View Full Version : BKO problem!!!!

10-04-2004, 09:00 PM
ok i just got a 2004 bko, with an empire b... it chops like crazy.. i dont know y tho.. could it be the rise or the reg.? help me!!!

10-04-2004, 09:19 PM
im guessing its your detents with your halo b.. they are too strong for it, do the oring mod. either that or your hammer could be out of whack and making your bolt go funny

10-04-2004, 09:23 PM
no i am using an empire b so i dont need to do any mods.... and this guns is a day old, so there is nothing wrong with it... so wat else could it b? thanks

10-04-2004, 09:27 PM
well if the gun is brand new.. its your halo. it may be an empri b, but on the BOG.. it says many peopel have the same problem, the spring tnesion off your reloader b IS causing too much force on your detents and is double feeding. you have to do the oring mod. its not a bad or hard thing, it just makes your detent stronger. simply take out your detent, take an oring, cut off a thing strip of it, put it behind the spring of your detent, then reassemble. done and no more chops. if that doesnt work, go here (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=607386).

edit: sorry, not an oring mod.. but macroline, my bad.

10-04-2004, 09:32 PM
alright .. thanks.. ill try that tomorrow

10-04-2004, 09:53 PM
Traxer hit it right on the money

10-04-2004, 10:21 PM
Thanks Law. I've actually been trying to aquire a bushmaster or BKO for my mag for quite a while now, and I always, ALWAYS read up on everything about the gun before i get one, so I know how to fix it and maintain it as best i can before I get it so i dont have any sudden worries on field.

10-04-2004, 10:24 PM
This is my first year not owning a mag and I just picked up a b2k3 w/pds for 375 what a steal!

vaporized, vapor valve, palmer lpr, aka sidewinder, lowrise feed, chaos chip! :)

So far I am having fun with it and for the price I cant complain. Will be getting a mech mag though with ult because I really love the tacone body, not big on all the custom bodies out there... more of a mechanical look kind of guy. Loved the sfl emag because of its mechanical milling...miss the sfl emag :)

Those bko's can get hooked up nice though! Love the freestyle too! To quote Tom Kaye on the freestyle ;) , "Nice gun" haha

10-04-2004, 10:36 PM
Love the freestyle too! To quote Tom Kaye on the freestyle ;) , "Nice gun" haha

Amen, I hopefully will get one of those one day.... In the mean time, we better stop hijacking this guys thread, even though he has his answer. Heh. :nono:

10-05-2004, 12:37 PM
I have an 04 BKO that I am messing with right now and it still chops a lot when I get on it hard. I have done several things to try to combat the chopping problem with no luck so far. I am looking at either the blind bolt or the SP ram mod at this point. Anyone have recommendations on one or the other?

BTW, check out http://icd-owners.com/ for some more BKO/Bushy info, there are not nearly as many helpful people there as we have here, but it is a good source of ICD info, including what the o-ring ball detent mod is. http://www.pleeairsmith.com/Tech/Mods/reinforce.htm

10-05-2004, 12:55 PM
I have an 04 BKO that I am messing with right now and it still chops a lot when I get on it hard. I have done several things to try to combat the chopping problem with no luck so far. I am looking at either the blind bolt or the SP ram mod at this point. Anyone have recommendations on one or the other?

BTW, check out http://icd-owners.com/ for some more BKO/Bushy info, there are not nearly as many helpful people there as we have here, but it is a good source of ICD info, including what the o-ring ball detent mod is. http://www.pleeairsmith.com/Tech/Mods/reinforce.htm

Consider pds? Honestly I would do pds over the SP ram mod... the blind bolt should be avoided. There are just too many issues with them right now. Some people love them but a lot of people are having issues with the tips falling off. Also since most bolts dont fit right in the different sized bodies you have to sand them and then there is a blowback problem... I dont post much on icd-owners but i think i have a sn there. Same as this one.

10-05-2004, 01:08 PM
not to troll or anything...but why are tech posts being answered in the paintball talk ...and instead of the tech thread....

10-05-2004, 01:21 PM
Law, I have thought about PDS, but this was supposed to be a fun tinker project (i.e. cheap) not another money pit. I wanted a fun, quick, light gun for weekend rec play, I already have a 3.2 emag and an eblade, so I don't really need another rope spewing monster, perhaps I was expecting too much from such an inexpensive marker.

10-05-2004, 01:24 PM
Law, I have thought about PDS, but this was supposed to be a fun tinker project (i.e. cheap) not another money pit. I wanted a fun, quick, light gun for weekend rec play, I already have a 3.2 emag and an eblade, so I don't really need another rope spewing monster, perhaps I was expecting too much from such an inexpensive marker.

Well of the two you listed go with the SP ram mod... You could always do the pds yourself and it wouldnt cost you too much? That is always fun ;) If you want to try the blind bolt i'm sure you can resell it if you dont like it. They were in the process of working out some of the bugs so time will tell.

10-05-2004, 01:30 PM
Thanks for the input. I might look into the DIY PDS thing, it can't be that hard if Vaporworks is doing it for $100. However, I hate soldering. :tard: