View Full Version : E-mag bouncing

10-03-2004, 01:44 PM
Alright, Ive searched the other threads about this, and none of them really answered this, so here goes. I just got my emag last week, and i took it out to play in my first tourney this saturday. i noticed when i aired it up i could get double or more shots if i pulled it slowly. i tried adjusting the trigger, unfortunately my on/off pin was sheared in half somehow, so i couldnt really test it with air...

so anyway, I have 1.37 software, and i was looking around, and i didnt really come to a clear answer my question, will 3.2 get rid of this bounce? plus, i tried screwing around with the trigger more when i got home, and i noticed i could get it to bounce without air, and it bounces no matter how heavy or long the pull is. Could this come from low battery?

10-03-2004, 06:35 PM
if you run it in E mode,you can take out the sear pin behind the trigger.

10-03-2004, 07:48 PM
its not the trigger rod, i can do it without the air on even, so the trigger rod barely even moves.

10-05-2004, 08:19 AM
The full auto phenominon is usually reserved for higher firmware revisions and can be corrected by reversing the solenoid wires. Yours being a lower firmware revision, maybe the HES has poor hysteresis. That means the on and off points are too close together. This can cause full auto.

10-05-2004, 09:15 AM
hes wires might be backwards. Don't know where but there is a thread describing this phenomenon.

10-05-2004, 12:19 PM
athomas- so can this be fixed by lengthening the trigger pull, or is it through adjustment to the HES sensor?

10-05-2004, 03:49 PM
If the problem is bad hysteresis, then the only fix is replacing the HES. Try all other avenues first though. Reverse the solenoid wires and/or adjust the trigger stop so it is farther forward(you will probably have to adjust the trigger magnet as well). Heck, even try reversing the trigger magnet. Uusally it won't activate at all when the trigger magnet is backwards, but it is worth a try.

10-05-2004, 11:01 PM
My suggestion is to send it to BlackVCG (on the west coast) or Tunaman (on the east). 3.2 is a world better for control. Black flashed one of my E's from 1.37 to 3.2. Worth it to me. Fires like a dream.