View Full Version : Criminal on the recieving end of my friends' marker!

10-02-2004, 10:12 PM
So i was talking on the phone with my friend tonight, and all of a sudden he tells me that his cousin's car is being stolen. He puts down the phone, i hear him gas up his marker and he leaves the room, presumably going outside to his drivway where someone was "going through his cousin's car"
After a while he comes back and says that between himself and his cousin they hit him more than 20 times as he was running down the street. The cops are now looking for a "yellow burgler" They had the velocity way past 300 too :eek:

What do you guys think of this? Has this ever happened to anyone?

10-02-2004, 10:25 PM
lol I have kinda mixed emotions about this..

good- that guy deserved it... dont rob a person with a paintball gun...
bad- risky to use ur paintball gun like that but he had it coming..

good story tho ;) ,
coray :ninja:

10-02-2004, 10:40 PM
Sounds cool, onlyy prob is if they find a cut with messed up eyes paintball won't look so cool :(

10-02-2004, 10:55 PM
That guy had it coming, I would have done the same thing except kept shooting.. 20 hits is nothing, come on, they could have done alot better than that :nono:

10-02-2004, 11:26 PM
That guy had it coming, I would have done the same thing except kept shooting.. 20 hits is nothing, come on, they could have done alot better than that :nono:

lol thats what i told them.
I mean if they were acctually going to shoot him they might as well have let him have it. I personally would not have gone that far. Although technically i think they could have legally crippled him, i dont think that that was a good idea. Anyway the punk could have pulled a gun on them.

10-02-2004, 11:54 PM
There was actually a guy who posted a similar story about a year ago. For the longest time, he was made fun of by his friends cause he couldn't hit the side of a barn if his life depended on it. But one time, he was at some cafe or something and the place was held up. After the robbers left, he ran outside and pulled out his paintball gun and fired a few shots onto the getaway car. When the cops came, he told them about the mark he'd put and what direction they went. After some searching, the car was spotted driving around with the mark still dripping off the rear bumper. They got pulled over and arrested!

10-03-2004, 12:08 AM
That guy got off lucky. He is lucky that know one beat the Sh** out of him or even worse, shot him with a real gun.

10-03-2004, 01:28 AM
It would have been better if he had used a 12 guage shotgun or a .357 magnum. :headbang: That guy will never steal any other car in his life.

10-03-2004, 01:42 AM
Does it qualify for as a reason for markers to have full auto? :tard:

\Fairly funny story. Should have lit him up a little more... bright pink all over I would say.

10-03-2004, 07:22 AM
Yeah, not too smart. He runs out their with a Mag and fires. What if the Robber had a Glock?

Use a real gun or a bat!

10-03-2004, 07:43 AM
I would have pumped my phantom at him then hit em with it. Or get my classic out and throw the valve at him. Or maybe a cabel box or somthign. :shooting: :shooting: :shooting:

10-03-2004, 07:55 AM
It's for exactly this sort of reason that I keep Simunition in my Glock

10-03-2004, 09:00 AM
well, personally what i would do is grab my shocker from the barrel and hit him with the tank.
whether he pays for it or not, hes not gonna be chewing solid foods for... hm.... 3 years? :D

even better, get some of those pepper spray paintballs the riot police have

10-03-2004, 09:31 AM
very kewl story

10-03-2004, 10:41 AM
It's for exactly this sort of reason that I keep Simunition in my Glock

:tard: :tard: :tard: :tard: :tard:

Whao, i woulda got one of my piston cannons out and a water filled tennis ball and shot him in the back and probably would of broken him a couple places. Or shoot him with lugnuts, or anything heavy.

10-03-2004, 11:26 AM
i had this one time when these basterds that smoke that crystal ****, acused me of calling one of his girls a ***** or something right close to my old apartment door. that guy was huge and he was trying to bust my door down, i gased up my marker, a spyder :tard: , and was ready to blast the door open w/ mr happy trigger but i guess his girl or someone that knew him grabbed him back away from the apartment and they never came back.

they were old neighbor's friends and i didnt like any of them cause they all did drugs. my ex girlfriend was into that and into them basically, thats how i knew them.

fricken drama it was. :tard:

thats a crazy story that u got and u just dont make those things up, anything is possible.

10-03-2004, 03:57 PM
It's for exactly this sort of reason that I keep Simunition in my Glock


That is why I keep magsafe in my glock. What if he starts to shoot back? He gets one with magsafe and he won't be shooting back anytime soon. Or eating with a spoon for that matter :tard:

10-03-2004, 04:13 PM
Okay here's a funny story that's not about shooting people but a pest deterrent all the same :wow: So I'm up late, can't sleep, and my dog's barking like crazy, I go outside and can hear some coyotes up on the hill. We live in the middle of the desert. So I gas up my A-5 (it was the closest thing to me) fill it to the rim with paint and go just go lay a barrage of paint up on the hill where they were. To say the least they were done for the night.
They got me back though, this weekend my kitten was up on the screen meowing to come in when out of nowhere a coyote comes rips it off the screen and takes off with it. My son goes after it with his BB gun but my dog has gotten to it first, it's ripping it to pieces, my boy grabs the cat and the coyote runs for its life. The cat's okay, it does walk funny now though, and it has a scab on its side and my dog and 10 year old boy are heroes :clap:

Now I have the 22 rifle loaded and I'm waiting for them to try that one again :shooting:
J/K :rofl:

"The Cookie Lady"

10-03-2004, 04:19 PM
It's for exactly this sort of reason that I keep Simunition in my Glock

Another stupid idea. Good luck when he fires back with Realunition.

10-03-2004, 04:45 PM
what kind of simunition? they have blanks, but also rubber projectiles.

the rubber projectiles would give them quite a welt

i like these though http://www.simunition.com/index.php?section_id=51&lang=en&flech_id=2

10-03-2004, 07:27 PM
The FX cartriges are the ones I use. Hot pink in color. :p

10-03-2004, 08:13 PM
I hope no innocent bystanders got hit... unless it was a cat. And/or a skunk, that would be funny,

10-04-2004, 12:07 PM
in all seriousness, if someone was messing with my car at my house, my shotguns are far easier to get ahold of than my pball markers. theyd be catching some 12 gauge slugs, not pballs. then i wouldnt have to worry about the police tracking them down, cause you dont get far when youre bleeding all over my driveway.