seems to be beyond your capacity to understand that what one small town does in Canada doesn't necessarily reflect the ideas and standards of the entire country.

GWB was in the Texas Air National Guard. He very well couldve been called up to duty. And i dont remember where flying jets around wasnt a dangerous thing. I have friends in the National Guard and the Reserves and i consider them no less heroic just because they havent been shot at.

And no, soldiers complaining is not as bad as draft dodgers. Noone wants to go to war but these guys were called and went. Now they have someone celebrating those cowards.

I admitted my earlier comment was too harsh and thats all i have to say about that.

10-01-2004, 06:56 PM
Want to have a competition of which country has the most yahoo idiots? Considering California has a bigger population than Canada, I think the US beats in shear numbers of looney bin candidates living on the left coast.

Canada, like the US is a free country. People can celebrate and build statues for whatever they want. Doesn't mean CANADA is organising it.

Percentage wise Canada has the most idiots. And CANADA is organizing it, it is your government, not one person.

10-01-2004, 06:58 PM
If you were a soldier that went to Vietnam in the place of a draft dodger, IMO, you should have the following reactions: Pride in your own service (if it was honourable), and pride that you live a country so democratic and accepting that the dodgers were pardoned.

I for one would proud to live in this country if we were understanding enough to pardon everyone in our prisons.

10-01-2004, 08:04 PM
guys stop flaming i think the statue is stupid and im canadian i didnt have a say in it if you wish you can start a patition and send it to the goverment they have to bring it up during the next commfrence and maybe they will do something about it we are all human beings who cares where we live i live across a lake from the USA.

10-01-2004, 08:43 PM
As well meaning as your post was, lunchbox... it really did not help the 'Canadians are not morons' argument :/

10-01-2004, 09:39 PM
I for one would proud to live in this country if we were understanding enough to pardon everyone in our prisons.

Please please please tell me that was a joke.

10-01-2004, 09:41 PM
Honestly. A thread is started that lumps Canadians into one bunch and then belittles the death of soldiers and proclaims hatred of us, and Canadians have to play nice with you? :cuss:

Hold on there! I started this thread as a goof! Hence the use of smilies!

To use the words of FactsOfLife;"Simmah Down Now!!!!"

Taylor turned it harsh!

10-01-2004, 09:42 PM
guys stop flaming i think the statue is stupid and im canadian i didnt have a say in it if you wish you can start a patition and send it to the goverment they have to bring it up during the next commfrence and maybe they will do something about it we are all human beings who cares where we live i live across a lake from the USA.

What Oysterboy said! ;)

10-01-2004, 09:58 PM
Want to have a competition of which country has the most yahoo idiots? Considering California has a bigger population than Canada, I think the US beats in shear numbers of looney bin candidates living on the left coast.

per capita? you win.

10-01-2004, 10:14 PM
This post makes me sad. really it does. I hope I never have to serve with some of you.
As for draft-dodgers I have no care for them. If you are too selfish to think others before yourself then you are nothing to me. I have had family that participated in every American war since WWII. Guam was one of the battle grounds in WWII look at the movie Codetalkers(NS of the title). And Guam has the highest per captia of casualties in Vietnam. I have had family fight in the Korean war, Panama, Kuwait, Iraq, Somalia, Iraq again, and the Horn of Africa. When I graduate from college and join the military I will be proud to fight. And I will not ake anything from anyone who is too scared to fight with me.

10-01-2004, 11:24 PM
some of the posts in this thread were very childish. im only sixteen, i was born i canada but ive been in the U.S. for 6 years now all my friends are american and i love it here. but that comment about the american pilot bombing the canadian soldiers was uncalled for my uncle serves in that unit and he has nothing against americans but he is just a litlle sad about the loss of his friends. that was uncalled for.

canadian people are practically identical to american people maybe they talk different and some were brought up different but they think the same things about this war. ive talked to dozens of people from both sides of the border and the two countries should be one by the way the people talk about international politics.

and the town that is doing this monument is like a hippy colony they have them here in the states too we just never hear about them or the stuff they do.

10-01-2004, 11:51 PM
Now they have someone celebrating those cowards.

i think the statue was made to commemerate that we have a free country. its not glorifying draft dodgers, its celebrating that all of our citizens, immigrant or born citizen, have equal opportunities. the point is: we dont shut people out (unless they are trying to illegally immigrate), we're a free country.

