View Full Version : Quite possibly the most customized gun in paintball....part 2

10-29-2001, 09:42 PM
This is the fourth of the TLC series. It is a Pro Team Products E-MicroMag, owned by Steve Davidson of Pro Team.
As you can see, it is not complete. I did my part, Steve will be anodizing it, assembling it and doing whatever else to finish it off. He'll send me some "finished product" photos and we'll post them then. For now, you guys have to use a little imagination.
It may look more simple than the Micro Cocker, and I like that. There was a certain look that I was going for here and I'm pleased with the flow of continuity from part to part.
Truth is, this took a while longer to make for a lot of reasons. The methods used for shaping on the cocker were not limited to one tool like it was on this piece.
I have seen people write and say the cocker is ugly, some may say the same about this. I have noooooo problem with that at all. The only problem I have is that these pictures are only showing you a glimpse of what it's like to experience one up close and personal.
I'm sure if you talk to Steve, he'd be happy to display it to you at Pro Team in the future.
That's it for now guys. The angel and e-mag extreem are next on my list. It will be a long time before they are done.
I hope it's worth the wait.
<img src="http://www.triggernomics.com/gallery/tlc/04roverang.jpg"><BR>
<img src="http://www.triggernomics.com/gallery/tlc/04rover.jpg"><BR>
<img src="http://www.triggernomics.com/gallery/tlc/04loverang.jpg"><BR>
<img src="http://www.triggernomics.com/gallery/tlc/04lover.jpg"><BR>

10-29-2001, 09:44 PM
::Cartman voice:: Sweet...
::normal voice::
Looks like the emag grew veins or scales...nice look.

10-29-2001, 09:55 PM
REALLY COOL!!! I am imagining that the veins are pumping with blood! This would be the gun for the T1000 in the second Terminator movie.


10-29-2001, 09:57 PM
gives it a tinfoilish (new word :) ) look, not bad, cant wait to see the extreme

10-29-2001, 09:57 PM
oh good, now u got Tom goin w/ useless movie info :) LOL

10-29-2001, 10:05 PM
Great work on that, very impressive, thanks for showing us :)

10-29-2001, 10:10 PM
gasp! that is awesome. I hope there are some pics when it's anodized and has a barrel and all the stuff in it. And, did you make a special trigger for it?

10-29-2001, 10:10 PM
I hope the mag is colored to look like it has veins...red veins on black would be awesome doncha think?

10-29-2001, 10:37 PM
Tom you're so silly. T1000 can only morph into inanimate objects and things that do not have moving parts.

10-29-2001, 10:37 PM
It looks as if it will be the paintball gun Leatherface himself would put down his chainsaw for.
It's so ugly, I like it!
Marvelous craftsmanship.
Good job!

10-29-2001, 10:40 PM
T1000 can transform into anything! He can make a gun but it won't have any internals but it'll still shoot because T1000 can do stuff like that.
I like the gun a lot but a couple more well placed veins would look even better.

10-30-2001, 06:16 AM
for the love of cheese we are having a debate over t1000

we think that my science teacher looks like the t1000, its quite funny.

10-30-2001, 07:48 AM
Mmm... living steel.

10-30-2001, 09:30 AM
Anodizing could help this piece, but could also make it look cheesy if not done properly.
The "veins" do well enough on their own on the surface they stretch across now. I'm sorry if the pictures don't show enough detail, we've got a ton more to go through and we'll have them on the website when we're ready.
I think Steve will be happy to share the completed version as well when it's been assembled.
I did make a blade trigger for it, but things got mixed up in Maine this weekend so it got skipped on the picture taking. I also forgot to bring it back to PA with me so Steve will have to wait for that a little longer.

10-30-2001, 10:34 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Looks strange ... excelent work!

MAGgot Man
10-30-2001, 10:38 AM
here goes. Its an AWSOME piece of work. If it were tarnished a little, it would look to me sort of like a beat up ole trashcan, and to add I think that look would be too kewl. Go out and beat all these shiny new, picture perfect, high dollar markers with some beat up looking rag of a marker. LOL

Temo Vryce
10-30-2001, 10:52 AM
Hey, finally someone did something with that battery box. YAHOO!!!

I'd give my left arm for that mag if I didn't need it to reload. :)

That is some sweet work.

12-01-2001, 12:07 PM
I wanna see this thing when it gets ano'ed and has everything ready! This is gonna be sweet! but it still shoulda been a z-grip:)

12-01-2001, 01:41 PM
...yes. Are there fotos of the Marker totaly complete? Would be very interesting!

12-01-2001, 01:51 PM
:switches to the "O" voice from the dude from Office Space:
O! O! O! O!
:Switches back to normal"
:) Useless Movie Knowledge? I Think Not!

You people are amatures...
...the T1000 can only form non-mechanical objects! Thats why he stabbed dat lady with a big sharp knife like thing instead of shooting her! puthetic!

Anyways.. back to the gun... nice.. very nice.. i have ot go change underwear now.

12-01-2001, 03:49 PM
Looking down that tube you get a great view if the V Feed. Other than that I think it's neato.

12-01-2001, 03:59 PM
That gun looks like it has the power to strike down whoever holds it.

12-01-2001, 04:15 PM
It looks like its molten. Like it was melted and then hardened. Very nice.

12-01-2001, 04:43 PM
:D office space was a dope movie.

12-01-2001, 06:25 PM
sorry but the most costomized gun in paintball i have ever seen is the electro pgp pistole a guy here made. he is the local rich guy around here and he loves paintball. he put constant air on it an electronic trigger setup and welded a neck to connect a hopper to. he does stuff like this for fun when he gets board. (same guy that saw the race kit at a paintball event he was at so he got 2 new guns just to try it out)

almost forgot: the pgp gets about 6 balls a second

12-01-2001, 09:11 PM
That is like total sickness man. You rule. I think that ripper looks like $10 milling compared to this. How much would you charge to do a cocker body and grip frame to look like that, if you were to do that for people?