View Full Version : Limiting BPS...trigger weight.

10-06-2004, 10:46 PM
The easiest way to limit bps, in my opinion, would be to set a minimum trigger pull weight to the gun.
I would write the rule to say roughly, 4 lbs minimum pull weight at a point on the trigger to be measured 1.5 inches from the grip frame above the trigger, any mechanism allowed, with a maximum trigger length of 2 inches from the pivot or grip frame.

This method would allow the easiest field test criteria, as a commonly available trigger scale could be used at game starts.

The numbers I post are approximate, but I am sure with some experimentation a baseline could be set that would limit the physical abilities of the human muscles to be naturally capped at a reasonable 8 to 10 BPS.

10-06-2004, 10:50 PM
actually the best way would be to play pump. :)

10-06-2004, 10:53 PM
Or you can quit complaining about it and suck it up.

I get overshot all the time, I walk it off and get ready for the next game, it's paintball YOU'RE GOING TO GET SHOT, if its once or 20 times, I'll live.

Now if that's excessive overshooting by ONE person POINT blank, that's another story, but when you have 5 guys railing their guns at 16-17bps all pointed at you, you're going to get shot more then once.

10-06-2004, 10:58 PM
yeah yeah we all get overshot, we're all tuff dudes.

M a s s. i think the reall challenge is overcoming the mindset and marketing of faster is better.

10-06-2004, 11:13 PM
As some know, I think pump is where it's at. I like pumps better than any other marker.
I also have an Excal for tourny stuff.
I will note that when I play hard I get overshot, and I definatly overshoot.
I NEVER just put 1 ball on someone even if I am a foot away.
I feel that if you are going to play tourny style ball (whatever that means) then you need to suck it up and play tough. You should also realize that playing that mean could cause verbal or physical confrontation.
That's life. Youu may have a different opinion.
My point is this: to make ANY marker "safe" in the maximum BPS issue, this would would be a cheap, easily verifiable solution. It would castrate ANY GUN. I'm sure some players would be better trigger-pullers than others, but you certainly would cure runaway guns, and if any one were overshooting, it would be glaringly obvious, and punishable. There is no way you could stand there pounding somebody and claim a bouncing trigger. Automatic 50 point penalty.

10-06-2004, 11:25 PM
i hate when i go out to have fun and i cant move because at least 1 dm4 is spraying at me so bad i cant even peak. its not fun and i think it takes no skill to just stand there and move ur fingers. everyone with a dm4 says get over it, everyone without says eat poon bia

10-06-2004, 11:31 PM
This may be off topic, but I was thinking about paintball in the olympics the other day, and I have the opinion if they ever let the game in the olympics, it would only be with pump. I think even mechanical semi autos wouldnt be allowed. Right now, you could say its the manufacturers that control the bps, and the manufacturers are controlling the tournaments, which wouldnt fly in the olympics. Having a pump, with out any way for an electronic board to influence bps, is truely taking the game back to its roots. Im all for it, pump rules. Its fun, and it makes you better player because you have to work for your kills, instead of letting a hundred balls in the air work for you. My 2 cents

10-06-2004, 11:47 PM
You realize the point of shooting fast is to keep your heads down and behind your bunker so we can move up the field and pinch you out/bunker you.

If you learn to snap shoot and fight for it, get good at that and you can handle the "dm4's"

BTW I shoot nothing atm, I used to have a cyborg and I plan to shoot an A4 Fly... :p

10-07-2004, 12:06 AM
Gettin' mowed sucks, I know... I'm the slow guy lol. But one thing I've found is that solid snap shooting skills can be nearly as effective as hosing, I say nearly because in hosing you usually don't get much in the way of "the other guy shooting back". With snap/post there's a fair turn around for who's posting up on who.

As for limiting RoF... what ever happend to the good-ol-days when the Industry said "we will not make a board that'll shoot more than 13bps"? That's right, it got hucked out the door when people outside the marker industry started making custom boards. I blame them, the nameless few who weren't satisfied with what was out there and found it was easier to play when you could shoot 3 bps more than your opponent... then again... that's what happend to pumps... right? Fact-o-the-matter seems to be that the more paint a team can fling the more likely they are to win. I'm rambling now I think... I'll just go to bed and nurse my cold some more....

