View Full Version : best mask?

10-11-2004, 02:57 PM
Hey all, I'm in the need for a new mask :mad: I took a shot in the nose piece of my old one and it went right through :cry: . What are there for good masks nowadays. I love the looks of the new dye invision but I heard if fogs like mad. I play all year long, when it's winter and when it's very hummid out, so I need a mask that won't fog. THanks for your help :clap:

10-11-2004, 03:04 PM
as for fogging, i think it depends more on the person then the mask. after a few months of playing, i didnt get fogging anymore. ive tried nearly every mask on the market during a game for the laster 5 or so years without any fogging, so i think its just your body training itself to not breath hard during the game.

ive had a vforce for the last 2 years, havent replaced a thing (no need to) and pretty scratchless even though all the stupidity ive put it through :rolleyes:

10-11-2004, 03:23 PM
Get an Invision. Low profile, great visibility, stylish, doesnt fog if you maintain the lenses properly, but it's a ***** to take apart..

10-11-2004, 03:24 PM
well I did get fogging alot with out thermal lenses. I need a mask that will cover my chin, and that can take some abuse, has good venting because I HATE using fans.

10-11-2004, 03:26 PM
ive had a vforce for the last 2 years, havent replaced a thing (no need to) and pretty scratchless even though all the stupidity ive put it through :rolleyes:

Same lens to :wow: :wow: :wow: you used the word stupidity :eek:

10-11-2004, 03:28 PM
I love my Flex 7, and i'm sure the ProFlex's are even better.

can'tthink of1
10-11-2004, 03:40 PM
Cheaper masks

JT Proflex
V-force Morph

And the more expensive one,

V-force Profiler

I have a profiler and I love it.

10-11-2004, 03:47 PM
I have a proto and i love it, in FL fogging can be a problem but i haven't have mine fog in the 6 months i have had it

10-11-2004, 03:56 PM
I love my Flex 7, and i'm sure the ProFlex's are even better.

Only quoted to be sure I am on the same subject ;)

Flex 7 are good but old in design and well, not good enough for some people...I use and like them.
The Pro-Flex is something I considered until very recently, the ear protection on the Proflex although lighter and is obviously there to promote bounces...don't deny it guys ;) isn't large enough as it leaves the ear exposed on many people and a mugging might very well result in paint entering the ear...with all these ramping boards etc about would you want to be on the receiving end of these markers without adequate ear protection...sure it is better (if that is the correct word) to be deaf in one ear than be bling in either eye but I like all my senses ;)

Are you listening JT/Brass Eagle/K2/Whoever owns the company now...

JT and DYE have got the mask design correct as there are not any open slots/holes/gaps anywhere near the eye section (this includes the skin area surounding your eyes) and a positive goggle frame to hold the lens in place...everyone else is relying on pressure not the sensible slot system....btw the Axim is not included in this praise.

10-11-2004, 04:09 PM
i use a pro-flex, but im probably going to buy a profiler soon. The proflex is a great mask, but I love how the profiler looks. Pretty much any v-force mask is good for what its made for.

10-11-2004, 04:13 PM
I agree on Pro-Flex.

10-11-2004, 04:16 PM
If you want style go with dye, if you want... not style go with flexe :)

10-11-2004, 04:16 PM
If you want style go with dye, if you want... not style go with flexe :)

Got that backwards; the Flex is agg, the Invision isn't.


10-11-2004, 04:17 PM
If your on a budget, get the Proflex. But the Profiler is the best mask IMO.

10-11-2004, 04:29 PM
well, this is one of those things my wife let's me spent whatever I want on. She wants me to be safe. I really like both the profiler and the invision, but I have heard the protection has something to be desired. What are your thoughts on that?

10-11-2004, 06:09 PM
Hey all, I'm in the need for a new mask :mad: I took a shot in the nose piece of my old one and it went right through :cry: . What are there for good masks nowadays. I love the looks of the new dye invision but I heard if fogs like mad. I play all year long, when it's winter and when it's very hummid out, so I need a mask that won't fog. THanks for your help :clap:

i've used invision masks for 3 years, hasn't fogged one.

10-11-2004, 06:14 PM
I'm leaning tward the profiler. Does any one know if you can get lenses for it yet, or are you stuck with the stock lens

10-11-2004, 06:28 PM

Bottom of the page. The lenses for the Shields, Morphs and Profilers are all the same. The Armor lense is different.

10-11-2004, 07:13 PM
viva le porfiler brother

10-11-2004, 08:05 PM
You should go to a shop and try some masks on. I tried a proflex yesterday and hated it becuase it didnt have good visibility. I tried on a V-force mask though and it has as good of visibilty as the invision. I really like my Invision and have been using mine for three years now.

10-11-2004, 08:11 PM
I currently use a proto mask and like it alot, but as someone else said it's pretty much just preference. IMO the profilers are the best mask out, alot more comfy than the protos and invision but then again it's just my opinion.

