View Full Version : what a peice of crap idiot

10-08-2004, 07:03 PM
i have a 13 year old brother who is the most immature person i have ever seen in my life. Were at a gas station picking up milk, and he sees the monster energy drinks. he only has one dollar, and i have a few, so obvioulsy he asks me for a dollar. i refuse because a) hes having a friend over and my parents are gone so I have to deal with them, b) he has the biggest case of ADHD i have EVER seen, c) anything with lots of sugar and caffeine will send him off the walls (literally), d) anything that says limit to three a day on it should be out of reach of him, and e) he is absolutely obnoxious anyways. So we go out to my car and he throws a temper tantrum equal to that of a 7 year old girls. and, the funny thing is he looks like a girl. the image of the long haired guy has passed through in his mind as long, straight, curled-inwards blonde hair; and on top of that, he is completely oblivious of his idiotic looks even after criticism from my parents, me, his "friends", and so on. so he throws his 4 quarters on the ground like some kind of baby, and whines the whole way home like he just lost a kidney or something. then he says, like always, that hes gonna "take the xbox away, and beat it with a hammer". knowing that i play it alot, and he technically owns it, he usually finds a hiding spot for it. then he usually gives it back in 20 mintues in exchange for something stupid, like help reading (remember, hes a moron). so, im sittin downstairs and what do i hear? a giant boom. a 7 pound xbox makes a loud noise. i go upstairs and he has his bad-face on, and being an undersized 13 year old (his 12 year old friends easily dwarf him in physcial size as well as mental capacaty), he looks so funny that i cant help but laugh. then he tries to slap and kick and whatnot so i put him down with my usual deadarm technique (yet to be bested). but, the xbox no longer reads games or cds, but thankfully the harddrive still works, and when i buy my own (hopefully soon), i can just put all the stuff on the old one to the new one. even though not all is lost, and you probably dont want to hear a bunch of my family problems, i have nothing else to do because i cant play pgr2 or rainbow six 3.

Please leave God out of this - cphilip lawn ornament... he seriously looks like one. :mad:

10-08-2004, 07:37 PM
Well, that was a long-winded rant just to say "My stupid sibling trashed his/my X-box".

Good job. :dance:

10-08-2004, 07:40 PM
For some reason I found that funny.

10-08-2004, 07:42 PM
im still pissed..... i have nothing to do tonight. no money, no xbox= lots of boredom

10-08-2004, 07:44 PM
Pick a fight with a bum

10-08-2004, 08:01 PM
You can swap certian parts from xbox to xbox, but I think the motherboard has to pair w/ the hard drive. There is a "hidden" code that is built into the xbox BIOS that unlocks the hard drive for use - the same reason why you can't put a stock xbox hard drive into a normal computer, without unlocking it (software crack).

Anywho, you can install a mod chip to use any aftermarket hard drive you want. I personally have a 160Gb and Gambit has 250Gb.

If its just the DVD not reading, there is a modification you can do to install an aftermarket DVD drive - the DVD drives aren't affected by the "hidden" code. Plus it would beat the 2x drive that in there now.

check out www.xbox-scene.com for more info.

10-08-2004, 08:50 PM
Pick a fight with a bum

and get it on tape so we can all watch

10-08-2004, 10:49 PM
ill post the video soon. until then, i still have no xbox to play, and i dont feel like screwing around with new drives and whatnot. im just gonna take some money out of savings and get me a brand spankin new one!

10-09-2004, 12:57 AM
I kno exaclty wut its like having a brother like that!!!

Target Practice
10-09-2004, 01:17 AM
Yeah, he's the immature "peice of crap idiot", and your're the one whining about it on an INTERNET FORUM. Way to go, Turbo.

10-09-2004, 09:52 AM
i have nothing to do tonight. no money, no xbox= lots of boredom
Welcome to my world. Even if I had money, my mom wouldnt let me get one.

10-09-2004, 10:43 AM
i dont consider this whining.... its more like an effective waste of time.

10-09-2004, 10:50 AM
Man my X-box fried the other day, you know how hard it is to talk to customer service, while your 300 dollar piece of crap is now out of warrenty, and not yelling at him, and I will have to pay $90 for it to be fixed. So now I am on a mission to hunt Billy Gates, anyone with me?

10-09-2004, 11:39 AM
effective waste of time.

Is that an oxymoron?

10-09-2004, 11:54 AM
That post was about 500 words too long

10-09-2004, 02:30 PM
I call my 13 y/o cousin a worthless red neck bum , hehe :D

I guess I feel your pain ;)

10-10-2004, 12:35 AM
Wow, you guys need to find friends and learn to be cool. Friends are good, they give you drugs and stuff and do stupid things that make you not stop *****ing about your little brother. But ya, seriously. some people scare me, go outside once and a while, u know? :p

10-10-2004, 09:00 AM
Wow, you guys need to find friends and learn to be cool. Friends are good, they give you drugs and stuff and do stupid things that make you not stop *****ing about your little brother. But ya, seriously. some people scare me, go outside once and a while, u know? :p

Wow your cool!

10-10-2004, 09:39 AM
And now we know why lions eat their young...

10-10-2004, 12:44 PM
Yeah, he's the immature "peice of crap idiot", and your're the one whining about it on an INTERNET FORUM. Way to go, Turbo.
Your an A$$hole

10-10-2004, 01:52 PM
Yeah, he's the immature "peice of crap idiot", and your're the one whining about it on an INTERNET FORUM. Way to go, Turbo.

Whining about something on an internet forum is much more mature than breaking an expensive Xbox.

10-10-2004, 02:14 PM
Whining about something on an internet forum is much more mature than breaking an expensive Xbox.
Nah, one time I found an equalizer in the garbage, hooked it up and it worked but then disconnected it because I didn't really need it. Then we wanted to smash somthing by dropping a fire hydrant from a tree, so the equalizer was choosen. It smashed pretty good but later on I got the info off it to find out what it was worth out of curiosity. Turns out we smashed a working $200 or so equalizer :(

10-10-2004, 03:42 PM
Nah, one time I found an equalizer in the garbage, hooked it up and it worked but then disconnected it because I didn't really need it. Then we wanted to smash somthing by dropping a fire hydrant from a tree, so the equalizer was choosen. It smashed pretty good but later on I got the info off it to find out what it was worth out of curiosity. Turns out we smashed a working $200 or so equalizer :(
Thats what that was! Ohhhh.

But yeah, about the story, sux to be you, and remmember, caniblism is ok if you move to Kenya. :D http://www.automags.org/forums/images/icons/icon14.gif

10-11-2004, 09:00 PM
And right now you have to be thinking, "Why, oh why, didn't I give him a dollar!?!"

10-11-2004, 09:46 PM
Iwas wonderng when someone was gonna say "all that for a dollar" or something similar. :rofl:

10-11-2004, 09:51 PM
what the hell did he do to it? if he just droped it i cant imagine it taking to much damage, ive heard of someone droping one down a flight of stairs, it sometimes made a funny noise but still worked perfectly, ive even heard of one taking a 9mm

10-12-2004, 11:17 PM
Yeah, he's the immature "peice of crap idiot", and your're the one whining about it on an INTERNET FORUM. Way to go, Turbo.
