View Full Version : Auto Cocker Guys

10-30-2001, 12:00 PM
I know this is an auto mag forum, buy I am sure there are some auto cocker owners in here. I am looking for a backup to my Emag. Which would you get, a Free Flow or a verticle feed Shocktech auto cocker? If I get a shocktech I will probably put free flow internals in it.

Thanks for your comments. :D

10-30-2001, 12:28 PM
oneshot where did this come from, is this the one in two years or did you change your mind last we talked? :)

10-30-2001, 12:58 PM
Try both and see.....I'd sugguest a Shocktech VF cocker then get AKALMP internals, IMO, if your looking for the best internals, run to AKA. I use thier bolt, its great.

Of course, try before you buy...There are alot of good Autocockers on the market these days.

10-30-2001, 01:49 PM
I'd go with the Freeflow over a shocktech any day.

10-30-2001, 03:08 PM
Backup to an E-mag is kind of excessive, maybe if your E-mag gets stolen or something hehe..
I recommend using a Bomb 3-way and a Eclipse Blade Trigger frame.. *drool* They bring your trigger pull to almost nothing. (and they made your a/c look sweeet)

10-30-2001, 03:24 PM
I highly recommend the ANS Gen X 3 'Cocker as a backup gun. For $600 with a lifetime warranty, ya can't go wrong.

10-30-2001, 03:32 PM
I highly do NOT recommend an ANS Gen X 3 cocker. I have it, and hated it, untill I replaced EVERY ANuS part that influenced the guns performance. All new pneumatics, new frame, new springs, everything. The bolt is complete crap, they over anodize it and they get jammed in the back block. You'd spend more money replacing crap parts than you would spend on a nice cocker from the start. There is a reason they're like $450 wholesale....

As for an Freeflow or a Shocktech, I'd probably go with the freeflow, then again I think buying a milled body and putting on your own choice of internals would be the best bet, that way its more your own setup and not someone elses. If you want to buy a pre-assembled cocker, get an Evo X or an Eclipse. I can garentee you will love an eclipse cocker if you get to try one (if you think the blade frame feels good on a cocker, try an eclipse with blade, they're even nicer!). Then again, if you bought an eclipse you'd probably sell your mag, so if you dont wanna do that just buy a freeflow or something.

10-30-2001, 04:45 PM
Well smack me down! Too bad yours didn't work out for you, chaos. Mines great. And if it ever does go bad, ANS will fix it right.

Frankly I just don't get the whole 'Cocker mentality. "Buy a gun and change everthing on it to make it YOURS" Not a flame, I just don't get it.

Maybe that's why I like mags. Just shoot 'em, and clean 'em up when your done.

10-30-2001, 04:49 PM
well, I say try sever different Autocockers. There are sooo many that you can choose. I personally like custom made ones. They have parts built to your own liking.

10-30-2001, 05:06 PM
Russ in a way your wrong. MOST not all i say do this so that they have a cocker to there likings. Like mine i cant really shoot a standard 45 that well so i bought a hinge. I did this to make the trigger so i could shoot it. But what i dont get is that if you buy a VF shocktech it is alot of money and you would go spend over 100 bucks to replace the internals to get not much of a performance change. But yes shocktech are nice, free-flow is my favorite.

I would go for a free-flow!!

10-30-2001, 05:21 PM
Having a little experience with Cockers, I will tell you that there are only 3 'Aftermarket' cockers I would purchase. The STO (especially the reissued 99), the Eclipse, and the Evolution (From Belsales), All 3 share the same front Pneumatics, the STO set and excellent internals (By either WGP or Belsales). Shocktech's quality control rivals Kingmans (If you get a working bomb, great, but I've met a grand total of 1 guy with one), Freeflow's are way slow (good luck cycling over 5bps with something running at 30psi), and ANS performs worse than stock (worse front reg, worse 3-way, and slower ram).

