View Full Version : Help, Mags with JT paint

10-30-2001, 10:03 AM
I was wondering if any of you had use JT's new paint in your mag. I'm thinking about using it in a tournament soon and would like to know how it worked. I have a Lapco bigshot. For the ppl that used it did it brake much in the gun, accuracy, ... ect. I don't know whether it is meant for low pressure guns and if it can handle the impact of the bolt from a RT. I really could use some help.


10-30-2001, 08:28 PM
Up, Come'on I need some help. What other paints would you recommend in a Bigshot.

10-30-2001, 08:33 PM
I used the JT paint this past weekend in my 68 mag and it was great.

10-30-2001, 08:47 PM
bleh.....it was ok.
good fill, but not as good as marbies through a big daddy and smart parts stainless.

10-30-2001, 09:13 PM
I used yellow JT paint in my LAPCO BS. It was kind of bad actually. It broke a lot and was very hard. Thin shell but very hard. You can't squeeze it AT ALL. It bounced a couple times and mine was fresh. It is good out of a boomstick but it still seems to break as oppose to pmi premiums which never break or marbs. Allstar rarely breaks too but this JT paint even though it is made by RPS seems different. A little to brittle for my gun. Howveer somone also got my bolt lodged in my barrel so you know............I had a little scuff in it but even befor, the paint wasn't all that hot.

10-31-2001, 06:33 AM
JT Maxim is my FAVORITE paint, as of late. obscenely yellow fill, shoots straight, and no breaks in the gun. I've shot 7 cases of the stuff. I use the stock E-Mag barrel (.691") and CP barrels (.689")in bothn a Spyder and a 'Cocker.

Did I mention that I like that stuff :D

Should be awesome in a BS.