View Full Version : money wasting

10-30-2001, 10:09 AM
ive got a 68 mag standard feed.everyone says it should have power feed and maybe a retro valve.why?whats the purpose.i dont really need high rates of fire because i have a very small nitro tank and im sorta like a one shot wonder not the spray and pray guy.my gun never chops so whats the use?all it leads to is a waste of money and all i wanted was a gun that looks decent,shoots great,and at a okay price,but known as a good high end gun.i never really needed some warp feed my 200 round hopper shoots fine.i cant understand why peaople turn there guns to look like there from mars,but hey,its there money,not myn.

10-30-2001, 10:24 AM
hey look, its another magman. thats just one more to add to the never ending list of magmen.

it all depends on the type of player you are. if you don't shoot lots of paint at hight rof's, then you don't need a powerfeeed or retro valve or other things that help in thta area.

10-30-2001, 10:52 AM
To me paintball is a cheaper form of hotrodding.
It's all about more power!!!
I will also admit that I too do not need my intelliframed powerfeed mag with warp and flatline. But I like it that way and I'm looking for more.

10-30-2001, 04:55 PM
Geez, If you want to look at it that way, you could say that the whole sport of paintball is just a big waste of money. Like you said though...

"...hey,its there money,not myn"

I'm with Shaft on this one, though. More IS better :D

10-30-2001, 08:33 PM
so you get your 1500$ setup complete... you go out to the field and play in a rec game. some guy with a phantom sc tags you out just as you run out of paint (all 800 rounds). how do you feel about more is better? :)

it is all about your style. you don't need all the gizmos and gadgets to have a nice setup and to play good.

10-31-2001, 10:01 AM
no you don't NEED them, but... boy are they fun. and you know who I feel when the guy with the phantom tags me after I run out of paint, and try to surrender him? (black hoppers are good) better then when the two guys with pgps sneak up and surrender three of us in one bunker (now that takes guts) hats off to em, they are just better then I am, maybe someday I'll be that good. but until then I still want to drop 800 rounds no weighting.

10-31-2001, 01:49 PM
Well I can definitely see the need to save money on things that you don't need, but with the sport of paintball it's kind of like a Ferrari. Sure you don't need some 200 horsepower to go tearing down the freeway at 150 mph, but it's good to know that it could :D

11-01-2001, 07:46 PM
U have a small nitro tank like 47-48 cu in ?? I get like 800 balls with that tank

11-01-2001, 08:21 PM
Waste of money? If you say so. I'm that guy with the phantom, and I still like my toys.

11-01-2001, 08:35 PM
A retro is nice because it is very hard to shortstroke a retro. Good feeback.

Yea man. Your smarter than any of us. A mag by itself is a great gun. The way to truely better you game is to enlighten youself to the way it is played, rather than work on your hardware. Unfortunaly, it is harder to play better than it is to drop $250 for a new retro valve. :) Cheaper though :)

11-01-2001, 11:06 PM
you know with this tank once it hits about 2000psi i think i coudl cycle a phantom faster then my mag. :mad:
you know i'm even hesitating on grabing an incredible deal on a retro valve, because i like my tigger pull the way it is so much? strange eh?... however that won't stop me from getting another tank, loader, and anything else i could spend money on... ;)