View Full Version : Braves... Owned!

10-11-2004, 10:14 PM
We need some pics of the braves being owned tonight... it is total ownage and I have waited 9 years to see this...

What is it 12 to 3? :rofl: Needs pics of the look on their faces...

10-11-2004, 10:16 PM
What do you have against the braves?

10-11-2004, 10:28 PM
Besides them taking out Houston in the playoffs for last 14 years or so? Nothing I guess... :rolleyes:

10-11-2004, 10:29 PM
maybe that we've won 13 straight division titles? That we did it this year when everyone said we couldn't?

oh well...The buffalo bills were the braves of football...eh...such is life

10-11-2004, 11:52 PM

Last time I checked the scores it was 4-2 or something. I logged on and see 12-3???


Oh well, they had a totally crappy start to their season and really picked it up around all-star break. Then pretty much cruised to playoff spot.

So now I say, go CARDINALS!

10-12-2004, 02:29 AM

Last time I checked the scores it was 4-2 or something. I logged on and see 12-3???


Oh well, they had a totally crappy start to their season and really picked it up around all-star break. Then pretty much cruised to playoff spot.

So now I say, go CARDINALS!

Err, the braves had a crappy start???! We won 36 or 46 just to barely clinch the wild card... and the braves had a crappy start!? I loved it how beltran just owned all of your pitchers. Then biggio, bagwell.... the rest of our line-up - all owned the Braves pitching staff. I found it utterly hilarious... they went through what 3? pitchers in the 8th.

Cardinals will fall. ownage shall happen!

10-12-2004, 09:07 AM
Cardinals will fall. ownage shall happen!

From someone who can remember seeing Stan Musial play and the Cardinals winning the 1964 World Series against the dreaded Yankees and the likes of Mantle & Maris, as John Wayne said many times................ "THAT'LL BE THE DAY" !!!


10-12-2004, 12:04 PM
go astros!

10-12-2004, 01:17 PM
Hate to burst your bubble dynaflow but now you get to go play the cardinals. I'd be shocked if they didnt sweep.

The Action Figure
10-12-2004, 02:26 PM
[QUOTE=RTDynaflow]We need some pics of the braves being owned tonight... it is total ownage and I have waited 9 years to see this...

What is it 12 to 3? :rofl: Needs pics of the look on their faces...[/Q

10-12-2004, 05:35 PM
[QUOTE=RTDynaflow]We need some pics of the braves being owned tonight... it is total ownage and I have waited 9 years to see this...

What is it 12 to 3? :rofl: Needs pics of the look on their faces...[/Q

?? learn to quote people properly if you are going to throw up an IQ insult :rolleyes:


go astros!


10-12-2004, 09:38 PM
Cardinals and Astro's will be a good series. Cardinals have a dangerous line up from 2-7 (murderer's row) and have some good pitching to boot. Astro's have some dangerous hitters and Clemens. So it should be interesting none the less.

10-19-2004, 10:59 PM
From someone who can remember seeing Stan Musial play and the Cardinals winning the 1964 World Series against the dreaded Yankees and the likes of Mantle & Maris, as John Wayne said many times................ "THAT'LL BE THE DAY" !!!


Hmm, Looks like tomorrow will be the day.... :rolleyes:

Hate to burst your bubble dynaflow but now you get to go play the cardinals. I'd be shocked if they didnt sweep

What? Someone in shock? huh? They DIDN'T sweep us? :tard: Yeah... Hope those words taste nice going down :rolleyes:

Ownage shall continue ;) :hail:

10-19-2004, 11:25 PM
don't count your chickens.....

10-20-2004, 06:09 PM
the bills suck .

go packers

10-20-2004, 07:00 PM

10-21-2004, 10:24 PM
Cardinals will fall. ownage shall happen!

i dont think so

10-21-2004, 10:28 PM
In our defense... :(

I guess I could say two of our best starters never got to play... I could say we had the best record in august. All I can seem to say, we choked. Like we did all those years with atlanta. I just hope it doesn't take us the next 6 years to get past the NLCS. =*(

Time to get drunk. (yay)