View Full Version : Instead of agg...

10-02-2004, 12:13 AM
im gonna start saying EGG....

All the "cool" things the words agg means, if there is any, and none of the bad things agg means and there is a lot.

Cause in the end, im all up in yo face! This will never catch on. but it is my inside joke, yours too if you want it!

Now time for excessive use of smilies.
:) :( ;) :p :rolleyes: :confused:

10-02-2004, 12:23 AM
How about, instead of making up new "words", we use english to convey our thoughts? I feel the use of a word that is slang for another word used as slang to all around convey they thought "nice". Why not say, that is gorgeous marker? Why say your gat is so agg? Why? Do people enjoy sounding intellectually inept? :rolleyes: Is it not the same kids that post "shut up you failure", and flame people for little reason? What went wrong??? Am I the only sane person left, or must everyone make up words and throw dirt to get themselves through the day?

Besides, EGG conflicts with "the egg".

:shooting: agg
:shooting: gat

Down with the idioms!

10-02-2004, 12:32 AM
WOW,i think you're on to something professor! lets just get rid of acronyms and general colloquailism while we're at it too. Next, we'll start confiscating library cards and the eventually burning books. AWSOME!!!!

Seriously though. We cant get rid of the "cool" as a slang...that would be sacraligious. FO shizzle dizzle!

10-02-2004, 12:50 AM
I guess, what bothers me the most, the attitude that generally goes with the people using these words. Half of them don't even know what the hell they mean. I was surprised with some of the posts on my thread. I am about to delete it. Obviously these once precious forums are corupt. I would just like an answer... o well.

10-02-2004, 12:55 AM
AGG = Aggro, agressive. ect. Dynasty would use it as part of their colloquial dialogue. I know folks from so cal area, surfers mostly, that say agg or aggro.

now it has been boiled down to "a look" in the paintball community, ie tourney ballers. But generaly it means mad cool.

10-02-2004, 01:02 AM
That I kind of figured... we used it in EQ (for those that know what I am talking about..) to let people in the area/group know the "npc" has gone aggressive on you. Commonly used to let people know you have a "pull", or claims on an npc. If you have any idea what I am talking about... if not I would be happy to entertain, however thats not the topic.

Where did gat come from?

10-02-2004, 01:26 AM
gat=gun, firearm.

in reference to firearms have been around probably before ww2.

10-02-2004, 01:34 AM
how many people actually say "agg" and "gat" in real life. if you do.... get some friends

10-02-2004, 01:43 AM

Like I said, me and my agg gear and gat mow muppets all day long

10-02-2004, 01:48 AM
I know what gat means. However, who the hell came up with that? It seems fairly new.

Edit: that pic owns. :rofl: :rofl:

10-02-2004, 02:56 AM
I guess, what bothers me the most, the attitude that generally goes with the people using these words. Half of them don't even know what the hell they mean. I was surprised with some of the posts on my thread. I am about to delete it. Obviously these once precious forums are corupt. I would just like an answer... o well.
And the slang becomes more and more grotesque and childish in its extemity. Evlution becomes "egg" becomes "eggy." Revolution becomes "revy." Intimidator becomes "timmy." Even Orracle becomes "orry."

It reminds me of romper room.

10-02-2004, 03:16 AM
And the slang becomes more and more grotesque and childish in its extemity. Evlution becomes "egg" becomes "eggy." Revolution becomes "revy." Intimidator becomes "timmy." Even Orracle becomes "orry."

It reminds me of romper room.

I use timmy and revvy =/ . O well. It is a lazy thing. :rolleyes: only one I have ever said aloud was timmy.

10-02-2004, 02:43 PM
Small Talk?

10-02-2004, 02:48 PM
WOW,i think you're on to something professor! lets just get rid of acronyms and general colloquailism while we're at it too. Next, we'll start confiscating library cards and the eventually burning books. AWSOME!!!!
I like your thinking...

