View Full Version : Plastic Nubbin Results

10-30-2001, 04:15 PM
Ok guys lets get Tom some feedback about the nubbins
Mod please sticky this
Gun type: Emag
Barrel Used: Stock Barrel
Bolt: Foamy
Loader: Warp/12V Rev
Air system type: Microreg 68 4500
Air system input: ~850
Installed: 10/28/01
Approx number of shots: 2000
Paint used: Proball Devil
Bore size: ~689
Paint breakage
Before: not many
After: same
Any problems: Gun bolt stuck occasionally for the first 500 rnds. Seems fine now
Anything need to be added?

10-30-2001, 04:17 PM
Gun type:
Barrel Used:
Air system type:
Air system input:
Approx number of shots:
Paint used:
Bore size:
Paint breakage
Any problems:

11-13-2001, 04:01 PM

11-13-2001, 04:10 PM
Gun type: Classic s/f
Barrel Used: Custom Products 12"
Bolt: ANS foamie 10 hole (forget name)
Loader: 12v intellifeed revvy
Air system type: NitroDuck 68/3000
Air system input: 850
Installed: 11/13
Approx number of shots: 200
Paint used: Team Colors
Bore size: ???
Paint breakage
Before: none
After: none
Any problems: The first 30 shots went every where, they were spinning like crazy. Then they shot straight.

11-13-2001, 04:32 PM
Gun type: 68 Classic PF
Barrel Used: Taso Pro Series 8.5
Bolt: Stock AGD, not long nose
Loader: Warp and Revvy combo
Air system type: Flatline
Air system input: 750
Installed: 11/5
Approx number of shots: 700
Paint used: Team Colors
Bore size: Med.
Paint breakage
Before: 5 of a Case:2000:
After: None
Any problems: Nubbins seemed to slipp of front o-ring, but didnt affect performance.

You know how much of a pain that was to bold everything like that?.. lol

11-13-2001, 08:43 PM
Great guys thanks!! Very professional!!


11-13-2001, 09:10 PM
Gun type: Automag Classic w/Powerfeed
Barrel Used: Freak
Bolt: Extended nose foamie
Loader: Intellifed 12v (x-board) Revvie
Air system type: Pure Energy 4.5k psi 68 ci
Air system input: 850 psi
Installed: 11-9-01
Approx number of shots: 1700
Paint used: Big Ball
Bore size: .687
Paint breakage: ~3, down the barrel, not near the nubbin
Before: once in a while
After: no real change
Any problems: Nope

Here's a link to a posting I did with further feedback on the plastic nubbins. It has some 'before & after' pics. http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16547

11-13-2001, 10:31 PM
Gun type: E-mag
Barrel Used: J&J 2-piece, 10"
Bolt: Stock
Loader: 12v Revvy
Air system type: NitroDuck 68/3000 preset
Air system input: 850
Installed: 11/11/2001
Approx number of shots: 1500
Paint used: ZAP performance plus
Bore size: ~.68
Paint breakage
Before: 2-3 per case
After: So far, NONE
Any problems: Had to shave a little off the "bump" on the opposite side of the nubbin to get it to flex and let paintballs pass without breakage( in addition to the "shaving" done prior to being sent to me )

Also See:
The Plastic Experience (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=130559#post130559)

DC Nelson
11-13-2001, 10:47 PM
Gun type: Automag Classic
Barrel Used: Old style dye ss (only muzzle porting)
Bolt: Standard
Loader: 200 round box
Air system type: Nitro Duck tuffskin 3000psi
Air system input: 800psi
Installed: 11/6
Approx number of shots: 200
Paint used: Marbs
Bore size: Anyone know the old bore size?
Paint breakage
Before: Broke 1 ball once
After: None
Any problems: We had to sand down where the oring closest to the barrel is, to make sure it didnt pinch the oring in the body. The nubbin needs to be a bit longer in the back to keep the rear oring on it.


