View Full Version : weird parts!?

10-09-2004, 06:40 AM
i have some questions for the fellow AOers about a couple weird parts i found while researching for a current Automag classic A.I.R. valve build-up. the parts in question are the:

-White Wolf roller trigger (has ne1 used or even seen one of these trigger kits?)
-Z-body (the one that lets u adjust the amount of backspin pu ton the ball. same qusetions as above, does it even actually work?)
-ANS phase II valve or Huriccane valve ( r they worth the money to upgrade or not? do they really even make a difference?)

i found all of these parts on pbreview.com under the "marker specific accessories," and then the Airgun Designs section.
any help or suggestion on the project would be very much appreciated.

p.s.-this is my first actual post, even though i have been AOing for a long time, and it feels good to finally be part of the active forum, so help a brotha out and tell me what u know!

10-09-2004, 07:15 AM
Can't help you out with the trigger....but the Galactic Z-body does work. It gives you more distance, but lord help you in the accuracy department if the paintball is not perfectly round. As or the ANS2 or hurricane valves, stick with the stock ones, they all do the same thing and 9 times out of 10 the stock ones will perform equally to (if not better than) the Aftermarket valves. I know its these are vague answers, but I'm just trying to give you the cut and dry version.

Welcome to AO!!!

10-09-2004, 09:05 AM
I have a hurricane valve on a mini mag valve I bought. It dosent seem to make any diff that I can tell. It hasen't hurt anything either though. I also have a galactic -z body but it was missing the adjustment do-hicky when I got it . I will say that a level-10 bolt will not fit in it though.(sticks on the sides) apparently the venturi bolt's don't have as wide an ear on the back of the bolt. Work's fine with the venturi bolt.

10-09-2004, 03:13 PM
-White Wolf roller trigger (has ne1 used or even seen one of these trigger kits?)

Don't really know what the White Wolf thing is, but AGD made a roller trigger a while back and it didn't take off to well. I think it worked, just nobody got them. But don't get one for a mech mag, they won't work on anything but electros (well, they will work but it would be worse than regular)

-Z-body (the one that lets u adjust the amount of backspin pu ton the ball. same qusetions as above, does it even actually work?)

I've heard that they do work, but something like only 1 out of 2 times. Can't tell for sure, I've never used one.

-ANS phase II valve or Huriccane valve ( r they worth the money to upgrade or not? do they really even make a difference?)

OK do NOT get either of these. They are a waste of money. I had a Phase II on a mag I bought used, and it did NOTHING. I mean NOTHING. They were made for when the 2 holes bridging the gap from the foreward reg half to the rear half were not lined up. It's the same as an "8-hole mod" or any other "X hole mod". At one time the holes were not lined up, I'd be surprised to find a mag anywhere these days that they do not. Trust me, stay away from them. It will void your warranty, and that's a no-no.

I assume you know about Level X, ULT triggers, Y-grips, ULE bodies, Warp feeds, etc.? If you don't let me know and I'll post what all they do. But as for upgrades, LX FIRST DEFINATELY, then probably the ULT or Y-frame, then the body upgrade last, since that's only cosmetic. I love my warp, but some don't like it so much. I didn't include it in that list since you probably should mess with one first to see if you like it. I love mine, and hate playing without it.

10-10-2004, 03:17 PM
The only benefit of the aftermarket valve, is that the Hurricane was available in aluminum, which saved a good bit of weight. But they make no difference in performance.

I personally think the Galactic Z-body is all hype, though I've never used one. If you decide to buy one, good luck. They've been out of production for awhile, and there weren't that many made to begin with.

10-10-2004, 03:41 PM
i have a WWA roller trigger,they are super nice..i love them,they work GREAT with ULT.