View Full Version : What to do..

10-06-2004, 04:44 PM
:confused: I am more that a bit confused about where to go with my paintball marker purchase. For a week or so I have been looking at mags and had decided on a decked out mech mag untill recently when people told me I cant really enter any tournys with a mech mag. So once and for all I would like people to post any reasonable priced electro marker (500-700) that they feel is the best for my money and tournament lvl. Or If anyone would like to explain why a mech mag isnt tournament ready I would gladly listen to that also. Thanks

10-06-2004, 04:45 PM
you can enter ANY tourney you want with a mech mag as long as your not bouncing like a mad man.

10-06-2004, 04:50 PM
Likw Couponqueen said, just don't bounce it. Hell, I think its not worth it to bounce anyway.

But, if your still not sure I would pick up a BKO with PDS or buy a used Angel. Or, maybe, a cocker. I think that they are to much of a pain though, more time fixing then playing.

Its basically Speed=BKO or Angel, maybe cocker. Accuracy=Cocker, maybe mag. Simplicity and reliability=Can never beat a mag at that.

10-06-2004, 05:13 PM
So you peeps dont feel that I will be at that much of a disadvantage using a mech mag in a tourny as long as its set up well? I really want a mag just because I love simplicity and reliability I just fear noone will ever let me on their teams or want to be on my team in tournys.

10-06-2004, 05:26 PM
interested in a bushy with pds? roomate is selling one with ups :P

10-06-2004, 05:47 PM
thanks but im not yet at the point of purchasing one. Im still saving up my paychecks while I wait for my shoulder surgery to be complete.

10-06-2004, 09:17 PM
look into the used market of used trixes and like 2k2 timmies. ive seen great deals on both of them.

10-06-2004, 09:35 PM
I'd recommend a Viking, super reliable, and rip hardcore, I own two of them, so I know ;)

You can pick up older un-ACEd Vikings for about $550-600 now, and can find WAS/ACEd Vikings for about $700, sometimes a little lower. These are prices for 03's and below, the 04's are a good bit more expensive.

10-06-2004, 09:51 PM
I looked into bko's with pds and they sound pretty good outa the box. Sound like the need a new reg and a bolt and they are set. Do they perform at tourny lvl?

10-06-2004, 10:44 PM
Tourny level is the level of the player not the gun. look at Tippman Effect and Spyder factory. They are pro teams that use entry level guns. It really is the player and not the gun.

10-06-2004, 10:47 PM
I actually had a guy come to our 3man with an RT ULE, I checked it for excessive bounce (had none) and made sure he chronoed the right way... I felt special knowing how to do it right :D

Don't worry about it, unless it was bouncing like my gun, you should have no problem, mine was bouncing at 17-18bps constantly

10-07-2004, 06:07 PM
buy an impluse for ebay. :rofl: I love misspelled auctions!
You might be able to get an Emag for that kind of money on ebay or in the clearence section of Actionvilage.

10-07-2004, 06:18 PM
Teammate is selling a E-orracle wiht nexus kit and other ups for 6-7 if your interested, and honestly, if you wanted to play for my team, you better be able to hit 15bps, or have DANG good skill to make up for it

10-07-2004, 06:29 PM
For that cash, I'd look for a used Matrix (which wont let you down) or a bushy which is also a great+smart choice.

10-07-2004, 07:14 PM
if I got a 2004 bko with vapor valve, vapor bolt(maybe), AKA Sidewinder,micro rock lpr, and a AKA mitey max then would I need to get pds on it? Also would i need a chaos board or would it already rip enough. Thanks

10-07-2004, 07:22 PM
Teammate is selling a E-orracle wiht nexus kit and other ups for 6-7 if your interested, and honestly, if you wanted to play for my team, you better be able to hit 15bps, or have DANG good skill to make up for it

I can shoot 17, but I never do, I snipe people becausae I'm a sniper with a 16" barrel biatch.

No really, I shoot like 2 pods as a backman, keep my front guys alive, and then just snipe people... :ninja:

Wc Keep
10-07-2004, 07:22 PM
if you wanted to play for my team, you better be able to hit 15bps,

this is the worst statement ive ever heard. ill gog you with 4 bps how does that sound?

The Action Figure
10-07-2004, 08:19 PM
high bps= :tard:
low bps= :ninja:

10-07-2004, 08:25 PM
You can geta very nice LCD angel for 500$ with alot of stuff.