10-02-2004, 12:00 AM
but that comment about the american pilot bombing the canadian soldiers was uncalled for my uncle serves in that unit and he has nothing against americans but he is just a litlle sad about the loss of his friends. that was uncalled for.

i whole heartedly agree. that was an awful, awful comment. i dont remember who posted that, but whoever it was: you are an awful person. please dont ever say anything remotely like that again.

10-02-2004, 07:04 AM
Please please please tell me that was a joke.

I thought that went without saying.

10-02-2004, 09:04 AM
i apoligize for not useing punctuation and grammer i typed it fast and didnt think of that

10-02-2004, 02:24 PM
Dude, you guys need to remember how good Canada did in WW2. They sent troops in, and BOTH of them survived.

lol it's a joke...

10-02-2004, 02:47 PM
ya but this is why canada RULES

grumpys bar on bishop street in montreal

10-02-2004, 03:07 PM

Creative Mayhem
10-02-2004, 07:05 PM
Hey guys, I have no desire to get involved in the petty bickering and accusation throwing. I would just like to point out that all theese comments have gotten out of hand and do not deal with the topic at hand.

Personally I think there are TONS of IDIOTS on BOTH sides of the border, heck most of them work at the border(Damn customs agents, gimmie my stuff!:D) To say that one nationality is better/worse than the other, is childish at best.

10-02-2004, 10:13 PM
No one knows how to laugh anymore! :cry:

This was supposed to be a funny thread. :(

Creative Mayhem
10-03-2004, 10:58 AM
No one knows how to laugh anymore! :cry:

This was supposed to be a funny thread. :(

I was laughing quite hard, then that laughter turned to a disgusted sigh when reading the childish stupidity that followed the first post.

I wasn't talking about you 1DE, more the immigrants from PBN that seem to rear their heads around here.

10-03-2004, 11:01 AM
I was laughing quite hard, then that laughter turned to a disgusted sigh when reading the childish stupidity that followed the first post.

I wasn't talking about you 1DE, more the immigrants from PBN that seem to rear their heads around here.


10-04-2004, 04:47 PM
Wow, so we are "good" Americans? You started off fine, but the commentary about not liking Americans is not needed. You want to start a cross-border argument, Im all for it.
im with you, man those canucks can screw themselves if they are commemorating people who dodged on their service, america can provide for them, but they cant protect america?

*edit* flame on! *edit*

10-04-2004, 05:46 PM
They cancelled the monument!

Link! (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,134304,00.html)

10-04-2004, 06:01 PM
As for the organizer of the festival and monument, he's an American who moved to Nelson. He refused to be interviewed by FOX News. He is said to still have plans for the two-day festival honoring draft dodgers on a private farm outside the city.

self comemorating indulgent idiot!!! Good, canada you can have him, we don't want him back.

10-04-2004, 06:04 PM
they cancelled it, and defcon 2 drops back down to defcon 4 (most people dont know that the defcon system rises as danger drops) canadians are now okay again in my book

10-05-2004, 01:18 PM
They cancelled the monument!

Link! (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,134304,00.html)

Thank God! I read about that last week, and was at dismayed and embarrassed. I know a lot of bright folks on both sides of the border, but Canada sure has the dumbest politicians. :rolleyes:

Here's a little known factoid:

5,000 Canadians went South to join the US military and serve in Vietnam.

...who's making a statue for those guys?

10-05-2004, 02:42 PM
Thank God! I read about that last week, and was at dismayed and embarrassed. I know a lot of bright folks on both sides of the border, but Canada sure has the dumbest politicians. :rolleyes:

Here's a little known factoid:

5,000 Canadians went South to join the US military and serve in Vietnam.

...who's making a statue for those guys?


Eric Cartman
10-05-2004, 05:57 PM
Thank God! I read about that last week, and was at dismayed and embarrassed. I know a lot of bright folks on both sides of the border, but Canada sure has the dumbest politicians. :rolleyes:

Here's a little known factoid:

5,000 Canadians went South to join the US military and serve in Vietnam.

...who's making a statue for those guys?

Yeah. My father is one of those men. That's why some of the posts in this thread pissed me off so much. A couple of a$$hats trying to do something incredibly stupid is no reason to trash an entire country. The idea of the monument was ridiculous and offensive. I never thought it would actually get off the ground (and thank goodness it hasn't!).

The Canadian Vietnam Veterans of Toronto have been trying to get a monument for the Canadian vets for quite some time. I'm not gonna hold my breath for that to happen though.

