View Full Version : warp feed and other companies

10-29-2001, 06:56 PM
Will other manufactuers catch on the warp feed craze and start marketing "warp feed bodies" as options?

if you think of it the warp feed style of mainbody could be fitted on any other marker such as angel, a cocker, matrix's and other higher end electros that would benefit from the reliability of warp....

So is it possible?.. or is warpfeed just a fad that will fade away later on.. (i hope not!)

10-29-2001, 09:25 PM
umm, warp feed craze?? I wasn't aware there was a 'warp feed craze'. Maybe to you there is, but down here in Southern Cali I havent seen a single player at Tombstone or SC Tourni fields using a warp feed. I havent even seen them for sale at any of the stores around here. That includes Skanline. Sorry, but unless the warp feed becomes a 'standard' in paintball which I doubt it will be, then I wouldn't get your hopes up to seeing WGP and WDP manufacturing 'warp only' bodies.

Oh and my warp has been nothing but unreliable for me, it lags, and I've sent it to AGD for repairs and it still acts funny. It just doesn't want to catch the vibrations on my mag when I'm shooting really fast. That and it eats my paint (hellfire), it squishes them together and gets jammed (and we're talking fresh off the crate hellfire).

10-29-2001, 10:11 PM
Oh contrare, WGP made two guns with side feeds just for WC. We displayed one in our booth and they had the other. John Rice said he would build an Angel with a side feed. WDP also informed us that the new blue dot boards coming out in Jan will put out an intellifeed pulse every time you pull the trigger, because of the warp. Bob Long has CP doing the side feed breach for his guns.

Budd Orr will be carrying the Warp in all 5 of his retail stores this month.

We installed over 100 warps at WC mostly on Angels. By the end of the tourney we were sold out of all colors except clear.

The pro tourney guys have not figured it out yet. This is a grass roots conversion by players who don't worry about how they look, just how they play.

Not bad for a product that was hailed as "stupid and ugly" 12 months ago.

10-29-2001, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by AGD
Not bad for a product that was hailed as "stupid and ugly" 12 months ago. [/B]

who would say a thing like that :confused: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek:

Mark Devine
10-29-2001, 10:27 PM
I believe there will be some Matrix's produced with a side feed made just for the warp as well. At Gambler's Cup I saw Shockteck's new Matrix which has a modular feed.

10-31-2001, 01:25 AM
Hey Tom, do you have pictures of these other warp feed bodies?

10-31-2001, 01:39 AM
heres some pics of the warp cocker body found on pbnation.