11-13-2001, 10:53 PM
Gun type: ReTroMag
Barrel Used: 12" Boomstick .688
Bolt: Standard
Loader: Warp with 12 volt Revy
Air system type: Raptor 68/4500
Air system input: 950 psi
Installed: 11/10
Approx number of shots: 1300
Paint used: Brand X
Bore size: N/A
Paint breakage
Before: only once when my P nubbin broke
After: couple times (could have been the paint)
Any problems: no problems

11-13-2001, 11:22 PM
Gun type: Emag
Barrel Used: PMI Perfect Cermic 14"
Bolt: AGD Delrin NEW
Loader: Warp/Revy
Air system type: AGD 4500/68 Flatline
Air system input: 800
Installed: World Cup
Approx number of shots: 6000
Paint used: HellFire, Inferno, All Star
Bore size: 689 <barrle>
Paint breakage 2 Hell Fire End of barrel, 2 All Star EOB
Before:Depends on Paint used
After: About the Same
Any problems: None, this one is as I got it from teh factory

Gun type: Emag
Barrel Used: PMI Perfect Cermic 12"
Bolt: AGD Delrin Gen1
Loader: Warp / Revy
Air system type: 3000/68 Flatline
Air system input: 800
Installed: 11/11/01
Approx number of shots: 1500

For about 1000 of this it was Loaned to a Kid from DC ( sorry I dont recall your name off hand) He used it in the Big Game at Pevs. I am gues he shot over 1000, and I shot about 500 at the shop the night before.

I know he broke some paint but no real details, but I belive it was Operator Error.

This Nubbin I need to shave off some flashing so it would return after a ball passed. The nubbin was a tad fat at the nub end and was hanging a bit in the grove.


11-14-2001, 01:52 PM
Well one other thing to remember is durability. That's one of the problems I encounter with my V/P nubbins. When they are old they can rust and crack with a little poke. Sometimes you bend them too far by accident and SNAP!, there goes your nubbin, and now you have to go find another one.

People should see how much the nubbins can take. By bending them in the warm, cold, trying to squish them, etc. I think this would show how the new nubbins and more durable then the old.

11-14-2001, 04:57 PM
Gun type: RT Pro
Barrel Used: 14" Freak
Bolt: Diffuser
Loader: Ricochet 2k
Air system type: 68/4500 Tuffy
Air system input: 800psi
Installed: 11/10 Speedball team practice
Approx number of shots: 3000
Paint used: ProBall, ZAP Perf Plus, 32*
Bore size: .689, 32* .693
Paint breakage: None on Proball,ZAP, a few on 32*
Before: No breaks
After: a few breaks on 32*
Any problems: I sliced some 32* paint at the start, then she shot darts all day, straight & clean. I modified mine a bit, the nubbin seemed a bit "pointy". Overall, they worked fine, they were a bit short for my freak back.

11-15-2001, 12:07 PM
Gun type: Automag with retro valve
Barrels Used: DYE Boomstick, LAPCO BigShot
Bolt: Long Nose bolt
Loader: 12v revvy with intellifeed to z-grip:D
Air Sysytem tpye: AA Raptor rex 68cu 4500 psi
Air System Input: 850 psi
Installed: 11/14 just for fun:)
Approximate number of shots: 600 total, 300 in each barrel
Paint used: Marballizer, JT, and inferno
Bore Size: Who knows? Who cares? but they are all about .688 or .687
Paint Breakage: NONE
Any problems: Well the nubbin on the DYE boomstick didn't
appear to do all that much

and here are some more oobservations

I tested the nubbins on my DYE boomstick first. The Boomstick had the perfect size barrel o-ring slots. They were nice and narrow. Therefor I didn't experience the problem most others did with the nubbin being to short and the o-ring creeping down. I did however experience once problem. I tested this with 3 types of paint. some fresh Marballizer. some older JT paint, and older inferno. All 3 paint shot well with no double feeds but that was surprising. The nubbin barely sticks into the bore of the DYE boomstick. I did notice it did have some resistance and after about 300 shots there was 0 wear on the nubbin. The boomstick is very different to most barrels in the breach. Rather than being flat it is concave and acts as it's own ball detent with medium paints. I am going to test it with hellfire next time and see what happens. After the shooting test I grew suspicious of the boomstick. I took one marballizer ball and put it in the barrel. I then realized that the nubbin did have SOME effect but by applying little pressure I was able to get it past the nubbin and when I blew harder it flew out the barrel. This paint might of been a bit too small for the boomstick with is a .678 bore(calipers). Overall the boomstick seemed to handle it very well and DID NOT double feed so I was happy. I replaced the nubbin with the 3 others and I came out with the same results every time. I am still uneasy about that indent where the breach in the barrel meets the feed port.

