View Full Version : i cant believe its come down to this.

10-09-2004, 04:27 PM
after months of scouring every website, manufacturer, reseller, every spec about the gun,upgradeablitlity, weight, efficiency, cool factor, ect. its come down to this (mods please dont believe this because as far as i know a fs works almost the same as a mag)

RT ULE Custom | ND Freestyle
Blue Dallara | new drop
hair trigger when it comes out |
shocktech gas thru |
new feedneck |

what do you guys think?

10-09-2004, 04:32 PM

10-09-2004, 04:39 PM
are u trying to pick btwn the two or what? and no theyr not even clsoe to the same

10-09-2004, 04:42 PM
Freestyle, electronics will always be superior to mechs.

10-09-2004, 04:56 PM
Except for when your battery dies in the middle of a game...

10-09-2004, 05:04 PM
if by superior you mean faster then yes they are....but superior is a strong term..how bout you just say electros are faster and leave it at that.

10-09-2004, 05:05 PM
That whole battery dying argument doesnt hold a candle to the electronic supremacy debate, if your playing speed/hyperball then you dont really need to worry about your battery dying mid game, now if your playing a multiple day scenario then I can see your point. Just my $.02 And I would go for the Freestyle all the way.

10-09-2004, 05:09 PM
ooooooo i just spied the nasty and dark shocker..

10-09-2004, 05:19 PM
FS>Shocker and less $$.

10-09-2004, 07:42 PM
That whole battery dying argument doesnt hold a candle to the electronic supremacy debate, if your playing speed/hyperball then you dont really need to worry about your battery dying mid game, now if your playing a multiple day scenario then I can see your point. Just my $.02 .

10-09-2004, 07:49 PM
That whole battery dying argument doesnt hold a candle to the electronic supremacy debate, if your playing speed/hyperball then you dont really need to worry about your battery dying mid game, now if your playing a multiple day scenario then I can see your point. Just my $.02 And I would go for the Freestyle all the way.

And because anybody who owns an electro should be smart enough to make sure you have full batteries and spares [if applicable]..

10-09-2004, 08:01 PM
ooooooo i just spied the nasty and dark shocker..

i have a nasty shocker, and i love it. its so light and low profile, fast everything you could want. everyone on this forum hates shockers because they are bias against SP, but in reality its a really good gun for a good price. theyre one of the cheapest high end electros out there (the normal vision one, not the customs like nasty and dark)

10-09-2004, 08:09 PM
I love my Shockers. Best gun I've ever shot. The Nerve is a close second(I got to shoot one of the protos last year).

10-09-2004, 08:10 PM
if by superior you mean faster then yes they are....but superior is a strong term..how bout you just say electros are faster and leave it at that.

i agree with that.
you will never have the speed of an angel, timmy, or freestyle; while having the range and acuracy of a mag or autococker.

10-09-2004, 08:19 PM
i agree with that.
you will never have the speed of an angel, timmy, or freestyle; while having the range and acuracy of a mag or autococker.

Range = a function of physics. Aside from systems to put backspin on ball (the flatline barrel or the Z-body)you will not gain range. A ball leaving a barrel at 280FPS will go as far from a mag as a cocker, as a shocker, as a blowgun...

Accuracy = nice try. Cockers are nice in your hand because they don't jump around (at least the ones I have shot). My Shockers are very smooth in my hand, even in rebound mode where you are reaching a sustained high rate of fire

Speed = some of the mechanicals are pretty quick, but you don't have ACE and you are not going to get as quick. My Shocker electronics are covered regardless of reason for failure for 6 months by warranty. Now I did have a body issue with one Shocker I just got, I'll let you know if SP steps up and covers it - though it might be partially my fault as well so how it goes it goes.

The advantage of the mechanicals is they are a mechanical device, pretty easy to understand how they work.

10-09-2004, 08:38 PM
i have a '99 pro-team custom cocker.
i can get about 7bps out of and hit the target every time.
i liked the timmy i used at the last tourney i went to better than my cocker.
if it didnt cost so much i would have a timmy or angel or shocker, but my cocker works great for me now.

10-09-2004, 11:32 PM

10-10-2004, 12:30 AM
I love my mag, but having recently shot, drooled & gently caressed a freestyle. I'd have to say get one if the money isn’t an option. Insane rate of fire etc. If you’re a blinger you could get a little upset at some of the milling marks on it. Anno is ok. Appears to be getting better with each one I see. The first ones were a bit rough, IDC will even tell you that. Functions very well. Also IDC has impressed me as of late with their customer service. AGD, ya know I have never had a problem that I couldn’t fix so I don’t have an opinion on customer service other than they rocked when it came to being our sponsor back in the 90's(Northern Knights).

10-10-2004, 04:03 AM
ok how about this... we know the people that dont own mags prefer their gun over some other gun because a mag was their prefered marker. and we also know that people with "electros" have their guns because the prefer them.... a marker is someone personaly taste. if someone likes te short ez stroke and feel of an electro then its the best gun for that particular person. vis versa for a mag owner... lets stop hating on everyone and just get a long... in almost every thread there is an argument that spurs up and its so childish and stupid. some people need to get there heads on straight and accept things for what they r and stop arguing over what marker is better than the other, because in reality the best marker is what u think it is. stop telling people what to think and let them think on there own. peace

10-10-2004, 04:36 AM
Yeah but whne the hair trigger comes out all you guys are going to complaining about batteries and selonoids. While I am playing in the rain and kicking butt. :D

10-10-2004, 09:13 AM
Except for when your battery dies in the middle of a game...

And that has never happened so... that means it won't happen :rolleyes:

10-10-2004, 09:16 AM
Except for when your battery dies in the middle of a game...

never happened to me...or anyone i know, or anyone ive seen, i think people just arnt THAT stupid......(most people)

10-10-2004, 09:18 AM
Yeah but whne the hair trigger comes out all you guys are going to complaining about batteries and selonoids. While I am playing in the rain and kicking butt. :D

....I have played in the rain....as well as everyone else who was at the field, and we were all shooting E-markers, just put electrical tape in any questionable areas and your good to go

10-10-2004, 11:33 AM
i have a nasty shocker, and i love it. its so light and low profile, fast everything you could want. everyone on this forum hates shockers because they are bias against SP, but in reality its a really good gun for a good price. theyre one of the cheapest high end electros out there (the normal vision one, not the customs like nasty and dark)

It's not that I'm biased against SP. I don't think they're business ethics are all that great, but if the Shocker was as good as I wanted it to be, I'd probably pick it up. The problems I've seen with it is:

- Vert MaxFlo sucks - I'd have to put a new reg on it... which isn't the worst thing, not like I don't have 3 spare regs laying around...but why should I have to?

- Reflective eye - Honestly, all I want to deal with is breakbeam. Yes, I know people who say they haven't had a problem with the eye... I know people who have. I see no reason why they couldn't just go with breakbeam eyes. Easier to deal with electronically, easier to deal with in-game