View Full Version : aftermarket electro frame?

10-05-2004, 09:15 PM
I was browsing the AGD store, and I noticed that they sell pretty much everything you need to make an electronic grip frame. I was wondering if it was possible that someone could rig a noid from the e-mag up to a board, like a Morlock, and make an electronic trigger. Of course it would have to be specially milled out, but I think someone could make it work.The only problem I could forsee is providing power to the noid, because the E-mag uses a large battery. It could also probably would be able to be intellifeed capable, just like the intelliframe. It would most likely have to be put into a vert frame too, and have a color LCD display (although LEDs could work too). Do you think that this idea could work? Its not like I have the tools capable to make something like this, but it might spark an idea or something.

10-05-2004, 09:30 PM
ga devil puts hyperframe internals into a vert frame.....

10-06-2004, 03:47 AM
yeah i had this idea goin a while back, just get some kind of good logic vert frame or sumthin and mount like a predator board with eyes into it and have it runnin off of an e-mag battery, the only thing it'd really lack is hybrid and mech mode. it'd all be electro after that but the faux battery would run the board forever