10-02-2004, 06:22 PM
that pic.... is completely awesome. you're my hero of the week.

10-02-2004, 06:30 PM
That I kind of figured... we used it in EQ (for those that know what I am talking about..) to let people in the area/group know the "npc" has gone aggressive on you. Commonly used to let people know you have a "pull", or claims on an npc. If you have any idea what I am talking about... if not I would be happy to entertain, however thats not the topic.

Where did gat come from?
I think I'm gunna have to get back into EQ, that was an awesome game. I'm almost positive that gat comes from gatling gun.

10-02-2004, 06:36 PM
We need a smack yourself ni the forehead smillie. Can't believe I didn't think of gatlin gun...
Makes sense.

EQ owned. It isn't what it used to be. How far did you play? Verant had the vision, sony crapped all over it.

10-02-2004, 06:44 PM
I played from I think it was 99 till 02. I hear EQ2 is coming out, have you heard anything about that?

10-02-2004, 06:52 PM
Yeah, it looks alright. But I have a feeling it is going to suck. I play from like 2000-20002. When I left I had a 65 Ranger with I think it was 205 AA points... Anyway, the game was awesome up to around Luclin. For me that is where it fell apart. I loved Velious. ToV.. ahh the memories. My guild let me pull once in ToVN. Think we had 15, 30 maybe drakes and atleast 4 named mobs. I fell on the floor laughing, was slaughterfest... for them.

10-02-2004, 06:57 PM
Man, that brings back some good memories. I think I might go pick it up at Wal Mart or something just to see if I can get back into like I used to be. The last character I had was a lvl 62 Dark Elf Necromancer, I had a lot of other characters before that, but that one was my favorite one and the last one I played.

10-02-2004, 08:06 PM
What server did you play? Ever go to ToV and raid north? That is some of my best memories. Velks, me and my Ench would own frenzy all day. Used to really piss people off. Velk was pretty fun as well. I hated 90% of the luclin raids. I don't know if you were around when that was out. I loved all the old school zones. I would camp the boot guy (can't remeber his name) in that one zone on norrath... It's been so long I am starting to forget names :tard: . That sucks.

The original game was all about fun and mystery and adventure. The game Sony turned it into was all about camping and 200+ people raids. When I quit it was to the point I could turn on attack and come back 15 min later and it would be half way dead.

I loved the epic quests and all of that. O yeah, and the iceworms on WWs, that was the original level 60 mob you could kite as a Ranger. The silks were a gold mine way back... What was that one dungeon to get to Western Wastes? Sirens? I loved that place too, because everyone was afraid of it - When I was playing the majority of people had no skills and their groups would fall apart under any challengeing dungeon. They knew how to push buttonsv- thats it. OMG and ST! I'm gonna cry... I loved that game. I tried to play it about 5 months ago, but had like 98hrs or downloads to get into it =/. I'm on dial up and couldn't handle that. I remember when BoTS awoke Keryfrem. Good times, good times. :cry: :cry:

THose were some of the best friends I ever had. I never met half of them, but would trust them with keys to my house.

Anyway, what a way to derail this thread :rolleyes:

Sorry, didn't mean to. Caught up in the moment ;)

10-02-2004, 08:51 PM
Man I have forgotten so much about it I honestly can't even remember what server I played on last. I played on a couple and the only one I can remember is Fennin Ro. I am definately going to go buy it with the newest expansions though, to many good memories brought back not to, the urge to play is to great.

10-02-2004, 09:08 PM
im gonna start saying EGG....

All the "cool" things the words agg means, if there is any, and none of the bad things agg means and there is a lot.

Cause in the end, im all up in yo face! This will never catch on. but it is my inside joke, yours too if you want it!

Now time for excessive use of smilies.
:) :( ;) :p :rolleyes: :confused:

WOW, i read that whole thing and I don't know what you mean

10-02-2004, 09:34 PM
I played on the Rathe. I had a lot of friends in BoTS. There were quite a few that lived in the Houston area.

