View Full Version : AGD Warp <-> Pro-team Warp

10-02-2004, 02:16 AM
Hey I currently have a Warp for my cocker and am not sure if it's Pro Team or AGD (doesn't matter anways) and I got it off of EBay so that doesn't help... But who ever had it last did a horrible job with the customs...

Broke the body in 5 places... and screwed up the internals big time... I was wondering if there's a huge difference between the AGD Warp and the ProTeam Warp because I'm looking at ordering a whole new warp and the AGD one is so much cheaper...

So far I've only noticed a difference in the brackets and feed tube adaptors... hopefully I can get the new Warp from AGD to save myself a couple bucks from Pro-Team...

(Just an idea on how he screwed up the internals badly... it doesn't cycle at all by it's own [vibration sensor doesn't work at all] and I have to have one Full 9volt and one completely empty 9volt in it inorder for it to work properly, 2 Fully charged 9volts just makes it continously cycle and only stop when the Hopper Cycles [I have the Warp 'external sensor' tied onto an Empire Re:Loader motor... so everytime the Re: cycles then the Warp does as well])...

Plus it's a clear body... I'm trying to stick with a Blue Theme for my Cocker... if anythign I might just get a new body for the Warp and tie in the 'External Sensor' into the EBlade if I could...

Please let me know...

10-02-2004, 02:36 AM
You might be able to fix the warp innards, if you want. Make sure all the jumpers are where you want them. You might have it set to reverse polarity input signal than it's getting. With the body you can dye it with Rit dye, but DON'T HEAT THE WATER!!! I screwed up a body like that once. But anyway I'm pretty sure the only difference in the AGD and Pro-Team one is adapters to make sure that the warp will fit on taller guns with different feed tube locations.

10-02-2004, 09:57 AM
yes ebfore you assume its broke check the junmpers and the sensor they migthve just had it setup funky theres a warp manual online and yes theyr the same thing

10-02-2004, 05:53 PM
nice, thanks guys...

10-02-2004, 10:25 PM
Send it to havoc online.. he can probably fix it up for you and do the 12volt or on/off switch mod for you.

10-03-2004, 11:44 AM
it has both the 12volt and on/off... which is the problem the guy that did then is horrible at it and screwed up the sensor...

Ah well... I threw in two new batteries and it's not continously cycling now... so it's fixed for now... And then I went and took everything apart so I can dye the shells... so if having every single piece of a warp in an old yogurt container is considdered fixed, then mine's just jim dandy...

10-03-2004, 11:47 AM
but yes, other than the brackets to connect the warp to the feedneck, the AGD warp and the PTP warps are for practical purposes identical. The parts internally are also internchangeable in most all isntances.

10-04-2004, 01:11 AM
gah, I left the shells in the dye a little too long and it's now purple...
It was a nice blue, then left it in an extra 10 minutes to get it a darker blue, then it turned out purple... so I decided to leave it in the dye for about an hour and it's now just really dark purple... as you can tell...

Ah well... I guess I'll be living with this until I'm finished buying my E2/Nexxus/Re:B upgrade then it's either a whole new warp or new shells for me...