Now I tested it on the LAPCO Bigshot. While the barrel o-ring slots are much larger on this barrel, the nubbins still weren't too short but just to be safe I added an extra o-ring. I did notice that after 300 shots there was a little wear but nothing serious and in the LAPCO there is no concave shape where the breech hole is. It's nice and flat. There were no double feeds and eveything went smoothly with all 3 paints. I was pleased. I blew hard and still the nubbin held the ball in place. Once I pushed the ball past the nubbin and blew surely enough it popped out the other side. Both barrel are near the same bore. I think LAPCO's for mags are a smaller bore for some reason when compared to LAPCO's for spyder. But that's a completely different story. Here is my feed back. I am a little confused though. From the pics I saw some people were having obvious problems with the nubbin being too short. Did I get the second batch of nubbins? I received mine in the mail yesterday and I sent my envelope in the day after the contest was announced but I don't live to close to IL.

So overall, in the DYE, the nubbin didn't seem to do all that much but it was still okay. In the LAPCO the nubbin was perfect and there were no real flaws. I didn't even need the extra o-ring but I thought I might as well seeing how I had a couple parts kits laying around.

11-15-2001, 03:05 PM
Has anyone at AGD considered using a wire "holder" with a plastic ball "tip" for a nubbin? Seems to be that would work well, but then I don't design paintball guns for a living. :) Just curious.

11-15-2001, 04:17 PM
Gun type: Emag
Barrel Used: stock and 10" aluminum smart, parts freak
Bolt: stock
Loader: 12v. warp and 12v. revy
Air system type: 48 3k pmi preset (waiting for the 6845 flatline
Air system input: 800
Approx number of shots: 2000
Paint used: diablo and pmi
Bore size:
Paint breakage
Before: some depending on paint (she is picky and only like nice things
After: 1 break in 2000 shots
Any problems: no problems some visible were to the detents but not anything detrimental

11-15-2001, 05:03 PM
Gun type: Vert Feed Automag RT (Tricked out the ***)
Barrel Used: 12in boomstick (freak when i get mod body)
Bolt: unknown
Loader: 12vlt revvy with intelefeed
Air system type: PMI Pure Energy 88/45
Air system input: somewhere around 850
Installed: unknown
Approx number of shots: a lot, but in perfect condition
Paint used: every type of field/tourny paint
Bore size: many
Paint breakage: Less than a dozen balls in its long life
Before: huh?
After: huh?
Any problems: Never has been, never will be

11-15-2001, 05:36 PM
BONEisAgod, your post is kind of useless here unless you provide some information about the nubbins. Nice gun though. I still wouldn't call it "(Tricked out the ***)"

This is for feedback on the new plastic nubbins.

When you get your new plastic nubbins this is what you should fill out.

Helping:), not flaming

Gun type: Vert Feed Automag RT
Barrel Used: 12in boomstick (freak when I get mod body)
Bolt: unknown
Loader: 12vlt revvy with intelifeed
Air system type: PMI Pure Energy 88/45
Air system input: somewhere around 850
Installed(when you installed the new plastic nubbins):
Approx number of shots: a lot, but in perfect condition
Paint used(the paint used with the new nubbins):
Bore size(of the paint used with the new nubbins):
Paint breakage: Less than a dozen balls in its long life
Before(paint breakage before installing the new nubbins):
After(paint breakage after installing the plastic nubbins):
Any problems(with the new plastic nubbins)

11-17-2001, 01:37 PM
Gun type: Automag P/F
Barrel Used: Smart Parts two-piece (very old)
Bolt: Long Nose bolt
Loader: 12v revvy with intellifeed to Intelliframe
Air System type: Crossfire 68
Air System Input: 800 psi
Installed: 11/12
Approximate number of shots: 1200
Paint used: 32 Degree Competition
Bore Size: I really don't know
Paint Breakage: One barrel break (not breach).
Any problems: None. Actually forgot I was playing with a replacement part.
Other: Rainy day, 90% humidity, 67 degrees.