10-11-2004, 08:53 PM
viva le profiler brother

Word! ... with a couple of extra lenses as amber and such....

10-11-2004, 09:33 PM
Get a Profiler. The lenses are good quality, are very inexpensive, and are VERY easy to change. Plus they're so darn comfortable that you don't even feel like you're wearing a mask.

10-11-2004, 09:37 PM
it depends. its all personal preference really.
i have a proflex and also a profiler.
i decided to cut the ears on the profiler and put some proflex softear's on the profiler and for some reason, the profiler is a LOT more comfortable than what it use to be.

but i use my proflex when its very hot out, because for me the profiler keeps in a LOT of heat(but when i put the softears on it, some reason it stopped keeping in so much heat)

the profiler has awesome FOV though, you kinda forget you're wearing a mask cause you almost can't see the frame around the lens when you wear it.

however the flex part on the proflex/flex7 has given me bounces everytime i get shot there, can't really say that for any part of hte profiler

/shuts up

10-11-2004, 09:45 PM
My profiler has been awesome. It gives good chin protection, encourages bounces, has an easy to clean (and remove) lens, doesn't fog, and gives you awesome peripheral vision. Proflexs are a bit comfier imo but i'll stick with my profiler

10-11-2004, 09:54 PM
Dont for get about the Proto Switch. they are easy to take apart and dont fog at all. They are also very close to the Invision in basic design.

10-11-2004, 09:55 PM
aren't protos on the heavy side for a mask?

10-11-2004, 10:36 PM
if you are concerned about protection with the Profiler, set ur doubts at ease, i personally have a large head, and until i tried on the profiler and checked it out, my old Proteus was the only mask that covered my head enough to what i thought was good protection, covered my chin decently, covered my jawline nicely, and the visor was good protection for my forehead... well i recently bought a profiler after trying on a friends... it covers MORE of my chin, but at a further distance as to not restrict my breathing, it cut up a small bit on my jawline but NOT enough to complain about, and the visor/veflector whichever you'd use, although did not cover as high as i would like was still adequate... now to the good stuff.. this mask ventilates better than any mask i have used, and i've tried quite a few. has no fogging issues that i have noticed yet, and i'm a big guy who sweats alot and generates alot of heat... and this mask doesnt restrict my ability to breath AT ALL what so ever... not only is this the sexiest mask on the market, it is also the best in functionality from what i am seeing and everything i ever heard before getting one... this mask is well worth the investment.

BUT, the best advice i can give is try as many on as you can, and even try them out on a field if you can, then make your decision based on what fits YOU, after all... it's all about your own preference..

10-11-2004, 10:40 PM
I love my profiler, and, although, I personally have never had it fog...I have seen people who have. I would recommend the proflex myself...my JT lenses never fogged, not even once, and I played all through winter as well. I chose the profiler for ease of changeability, as well as coolness factor :cool:

10-12-2004, 12:53 PM
I've used an invision for years. The lense it came with fogged, but after I replaced it, I never had a problem. It's a good mask.

That being said, I'd buy a Profiler if I was in the market for a new mask. Best mask on the market right now IMHO.

10-12-2004, 01:59 PM

10-12-2004, 02:24 PM
I'm with Bulldog...I have been wearing an Invision for a few years now and for the most part, I am thoroughly happy with it. I change the lense atleast twice a year(for safety), and keep the lenses clean. It never fogs. It stays comfy. And it's good protection.

If I had the spare cash, I'd get a profiler too.

10-13-2004, 10:00 AM
I'm a gear whore and still have all my mask,pro flex,flex 7 IZE,Dye invision,my first BE-lol-,and the v force armor,morph,and profiler.I personally have a big head and my profiler is just not enough for me,nor is my Dye.The flex's are comfy,but I had fogging problems even w/ my thermal lenses.It can be fixed with anti-fog spray,but thats often and annoying.I personaly use my v-force morph,it has good coverage,great vision,and is super tough.I've never had it fog,and it is so comfortable I'll leave it on in between games.I play in the south east so I've been through the humidity problems aswell as the cold,and I'm confident you wouldn't have any problems with a morph or even a shield for alot cheaper (unless you have a small head).I hope that helps a little.

10-13-2004, 10:46 AM
Proteus masks are cool, has a sound guard to cut down the sound when ur breathing. Feels great and raps the chin good. expensive though. i got a flex 7 and thats fine for me. :cool:

10-13-2004, 12:28 PM
I have a proflex, It's my favorite mask. I have been shot in the ear a few different times and it felt/sounded like I was punched in the side of the head, But I like the mask's good field of view and it is very light.

Dye invisions are ver nice also, but if I had to get a different mask I would go Profiler. Masks fit differently for everyone, not everyone has the same size head...So try on a few different brands and see wich one fits the nicest, comfort, that's what is improtant in the long run. They will all protect you about the same.