Also Buy a Eclipse Blade for it, accept no substitutes. It performs far better than the WGP one (which is nifty, but not earthshatteringly good, like the Eclipse).

10-30-2001, 05:25 PM
Take a look at the Black Magic. I got one and put the Dye pivot trigger on it and it is amazing.

10-30-2001, 06:11 PM
I'd go with the Revenge v2. Akalmp internals, merlin body. Diff front block for a crisper trigger pull. shocktech bomb 3way. sidewinder reg. can't go wrong.

10-30-2001, 09:24 PM
I still say go with custom. there's no reason why you should spend the price of a Shocktech Autococker just to replace all the internals with FF parts. By buying just hte parts and putting teh gun together yourself, your saving alot more than you would expect.

E-Mag man
10-30-2001, 10:06 PM
I have had ANS parts on my cocker for about a year now and I've never had one problem with them, there my favorite over all. The only part that has been broken was my fault , it was the ram and I put it in my bag carelessly and it got bent. So I think if you just want a backup gun to your E-Mag, get a Gen-X, cheap and one of the best ones in my opinion, it my not be the best looking but it performs the best from what I've seen and used.

10-30-2001, 11:58 PM
Ok, I'll get more into this.

My ANS cocker performed HORRIBLY, as someone said, their pneumatics suck. I had to replace them all because the gun performed so horribly with the ANS junk.

Personally I think buying a milled body and putting on your own parts is the funniest way, but thats just my opinion. That way you get the parts you want though.

Now, from my experience, off of guns I've played with (my friend goes through guns like candy, so I've used almost every type of cocker and angel out there...) Heres a fun list, which pros and cons as I think about them

Revenge V2.0 - I used one last weekend, this gun is GREAT. It performed perfectly, very short pull, I could even pick up a sweet spot on it like on the RT where the trigger would pretty much bounce. It is a much better design than the standard cocker IMO, and having the 3-way in the center looks nice too (its something different :)). I short stroked a few times, and it just kept going, no chops the whole day or anything (and considering I prefer and am used to the longer lighter cocker pulls, thats even better, especially since my first time even pulling the trigger on the gun was when the first game of the day started). Only con is, you dont get to play around with it (if it works, dont mess with it, and this thing works great). The milling is very nice also, I love the 'R' on the side (so how many of you didn't know that is an R on the side of the gun? I didn't realize it until I saw the gun in person), and the sight rail is one of the coolest I've seen. Its litterally just rails, very nice touch.

Eclipse Blade Cocker - This gun is GODLY. #1 on my list of GUNS, I like it better than my friends Cobra angel, oh did I mention he's on Team Cobra. He has the tightest cobra angel I've ever seen and played around with, but I prefer the eclipse cocker much more. The gun has a very nice pull, the blade is just a great setup. Think the blade is nice on your cocker? try having one setup by the people that invented the thing, its even nicer. If I had the money, this would be my one and only gun. It cycles increadibly fast, is very consistent, has a very very nice pull, and you can just RIP on it. Only con is it takes a little bit to get used to the trigger (you pull it so fast because of how light it is, you short stroke untill you get used to it). I wouldn't touch this gun, it works so nice I'd be scared to take the grips off thinking the gun would take it as a SiN. I cant stress how nice this gun is, and the quality of the milling, parts, and anodizing, is that like no other.