10-07-2004, 02:19 AM
a4 fly's kill.

It does take skill to stand skill and move your fingers, because thw whole other team is doing the same so they you have to make like a ninja and run through hailstorms of paint. that to me takes alot of skill. watching our front guys weave between nearly solid streams of paint to me is amazing

10-07-2004, 02:42 AM
moving your fingers is skill. if everyone was shooting the same gun then some people would be able to shoot faster than others because they have more skill and shooting..

also.. when your being pinned down in a bunker by someone with a dm4, you have every right to ask one of your team mates for help.... thats what we call stratigy and skill. u have a situation and a problem. not its time to problem solve.

if these people can only shoot 15 - 20 bps and have no skill then you should have no problem figuring some sort of stratigy to over come their flying balls.

10-07-2004, 02:42 AM
a4 fly's kill.

It does take skill to stand skill and move your fingers, because thw whole other team is doing the same so they you have to make like a ninja and run through hailstorms of paint. that to me takes alot of skill. watching our front guys weave between nearly solid streams of paint to me is amazing

Man you beat me to it. Okay to stand and spray, yeah, make take minimal skills but a good back can knock the wings off a fly. And that is what they are for. To cover lanes and to take people out the players that are moving. Different positions require different skills.

Maui PFB
10-07-2004, 02:45 AM
MASS your my hero

But if we limit the BPS I will no longer get the celebrity status of OLD guy with a 10 round PUMP PEE SHOOTER that takes out all the dm4 electros !! It sounds like a gentle rain on a tin roof when they shoot at you!!

(5 guys 5 DM4's 1000 rnd each =5000 rounds =???? -vs- 5 guys with pumps 30 rnds each =150 rounds = ????

HMMMMM me thinky we not only whooped em but we had 100 rounds left to play more games!!!!!

OLD GUYS WITH PUMPS RULE except MASS driver he has a electro too :shooting:

Makes you think HUH?

10-07-2004, 03:17 AM
C'mon now...yeah it takes skill to shoot fast but, not very much skill. (de)bounce anybody?

10-07-2004, 09:39 AM
I think its just a matter of classes.
Fast shooting electros
and pumps

They shouldn't be compared to each other but seens as complementary classifications.
Like having stock, modified stock, etc in racing.
or weight classes.
I wanna see a tourney where they stop trying to have all types compete in one group, but instead have different classes going on in the same tourney.

Bounce, ramping, lots of fluffy headware and clothes, and other similar tactics is like using steroids and amounts to cheating in my book.
Having been a wrestler I've seen tourneys with Freestyle, Greco-Roman, young kids class, and Collegiate all going on at the same time. Each following their own fully defined strict set of rules.

This is what Paintball needs is a defining set of rules and regulations that are to be followed. Each year a panel goes over them and makes changes, modifications, additions, etc. I know its done for tournies, but maybe fields should start implementing similar rules, or following a tourney standard.

Thats my 2 cents on the matter.

Oh, And then theres rec ball scenario games.
3 round burst and full auto should be allowed at a capped rate, but kept to limited numbers depending on the time era being represented to give a more realistic feel to the game, if the game happens to represent WWII or newer.
I'd like to see a WWI themed game of pumps with the occasional slow auto with about 20 lbs of lead strapped to it. :P

10-07-2004, 02:08 PM
...and if any one were overshooting, it would be glaringly obvious, and punishable. There is no way you could stand there pounding somebody and claim a bouncing trigger. Automatic 50 point penalty.

Why does anyone allow the use of a bouncing trigger as an excuse for overshooting? :rolleyes:

BTW, I'm all for a min. trigger pull weight. For safety.