Yeah. I have to resist the lure. Otherwise I will lose my job, lose my family, lose my life. I will be braindead to anything but EQ. It is the worst addiction in the world. Quiting smoking was a thousand times easier for me.

I think what he meant was.... Err. He wants to replace the "A" with an "e" to make it egg. However, I am not 100% positive on this. I was joking last night when I started all of this and some people took it too serious. So I deleted my original thread. No one has come in here and started :mad: yet...


10-02-2004, 09:36 PM
It funny that agg didn't even originate in paintball. It's even funnier when people get pissed off when people say the word agg or gat.

10-02-2004, 10:02 PM
I have to resist the lure. Otherwise I will lose my job, lose my family, lose my life. I will be braindead to anything but EQ. It is the worst addiction in the world. Quiting smoking was a thousand times easier for me.

Yeah. They don't call it Evercrack for no reason. Definately the most addictive thing I've laid hands on(of course I've never done drugs either).

10-04-2004, 12:41 PM
gat=gun, firearm.

in reference to firearms have been around probably before ww2.

Ok, if I understand this correct the term GAT is of course for a gun, firearm.. But what is the most famous of GATS? how about the Gatling Gun!! A rapid firing machine of destruction...

So to say you have a wicked GAT... well you get the idea..

As I understand it LOL

Personally, I don't care for the terms but I am sure my parents felt the same when I was growing up saying AWESOME and RADICAL and BOGUS! God does that date me?? LOL!


PS - That pic is freaking HILARIOUS!!! DEAR GOD! Now I need to have my local field will get one of those!!

10-04-2004, 12:47 PM
Yo, you fools best get to steppin, you ever come around these parts I'll mow you muppets down with my AGG gat.

Who cares what people say, stop complaining. I get annoyed everytime I see a thread like this, if you dont like it, dont do it. Otherwise, shut up.

10-04-2004, 01:20 PM
i agree 100% with curly, these threads are lame and they just happen to pop up every other day.

10-04-2004, 01:31 PM
regaurdless of what any of you newer guys may think in regaurds to this kind of "stuff"...it is rediculous. It really makes paintballers as a whole seem very childish. Is that the picture you want to convey? As someone who has been into paintball for almost 10 years, I really do see many of its older qualities faultering in the hands of the new generation crowd. LOL, I am not even that old and I see it!

The things such as what are being discussed right here are viewed very similarly to to dressing "ghetto". It was cool at the time, But now it has gotten quite old. 99% of the people who used to dress like that back when it was the in thing in middle school now look at those people now and laugh. Perhaps that last 1% hasnt gotten the memo? Using shortened names for things and ghetto/fad langauge is basically the same thing... it has gotten quite old.

Besides, do you guys realize it REALLY does make you sound like you only have half a brain when you speak like that? USE WORDS AS SENTANCES UNDERSTANDABLE AS THE ENGLISH LANGAUGE TO CONVEY YOUR THOUGHTS, you will get further in life.

PS- these threads are only lame to those of you who are guilty as charged. Perhaps you should take heed if these are popping up every day? Being able to express yourself professionally is what classifies people, like it or not. Do you think a Viper owner who came to me would want me working on their $100,000 car if I talked like that? They would dismiss all possibility of me knowing what I was talking about in less than 1 second if I spoke like some people do.

10-05-2004, 12:00 PM
Still Small Talk. You guys suck.

10-05-2004, 02:01 PM
Yallz be jealous of my EGG stylez. Except for Curly, he's cool irl i give way more quarter...

10-05-2004, 02:04 PM
:cuss: We need a "this thread won't die!" smillie.

10-05-2004, 03:13 PM
So are you guys college students or (not)working like me?

Dancing around in the randomness....

BTW Carbon: I really like your sig image

10-05-2004, 03:42 PM
Reporting in as a college student with no tuesday classes. :)

10-05-2004, 03:52 PM
I am more dumb now that I have read this stupid *** thread. If you want to say agg, then say it, if not, then shut the hell up. Thread has now officially ended.