10-07-2004, 08:26 PM
this is the worst statement ive ever heard. ill gog you with 4 bps how does that sound?

ok, anyone who thinks high bps from their back players isnt gonna help them in the front dosent know what there talking about. I realize, AO, a big fan of mags (mech) markers has plenty of people who are all about "i can still hit you with one ball" fact of the matter is, if your shooting 4 bps, i will just run through your entire team off the break, and get away with it in mad ninja fashion. My teams style of play is to keep our guns rolling the whole game wile I/other front/mids do the dirty work blastin faces all day. Can you do fine with low bps? yes, ive shot a spyder victor at a tourney and still run through people, but can ANYONE honestly deny that they would rather have the people behind them doing their jobs, holding people in, whish IMO, you cant do *well* at low rates of fire

10-07-2004, 08:28 PM
No really, I shoot like 2 pods as a backman, keep my front guys alive, and then just snipe people... :ninja:

my backmen also use little paint, they roll all game, which makes it easy for fronts to move and the games end FAST saving em paint

Wc Keep
10-07-2004, 08:38 PM
a high stream of 15 bps will keep someone is. but a well placed stream of 10 bps will keep someone in also. ive played teams who do this "keep your guns rolling all game" bit. and it doesnt always work.

ive been looking around for a matrix and you can get some of them for like 550-650. and you can also get angels for about 550.

10-07-2004, 08:41 PM
ok, you can play with mags in tourneys. I had 2 guys on my team that used RTP's last spring and they did fine. RTP's really depend on the user how fast you are with them, one guy ripped hardcore on it, the refs checked him for rapid fire several times and never found any. The other guy wasn't nearly as fast though. I had a B2k and now I am selling it instead of spending 100's of dollars uping it. I just bought a viking and my b2k would never be as nice as this gun. BTW you can get an '04 viking for a little more than 700 if you look hard enough. I bought mine for $780 shipped and it came with no rise, scm, mm, and jmj blade trigger.

10-07-2004, 11:40 PM
So your saying a decked out BKO isnt my best choice here? What gun would you peeps buy? Thanks

10-08-2004, 12:07 AM
So your saying a decked out BKO isnt my best choice here? What gun would you peeps buy? Thanks

I feel obligated to post this....


That would be a 1 of 9 FSP viking
If you count annos, it would be a 1 of 1. Only FSP to have the "stormtrooper" anno (white w/ black accents)

2004 Viking - Milled by Destructive Customs - The FSP (F--- Smart Parts...)
All stock 04 stuff...
Pandora board
Blue led :cool:
25G switch
BP Norider
Magnetic trigger

Will have some black sticky3s, stiffi switch kit, shorty sidewinder, Empire Micro rail and some misc small things (shrink tubing.. etc)... Will have a movie of it out ripping Steelrats viking in Z-mans "Q" video :ninja: very soon...When it gets back from anno..(fixing the off color reg/gripframe)

I would say get an 04 viking. w/ or w/o eyes, no big deal. Since they are like $20. THe little I got to shoot mine before I had to send it back to get re-annod, it rocked. Played all day on a 68/4k fill. Dead accurate, never chopped, sooo efficient, fast (almost too fast..) and adjusting the trigger feel along with the board features is so very easy. Not to mention that bolt - turn it around to dry fire quietly (although the 03s seem to be quieter dry firing..). It comes with just about every upgrade people do to their markers... sidewinder reg, lighting bolt, eyes, board... Like they said, you can pick them up for around 700-800 for 04 unmilled used slightly. 03 unmilled and half milled from 500 -800.


10-08-2004, 06:21 AM
:ninja: Shocker :ninja:

Watch me get flamed for this one. I like my Shocker - so much that I bought its twin. Although its twin is SOOO much faster (stupidly so). They come out of the box with the cheater board set to bounce like mad once you reach 4 balls a second - I can get streams of paint to outrun my Apache (which actually feeds at about 15BPS, ignore the claimed 20) with one finger and keep that stream going all day. Of course, you think a mech mag is questionable in tournaments, this feature is so going to have to be turned off. WIthout that though - my shocker that i Have put about 20K rounds through has never failed me - it has wicked first shot drop off if it sits for more than ten minutes though. I have used it hard in tournaments, and I have never had a chance to blame the marker..

Actually though, back to safe things. A mech mag is tournament legal as long as it doesnt bounce. Nice guns, very reliable, and nothing but a few o-rings to go wrong. A $20 o-ring kit with you will fix almost any problem you might encounter. They are legally quite fast, with a nice triggr pull, crisp and smooth. I liked mine.

10-08-2004, 07:50 AM
on one of the teams that im on, there are 2 of us with mech rt's. i have a ule/ult rt with logic 1.0 vert frame on it and can hit about 12 bps without bounce(i play front). my teammate however has a ule rt wihtout ult, but can hit about 14 bps, and when he shot my classic rt, he shot about 15(he plays back). im not saying that everyone can do this. it takes conditioning to shoot mech markers fast. with electro, you have to build muscle memory in order to walk them. on mechs, you need more strength in your fingers. personally, i prefer my rt over my emag in tourneys, just because its so small that i can tuck in really tight to my bunker.

