View Full Version : Watch out for this scam

10-03-2004, 09:45 AM
Warning watch out for this scam. Some one will offer to buy your gun by sending
you a cashiers check or Certified check for way more than the amount of your gun.
then will ask you to cash it and western union them the remaining funds. this is
a scam. the checks are bogus. he is an example email:

Thanks for your e-mail,So glad to hear that the said items are still for sale,i want you to know one thing that the Mode of payment is going to be Certified Cashier's Checks that will be drawn from an American.So there will be no problem in Cashing the Check .Also i want you to know that you will be recieving a Cashier's Check of $4,500 that will sent to you one of my Client over there in the USA who is owing me this amount. So all i want you to do now is to recieve theCheck , After then i will expect you to Cash it Immediately at the Cashing Store. After the Check has been cashed i want you to Transfer the remaining excess funds to my Personal Assistant who will now Pay the Shipping Company to come over for the Pick up (I will handle the Shipping so Shipping Should not any Problem) Also after the Funds has been cashed and you have transfered to my Personal Assitant the excess funds,All you need to do is to wait for the Shipping Company to come over for the Pick up, You will be notify on the Day they will arrive so that you will around for them to Pick up the Item. Also funds should be Transfered to my Personal asistant via Western Union. The Western Union and the Cashing Store Charges should be deducted from the excess funds you are sending my Personal Assistant.

Watch out for this. Don’t get screwed.

10-03-2004, 10:09 AM
Ah the classic Nigerian scam. I own a classic Mini and have dealt with these scams for over 2 years. It seems that once you have a car that they want they will send you these letters.

OH and be sure NOT to give your address. I had some people in the Mini community come home and it was robber and car was stolen. if you give them your address this might to happen. So DO NOT give your address away.

10-03-2004, 11:26 AM
I've been offered this twice for my paintball guns.

I've always thought about giving them the police station's address and have a setup :p

10-03-2004, 11:41 AM
yeah i filed a report with the police station and my uncle is in the fbi and it has been file with them as well. i guess this is getting to be a big thing.

10-03-2004, 12:23 PM
Just make a setup so you can get the guy arrested. Perhaps the police station can help. Say like, go along with the whole scam and have a different address which you can use. When the guy comes to pick up the product and give the fake money order, the police ambush him ;)

10-03-2004, 05:34 PM
the problem is hes not in the us. he was in africa if only it was that easy. lol

10-03-2004, 09:35 PM

10-04-2004, 12:04 AM
seen people fall for it..

but really, how much common sense does it take?

4k for a paintball gun to then be "entrusted" to send the rest back...

"Victims of the Nigerian cashier's check scam should also contact the U.S. Secret Service at (303) 866-1010. "

good number to have ;)