Observations: I noticed that the first 10 shots over the chrono curved around as if I had previously broken a paintball in the barrel, but the barrel was dry. Don't know what that can be tied to; but the subsequent shots were straight.

The one ball-break was down the barrel. I am not sure if it was due to the nubbin (this break was within the first 100 shots of the day) or over-brittle paint. It cleared well and I didn't have any problems the rest of the morning.

Lord Vader
11-17-2001, 05:58 PM
Gun Type: retromag
Barrel Used: stock emag barrel
Bolt: non-foamie, non-longnose AGD bolt
Loader: 9V Revolution w/ TurboRev board
Air System Type: AGD 68/3k Flatline
Air System Input: approx 800 psi
Installed: 11/16/01
Approximate # of Shots: 780
Paint Used: Great American(unscented)
Bore Size: Medium
Paint Breakage: None
Wear: very litte; overall shape maintained
Problems (if any): Had a little difficulty getting the barrel in initially; afterwards, barrel removed/installed easily
Observations: Great product. Easy installation, no ball breakage. AGD does it again!

scenario skwirl
11-17-2001, 07:55 PM
only problem i encountered was that the orings didn't sit all the way in the barrel making it hard to get the barrel back on, sometimes stretching them pretty bad.

11-18-2001, 03:28 PM
Gun type: ReTroMag
Barrel Used: 32 Degrees Carbon Fiber
Bolt: AGD Longnose
Loader: warp/revvie
Air system type: 68 Flatline
Air system input: about 800
Installed: last week
Approx number of shots: 350
Paint used: Proball
Bore size: medium
Paint breakage
Before: none
After: I think one broke on the nubbin, but didnt notice it until I checked the barrel. There was quite a bit of paint on the nubbin so I think it broke on it.
Any problems: I think just that one break


11-18-2001, 04:22 PM
Gun type: Standard 68 Automag
Barrel Used: J&J Full Tilt Two Piece
Bolt: AGD Longnose Bolt
Loader: 12 Volt Revvy
Air system type: 114 ci 4500 PSI Air America Apocalypse
Air system input: 950 PSI
Installed: last week
Approx number of shots: 300
Paint used: Big Ball
Bore size: ?
Paint breakage
Before: none
After: None
Any problems: Nope, not on the J&J barrel, but when i put it on my other barrels (12 inch Smart Parts AA barrel, and my 9 inch DACC, it wouldn't let the barrel go into the automag body.

11-19-2001, 03:31 AM
Gun type: ReTro Minimag
Barrel Used: Freak
Bolt: AGD Super Bolt
Loader: 12V Revy w/ Warp Feed
Air system type: 68 CI 3000 PSI ACI BULLDOG
Air system input: 800 PSI
Installed: 11/18/2001
Approx number of shots: 500+
Paint used: RP
Bore size: approx .689
Paint breakage
Before: minimal
After: no change noticed
Any problems: some barrels wont fit in my stock 68 mag body with the new nubbin.
Additional Observation: After use of the nubbin with the new derlin Super Bolt, the nubbin shows no wear in the slightest, it looks good as new, though, more extensive use will be benifical.

11-19-2001, 04:34 AM
Gun type: Retromag
Barrel Used: 12" CP Teardrop
Bolt: Delrin
Loader: Warp
Air system type: 68 Flatline
Air system input: 800psi
Installed: 11/17/01
Approx number of shots: 500
Paint used: Advantage
Bore size:
Paint breakage
Before: N/A
After: None related to nubbin
Any problems: A must have with Delrin bolt. Wire nubbins eat away at Delrin bolts faster.

11-19-2001, 08:04 AM
A special thanks goes out to Dubstar112 for sending me two of these. He is truly a generous fellow AOer. Thanks again Dubstar112.