10-05-2004, 05:25 PM

This is not the thread you're looking for.

/it might be now...
//citing yourself for your sig... -50 ecool points

10-05-2004, 05:32 PM
curly is hot

10-05-2004, 06:39 PM
This is not the thread you're looking for.

/it might be now...
//citing yourself for your sig... -50 ecool points hahahaha

howbout a nice warm cup of....


BTW Carbon: I really like your sig image thnx dude!

I am more dumb now that I have read this stupid *** thread. If you want to say agg, then say it, if not, then shut the hell up. Thread has now officially ended. What if you wanna say egg instead? I cant say egg? do i have to shut the hell up or do i have to say Agg?

10-05-2004, 08:32 PM
regaurdless of what any of you newer guys may think in regaurds to this kind of "stuff"...it is rediculous. It really makes paintballers as a whole seem very childish. Is that the picture you want to convey? As someone who has been into paintball for almost 10 years, I really do see many of its older qualities faultering in the hands of the new generation crowd. LOL, I am not even that old and I see it!
The things such as what are being discussed right here are viewed very similarly to to dressing "ghetto". It was cool at the time, But now it has gotten quite old. 99% of the people who used to dress like that back when it was the in thing in middle school now look at those people now and laugh. Perhaps that last 1% hasnt gotten the memo? Using shortened names for things and ghetto/fad langauge is basically the same thing... it has gotten quite old.
Besides, do you guys realize it REALLY does make you sound like you only have half a brain when you speak like that? USE WORDS AS SENTANCES UNDERSTANDABLE AS THE ENGLISH LANGAUGE TO CONVEY YOUR THOUGHTS, you will get further in life.
PS- these threads are only lame to those of you who are guilty as charged. Perhaps you should take heed if these are popping up every day? Being able to express yourself professionally is what classifies people, like it or not. Do you think a Viper owner who came to me would want me working on their $100,000 car if I talked like that? They would dismiss all possibility of me knowing what I was talking about in less than 1 second if I spoke like some people do.

Last time I checked, I'm playing paintball, not fixing a viper. If you get so uptight about something like kids that dress "agg" and all that stuff, you get upset way to easy. Everyone just needs to learn to relax a little and play paintball instead of worrying about what someone else is wearing. Worry about yourself, not what I'm wearing.

10-05-2004, 08:55 PM
regaurdless of what any of you newer guys may think in regaurds to this kind of "stuff"...it is rediculous. It really makes paintballers as a whole seem very childish. Is that the picture you want to convey? As someone who has been into paintball for almost 10 years, I really do see many of its older qualities faultering in the hands of the new generation crowd. LOL, I am not even that old and I see it!Interesting point but, considering of how paintball is marketed (to the yourth demographic) the number of years of one plays is secondary to the intent of current marketing strategy. This goes with everything youth culture, shoes, music even food. I have played for almost 8 years, they dont market to me and it is an acceptable notion. Consider, even "grownups" exhibit childish behavior on the field of play.

The things such as what are being discussed right here are viewed very similarly to to dressing "ghetto". It was cool at the time, But now it has gotten quite old. 99% of the people who used to dress like that back when it was the in thing in middle school now look at those people now and laugh. Perhaps that last 1% hasnt gotten the memo? Using shortened names for things and ghetto/fad langauge is basically the same thing... it has gotten quite old. Dressing ghetto or gansta or whatever is not esoteric to paintball! the hip hop style has been around for more than a decade. Colloquialism will alway be part of the lexicon no matter what culture. Couple this with the youth market and paintball, that "Slang Speak" would naturally manifest itself in paintball.