Don't worry 1DE, I think most of us know your post was in jest. Too bad some pylons have to cross the line between comedy and ignorance.

10-05-2004, 11:18 PM
Yeah. My father is one of those men. That's why some of the posts in this thread pissed me off so much. A couple of a$$hats trying to do something incredibly stupid is no reason to trash an entire country. The idea of the monument was ridiculous and offensive. I never thought it would actually get off the ground (and thank goodness it hasn't!).

The Canadian Vietnam Veterans of Toronto have been trying to get a monument for the Canadian vets for quite some time. I'm not gonna hold my breath for that to happen though.

Don't worry 1DE, I think most of us know your post was in jest. Too bad some pylons have to cross the line between comedy and ignorance.

You should be proud of your Dad, Cartman. He put his life on the line for something he believed in, and there are not many people will do that, especially not if they have a choice.

Our government sent 25,000 men to Korea, but took 50 years to honour them with a monument in Ottawa. Even then, it was merely a carbon-copy of a statue erected by a grateful Korean people. :rolleyes:

It's been a long time since I was proud of anything done by our government. In one of his WW2 books, Farley Mowat quotes one of his comrades as saying "Canada is a great country, but infortunately it's inhabited mostly by greedy sh**heels".

10-06-2004, 10:03 AM
get the veterans group in canada to apeal to the US. we love our vets, im sure they could easly raise funds

10-06-2004, 11:52 AM
While I think they are organised, the Canadian Vietnam Veterans are scattered across a pretty big country, and they get no offical recognition or support from our government, or the Royal Canadian Legion.

Don't give up hope on a monument, Cartman. The Korean war vets made their own, long before Ottawa did anything. Theirs is nicer, too.

Eric Cartman
10-06-2004, 02:55 PM
get the veterans group in canada to apeal to the US. we love our vets, im sure they could easly raise funds

While I appreciate the idea, that's not really the point. They shouldn't have to go to the US govt. Any funds should come from our own govt.

While I think they are organised, the Canadian Vietnam Veterans are scattered across a pretty big country, and they get no offical recognition or support from our government, or the Royal Canadian Legion.

Don't give up hope on a monument, Cartman. The Korean war vets made their own, long before Ottawa did anything. Theirs is nicer, too.

The monument or lack thereof will change nothing really. The poeple who went and fought there know why they went and what they did and that can't be taken away from them.
The fact is that war is not politically correct and I live in a country whose politicians are obsessed with everything that is politically correct. Our military is frequently derided (especially by Americans), but the problem isn't with our soldiers who have proved themselves in many conflicts, the problem is with their leadership. Soldiers don't run the military, politicians do. Ask anyone who has ever served and they'll tell you that if there is a problem, once you get to the source of it you always find that the rot starts at the top. My country's leaders will always ensure that our soldiers have insufficient funding and equipment and will therefore be largely ineffective. It's sad, but I don't ever see it changing.

As far as respecting them for their sacrifices and recognizing what they've done goes - that'll cost money that could be spent on fringe theater groups etc. so it'll never happen.

10-06-2004, 03:39 PM
As far as respecting them for their sacrifices and recognizing what they've done goes - that'll cost money that could be spent on fringe theater groups etc. so it'll never happen.

Bwahahahaha. :rofl:

10-07-2004, 07:24 PM
All of the draft dogers sould have been deported form the USA and Canada, also a freedom loving country. They should have been sent to a place like Cambodia or North Vietnam just to show them why we fight the good fight.

Things like momorials to cowards or the welcome of cowards should not be celebrated.

Vietnam was a SNAFU because the left undermined our resolve to fight. (John Kerry meeting with North Vietnamise Genrals in Paris while troops wher still on the ground fighting. Jane Fonda touring Russian built Missle sites around Hanoi, etc.)

Statues of draft dogers undermine our resolve to fight in the current conflict that we did not choose to start. Thats why we are so pissed, We are also pissed that you can't seem to realize this.


10-08-2004, 09:42 AM
Don't be angry at all Canadians. Be angry with one small-town mayor from the Left Coast. Even then, the idiot wised up and canceled it.

10-08-2004, 06:04 PM
Left Coast
How does this term apply to Canada?


10-08-2004, 09:42 PM
The NDP has traditionally been strong in BC. There was a conservative tide this past election, but old prejudices die hard, eh. Eg., I'm from Atlantic Canada, and thus i am an illiterate drunken fisherman, drawing Unemployment Insurance. ;)