I did try one of them this weekend in my Freak. Shot great no problems except for the short end that pops out of the back Oring when I removed the barrel. Otherwise it fit nicely in the slot with no trimming like some of you have reported. I had absolutely no problems with the thing except its just a bit too short. I fired a full hopper of Powerball pearl at targets with the thing. I pronounce...I LIKE EM!:D

A Magical thing did happen to one of them though. More on that later.;)

11-19-2001, 07:57 PM
Gun type: E-Mag
Barrel Used: Stock, .691”
Bolt: Stock
Loader: TurboRev upgraded Revy, Warp Feed
Air system type: MacDev Conquest
Air system input: 600psi
Installed: 11-7-01
Approx number of shots: 2200
Paint used: 32 deg Competition (hey it’s only rec ball!)
Bore size: Med
Paint breakage: 4, all in the barrel, none near the breach
Before: dependent on paint weather, blah, blah
After: None due to nubbins
Any problems: The plastic nubbins are a bit too big to fit into my warp mainbody, with both O-Rings. I had to remove the O-Ring nearest the breach, and I used 2 O-Rings in the groove nearest the muzzle, to retain the nubbins. I also trimmed the boss on the back side of the nubbins, that contact the inside of the mainbody, to allow the nubbins enough area to flex out of the way of the bolt. I got the barrel jammed up pretty good in the mainbody, when the O-ring nearest the breach apparently popped out of its groove when the barrel was inserted. It was hell getting the barrel out in the field after a ball break. The barrel sustained some more damage where the barrel detent gouged the barrel along the track which guides the barrel. I Hate nubbins! :(

Load SM5
11-20-2001, 01:08 PM
Gun type: Vert. Feed E-mag
Barrel Used: Freak (dual nubbin)
Bolt: Stock long-nosed
Loader: 12 volt revy
Air system type: 68/4500 Dynaflow
Air system input: around 750
Installed: Nov. 5
Approx number of shots: 300
Paint used: all-stars
Bore size:
Paint breakage: none
Before: none
After: none
Any problems: the the end of the nubbin slipping out from under the o-ring. A single layer of electrical tape over the nubbin under the o-ring solved that.

11-20-2001, 07:49 PM
I broke a couple of balls out at the country club but I think I just need to sand it down a bit more and I think my bolt is screwed up and that may have helped with breaking thew balls

11-22-2001, 03:12 PM
Gun type: Emag
Barrel Used: autospirit, stainless
Bolt: stock
Loader: Warp/12V Rev
Air system type: flatline 3k
Air system input: ~700
Installed: 11//22/01
Approx number of shots: 200
Paint used: 6 month old rps marbelizer(advantage shell)
Bore size: ~686
Paint breakage
Before: not many
After: none(but it I didn't shoot enough to really punish them)
Any problems: None

Comments: the plastic nubbin worked quite nice, and I was really surprised that the rps behaved so well after such a long time, plastic nubbin seems to equal goodness

11-24-2001, 09:28 AM
Gun type: Classic, P/F-H/L
Barrel Used: CP 10" .689"
Bolt: Stock long nose
Loader: VL200
Air system type: PE 88/3000
Air system input: 850psi
Installed: 11-23-01
Approx # of shots: 600
Paint used: 32deg Comp
Bore size: med
-Paint breakage-
Before: occasional barrel breaks
After: None
Any problems: This barrel had persistent double feed problems, the plastic nubbins completely eliminated the double feeding.

11-26-2001, 12:05 AM

Thanks a TON for the feedback. We are making the changes to the mold now and the next batch should be perfect! I am going to float this post now so we can make room for other stuff.



11-26-2001, 01:05 AM
so are we going to be able to get samples of the new ones too?

11-26-2001, 01:08 AM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
so are we going to be able to get samples of the new ones too?

Well, maybe tom's just gonna give out a few and then put them in the spare parts packages...

11-26-2001, 01:20 AM
if he said he was going to put them up on the online store to buy i'd buy a couple...i just like to be kept in the loop on everything....

11-26-2001, 06:38 AM
Gun type:AGD RT Pro Vertical
Barrel Used:Smart Parts Freak 14"
Bolt:stock diffuser
Air system type:NitroDuck 68/4500 tuffy
Air system input:800psi
Installed:sunday 11/25
Approx number of shots:600
Paint used:PMI BigBall/ZAP Perf Plus
Bore size:.691/.689
Paint breakage
Before:1-2 breaks/case
After:75% breakage
Any problems:I split practically every ball that went thru my gun in a game, I threw over 600 balls. The paint to bore match was perfect, The nubbins split almost every ball.