10-07-2004, 09:43 PM
Thats why you have to respect the courtesy pack shot at point blank and stop whining

10-07-2004, 10:20 PM
the easiest simplest way, would be to make everyone use a Revy at tournys .

everyone would be all

10-07-2004, 11:17 PM
the easiest simplest way, would be to make everyone use a Revy at tournys .

everyone would be all


who cares, lets shoot each other with mad bounce as fast as our loaders let us and allow insurence companies to dictate what we should do :tard:

10-09-2004, 12:09 AM
I would like to stick to my point here.
I am simply proposing a viable way to limit how fast a gun can shoot.
I don't support the rev only requirement because it forces you to use a single manufactures piece of equipment. You would get the equivilent result by requiring all players to use Spyder TL's only. Rev's are an inferior, unreliable product that feeds at an outdated rate.
By simply having a pull-wieght requirement applied to ANY marker you could effectivly slow it down.
The issue here is not about bravado (blazestorm) or skill or excuses. If you want to limit BPS for safety, this would be an easy way to do it. There is no whining here.

Havoc...I agree, everyone is pretty much on equal footing. I personally don't think the lane game is very exciting though, just an uninspired waiting game, but it does take a certain level of skill to be consistantly good at it.
A max BPS limit may decrease the confrontation level too. Gettting lit up at close range from an uncontrolled gun is no fun. I have personnaly offered to kick a few azzes after being shredded right then and there, but had no takers. I'm a gun-throwing paintball hothead, but maybe I can find Jesus if I'm only getting hit 3 or 4 times.

10-09-2004, 12:26 AM
Mass, did you used to play for PFB and play at WAP? If so I've met you.

and BLS is amazing.

10-09-2004, 12:32 AM
i think that there should be one person on each team(5-man) with an unlimited hopper and the rest of the hoppers have to be limited at like 15bps. that would solve over shooting in most cases but it would let players set their guns up however they want.

10-09-2004, 12:43 AM
That's me Havok.
Pink Fluffy Ballerinas FO SHO.
Retired the name last year...now it's "Government Cheese", Norcal, East Coast and Maui Chapters represent.
One of these days we may take a day off drinkin' and working' and play some ball.

10-09-2004, 05:17 AM

i think it would not be restriced to Revy laoders . but to gravity restricted feed systems
every major laoder company has one.

- Ricochet -RK2
- brass eagle - Revy
-Odssey - Halo TSA
-zap- mach somthing
while you said they would feed at an oudated rate, would it matter ?
increasing trigger weight would make the guns shoot at a outdated rate.

just my 2 cents

10-09-2004, 02:41 PM
Mech autocockers only!

10-09-2004, 03:09 PM
Mech autocockers only!
and mags.

10-09-2004, 03:17 PM
Mech cockers only!

Don't mags shoot like 2 or 3 times for every trigger pull?

10-09-2004, 06:44 PM
Don't mags shoot like 2 or 3 times for every trigger pull?

whered you dig up that idea? cause it aint true unless its a autoresponse frame or a runaway rt

10-11-2004, 09:17 AM

i think it would not be restriced to Revy laoders .

What about a warp with one of those loaders?

10-11-2004, 04:18 PM
unmodded Warps can only do 12 i believe. so it would be fine

10-11-2004, 04:24 PM
unmodded Warps can only do 12 i believe. so it would be fine

Its all about the voltage you feed to the motor. In testing we have had them go past 30, a single 9v will do 16'sh and 12 will do 25.

BTW, Feeding the wap with 12 volts does not require a "mod". However, even with a simple 9 volt battery they are capable of more than 12. Of course the revvy would not keep up, but...

If you are wanting to keep things safe, min. trigger pull weight is the better answer. There are more problems with "hair" triggers than just BPS.

10-11-2004, 06:51 PM
I tough of another way to reduce bps yesterday. Why not only use single trigger? With wathever trigger pull on it try to cycle it 16 times/seconds whit only 1 finger. That would slow down the bps by a lot.

10-11-2004, 07:08 PM
You can still fan a single trigger, and some people can fire pretty fast with only one finger on the trigger, instead of walking.

trains are bad
10-11-2004, 07:09 PM
Why not just limit paint, and let ppl shoot as fast as they want? They won't want to shoot fast when they have limited paint.