View Full Version : Need help with my bushmaster

10-04-2004, 10:04 PM
hey i need help with my bushmaster i think i need a new vavle seal but that is only half the problem when ever its un gased and i just turn it on just to shoot it with out air..... if i hold in on the trigger it will keep clicking contiuesly instead of the usuall click then stop it wont stop till about 15 seconds then it will stop does anybody know what this might be.... If this didnt make much since please say so and i will try to write it better....



10-04-2004, 10:49 PM
The long clicking serries followed by an abrupt stop is the "Full Auto" mode most likely. check your toggles to see if you're set for Semi-Auto. If your toggles are set for Semi-Auto, does it shoot long strings while gassed up while you just hold the trigger? If yes, see above, if no, then your selenoid could be (going) bad.