Ripper - Ok, I feel the body is over-rated. Very high quality precission milling, and it looks very good, its not my style tho, and its all looks. For $600 or so for just the body, its not something I'd go for unless I wanted something to try. My friend got one, and set it up almost identically to his eclipse, and it is VERY nice. Its no Eclipse, but its still nice (go buy it, its the Satin ripper with blade frame on PBC, last I checked my friend hasn't sold it yet but has some very nice offers). Cons - I wouldn't want to drop it, I'd be too scared to use it and mess up its beauty

Stock Cocker - Yes, thats right, stock cocker. My friend took a stock vert feed cocker, made it a sleeper style with all black parts, it looks very nice and the performance is great. This is an example of building the gun with the parts you like, with a shroud this gun looks stock but it is VERY nice. Con - Most of you dont want a 'stock' gun

Sandridge F5 - Though this isn't the same as a cocker, I must say, they are VERY nice. Out of every gun I've tryed, I prefer the eclipse, but if I went electro I'd probably get an F5. My friend has had many, and each one was very nice. I was NOT able to chop at all, due to the anti-chop eye which is setup very nicely. I tryed, trust me I did the most inconsistent strings very fast, begging for the gun to chop, and it wouldn't. Its a cocker with an angel trigger that doesn't chop, need I say more? The only con is the black box on the bottom, but that didn't bother me the slightest.

10-31-2001, 02:54 AM
i am new here, and i don't know what experience you have with them, so i will start at the begining.

1) what experience do you have with them?
2) there is nothing wrong with a stock cocker. they perform just as well as other cockers, but they lack the cosmetics of other cockers, as well as the fine tuning.
3) if you start off stock, then you can change what you don't like and kep what you do like on the gun. there is nothing that you can't change on a cocker.
4) you don't have to spend everything on the gun. if you get a stock cocker, then you can also get an air system(if that's your preference) for that gun, as well as a barrel and other acessories.

myself, i subscribe to the Ravi Chopra school of cockers, go stock. the other cockers out there are nice, but are they worth it? stock pneumatics are very good. aftermarket will only give you an illusion of better performance. 45 frames are good, especially if you are used to using them.

personally, i would go with stock. but by the first to choices that you said, it seems like you have some money. what about another Mag? that way you won't have to buy new barrels and all the other stuff that goes with a new gun?

10-31-2001, 09:33 PM
ANuS parts are prone to leak, my cocker consists of 70% of ANS parts and it's leaking like a mother rihgt now and i have no clue where ti's comming from.

10-31-2001, 11:10 PM
I have a ANS Gen-X Reg, ANS 3-way, ANS SS ram, and a ANS LP Chamber. I have not had 1 problem with it ever. My cocker is a 97.....If that tells you anything, this cocker has had about 100k rounds through it, not a single problem.

However, I must say this : ANS quality control has slumped in the past year or so. The only things I can reccomend anymore are thier Gen-X Regs (the main ones), thier LP chambers, and thier Minirams.

I've shot quite a few cockers out there, and in all honestly, they mostly preform the same, the only differance is in the trigger work and opperating pressure.

I just feel strange when everyone tells me I have the best cocker they've ever shot, and when I tell them its a 97, they go "oh, that preforms almost as good as a 2k1" when they just told me its the best ever.

As for customs......Great. They are the best road I can think of. If you have the cash and time, get a cocker YOU want, not what shocktech makes, or freeflow makes. I personally dislike FF cockers because of the trigger...But thier sandblasting is great..

If I were you, I'd just assemble a list of parts you'd want on a cocker, and throw them together, you get the best of all worlds.

11-01-2001, 12:25 AM
I read the question and I think that you should get a 2001 LCD instead. They are probably cheaper than the highest end cockers, and they are more than the low ones but if you are used to an electro trigger, and you really want a back up gun, then probably another electro trigger will be natural for you to play with. Just my thoughts...good luck.

Ninja B0Y
11-01-2001, 12:35 AM
Can't go wrong with an Angel either. But it's always good to have a mechanical to supplement an electro, but in his case since he already has both.

I have a 01' STO. After 3 days the stock angry 3 way was leaking so I replaced it with a 'Bomb' 3-way.

Lone Gunman
11-02-2001, 10:49 PM
I know, I know!!! Get one of those nifty WestWood Autocockers from BBT. They are only $1800!!! Ravi has had two of 'em, one got stolen, so he bought another one. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe... stupid, nieve Ravi.