Besides, do you guys realize it REALLY does make you sound like you only have half a brain when you speak like that? USE WORDS AS SENTANCES UNDERSTANDABLE AS THE ENGLISH LANGAUGE TO CONVEY YOUR THOUGHTS, you will get further in life.
PS- these threads are only lame to those of you who are guilty as charged. Perhaps you should take heed if these are popping up every day? Being able to express yourself professionally is what classifies people, like it or not. Do you think a Viper owner who came to me would want me working on their $100,000 car if I talked like that? They would dismiss all possibility of me knowing what I was talking about in less than 1 second if I spoke like some people do.

this touches on discretion. Of course you wouldnt talk gheto stylez as a proffesional. Tere is a time and place for professional talk and slanguage. Also, you shouldnt assume just because one speaks slanguage, it is the only manner one talks.

10-05-2004, 09:43 PM
Interesting point but, considering of how paintball is marketed (to the yourth demographic) the number of years of one plays is secondary to the intent of current marketing strategy. This goes with everything youth culture, shoes, music even food. I have played for almost 8 years, they dont market to me and it is an acceptable notion. Consider, even "grownups" exhibit childish behavior on the field of play.

Dressing ghetto or gansta or whatever is not esoteric to paintball! the hip hop style has been around for more than a decade. Colloquialism will alway be part of the lexicon no matter what culture. Couple this with the youth market and paintball, that "Slang Speak" would naturally manifest itself in paintball.

this touches on discretion. Of course you wouldnt talk gheto stylez as a proffesional. Tere is a time and place for professional talk and slanguage. Also, you shouldnt assume just because one speaks slanguage, it is the only manner one talks.

you are smarter then you first appear :p . Anyway, guys, this whole thing was a joke. A joke from the anti-idioms stand point. A joke, don't take it so seriously. I don't get all offended when I hear some kid say agg, or is being a dye whore. I could care less. It was a joke with an intentional remark to get interesting answers to a question. Some of you misunderstood our entire point.... Be agg. Say gat. Just don't adopt the general attitude that I see a lot of people have now...

To change the subject... I am thinking about some pb paints. The dye core c4 pants look like some of the best. Any input? They have built in knee pads, look like they won't wear out easily. Expensive is the big downfall. Get what you pay for I guess...

10-05-2004, 11:28 PM
All votes have been counted. Curly has been voted the most AGG player of the thread!!!!!

10-05-2004, 11:53 PM
Huh? Where is the 42 pods? And the little beenie thingy with the tails..? Comon.... atleast try. I give you mad props on being able to color co-ordinate the hopper and jersey... You also need a little bubble thought... "time to mow some muppets time to mow some muppets... mowing muppets.."

AGG, but could be agger.


10-06-2004, 12:56 AM
Well that is a 13 pod pack and I represent california with my headband, everyone knows california is the aggest place in the country.

10-06-2004, 01:09 AM
i back up Curly ... he is pretty damn AGG ...

but there was a time when even he was a dye whore :eek:
but all norcal players are pretty much born Agg.

oh yea im also representing the College Student who is sick and bored at work. :(

10-06-2004, 02:05 AM
Wait... I thot being a dye whore and agg goes hand in hand? Since agg, essentially is cool, and it is cool to wear all dye gear? Or did I miss some memo on all of this?

There are no pods in the pack =/ err, well I guess they were used in assisting in being AGG on the field.. ;)

Hmm, so I would assume, all So-cal player are born unAGG? Or can they never become AGG? Is aggness something that comes natural, like arrogance? Or must it be obtained? Can people other then those in norcal obtain this "aggness"? Or are the rest of us SOL? All re :tard: questions that need answers....

10-06-2004, 02:35 AM
Note : all comments are to be taken lightly in a joking fashion.

Nope Dye Gear does not go hand in hand with AGG, it maybe cool, but defently not Agg. Unless it ReALLY old Dye gear like pre 2002 jerseys, then it can be agg, but not ultragg. Thats the way things are, i cannot explain for i am just a mere mortal.

old gear is generally agg as long as the gun is FAST VERY Fast and non mechanical , though a slider cocker can also be agg. Revy is plus agg points . For example, a 2001 LCD with some form of Ace and board with debounce feature is defently agg.

Camo is ultimate agg. though it has to be in a controlled fashion, like in the sandana , or the gun anno , or your jersey top, preferably should be realtree.

he has no pods because if you have ever seen jeremy play you know how fast the little jew ;) goes thru them....very agg.

Socal can be agg, but they have to work harder for it.
but norcal has its disavantages its hard to stand out because everyone else is agg, that inturn makes people try to come up with their own silly names like EGG .... :nono:

...ok im done.
just kidding around.
please no one take this seriously.
im sick tired and i just got back from work

10-06-2004, 02:56 AM
Note : all comments are to be taken lightly in a joking fashion.

Nope Dye Gear does not go hand in hand with AGG, it maybe cool, but defently not Agg. Unless it ReALLY old Dye gear like pre 2002 jerseys, then it can be agg, but not ultragg. Thats the way things are, i cannot explain for i am just a mere mortal.

old gear is generally agg as long as the gun is FAST VERY Fast and non mechanical , though a slider cocker can also be agg. Revy is plus agg points . For example, a 2001 LCD with some form of Ace and board with debounce feature is defently agg.

Camo is ultimate agg. though it has to be in a controlled fashion, like in the sandana , or the gun anno , or your jersey top, preferably should be realtree.

he has no pods because if you have ever seen jeremy play you know how fast the little jew ;) goes thru them....very agg.

Socal can be agg, but they have to work harder for it.
but norcal has its disavantages its hard to stand out because everyone else is agg, that inturn makes people try to come up with their own silly names like EGG .... :nono:

...ok im done.
just kidding around.
please no one take this seriously.
im sick tired and i just got back from work

I have some camo BDUs, am I agg? I also use a revvy on my FSP Stormtrooper viking and a Halo b on my Oldschool RT. Would this qualify as agg? I want some core c4 dye pants, but it this discredits my agg factor, I may have to reconsider.

Also, my gear bag is camo. Is that agg? Is my RT agg? It leaks a little and has some wear marks, but it will still outshoot your timmy. Not legally, but who is legal now days?

So, waisting paint is agg? We need a "rate my aggness" quiz thing...

10-06-2004, 01:25 PM
How about, instead of making up new "words", we use english to convey our thoughts?

slang isn't all that bad...but this slang sounds too gangsta wanna-be for my liking, even if it may have originated from surfers

10-06-2004, 04:00 PM
From the pics I've seen of "agg" people, they wear Empire pants a lot. I wear Empire pants a lot, however, I'm not agg. Mostly I'm not agg because I hate pink and rasta annos, I use a Halo instead of a revvy and I don't like HK. Oh yeah, I also don't like wearing 20 headbands/sandanas so that also disqualifies me from being agg.

10-06-2004, 06:58 PM
i admire your honesty

10-06-2004, 09:19 PM
The new AA: Agg Anonymous.

10-07-2004, 12:43 PM
I have some camo BDUs, am I agg? I also use a revvy on my FSP Stormtrooper viking and a Halo b on my Oldschool RT. Would this qualify as agg? I want some core c4 dye pants, but it this discredits my agg factor, I may have to reconsider.

Also, my gear bag is camo. Is that agg? Is my RT agg? It leaks a little and has some wear marks, but it will still outshoot your timmy. Not legally, but who is legal now days?

So, waisting paint is agg? We need a "rate my aggness" quiz thing...

Couple of teammates were playing around at setup. Hows this?
Look closely at the marker...

10-07-2004, 05:13 PM
curly is agg like it's his damn job.

10-07-2004, 10:52 PM
i will include an example of his aggness
see his fearless stance ....and the old skool jt strap.
an example of what is not agg is me, i am also burning off the break along with him.

well known members in that pic are
Skirts ( AGD jersey)
Curly (need i point him out ?)
Me ( looking good)
Mrmag ( with an agg camo sandana on)