View Full Version : Paintball and my problem with authority (A little long, I guess)

10-12-2004, 01:22 AM
It was the middle 90's, 96 to be exact, and times were good. I had just played paintball for the first time, with an automag rental actually. And aside from the rental mask being too big and getting bonus balled in it till it spun around and a subsequent paintball exploding on my teeth, I found it quite enjoyable. So I figured Id take it up as a past time.

Flash forward to the year 2001. Things had gone quite awry with my life, to say the very least, and some where in the middle of the long list of problems was my little brother decided to take the grip frame off of my BM2K and in doing so rip the wiring harness from the circuit board. Frustration aside, it was no biggie as I was in an industrial technology class in high school and could solder it back on to the board. Im not sure if this was the moment that the government decided like it would be a good idea to target me or not, but it was the first time they had reared their ugly head. After soldering the wiring harness back on to the board, with full teacher permission I might add, I was called down to the principles office and subsequently suspended pending investigation, with reccomended expulsion. Well it would seem that my circuit board was some how a deadly weapon, and much more dangerous of a deadly weapon than the brass knuckles being manufactured at an alarming rate right across the hall in the metal shop. So after a long and arduous process of arguing logic and reason, they let me back in school, though confiscating my deadly circuit board. I subsequently finished out my career as a student with no other paintball related incidents of note.

Then came the Army. The same one that defends our freedoms and constitutional rights. This would be late 2002, and Ft Hood Texas was the location. My friend whom I played paintball with lived across post. As a matter of convenience I kept my 2 guns, the aforementioned bushy and my trusty automag rt, in her room. I went to the field for a period of 2 weeks and upon returning, found her room banded and sealed, paintball guns still inside. She had gotten deployed to Iraq with almost no notice. Try as I might, her units rear detatchment refused to break the seal on the room and allow me to get my property.

Several weeks later, I was sent to Korea. It was here, now paintballgunless, I decided to buy an autococker from irbodden. Transfer successful, I was now the proud owner of a shiney blue STO. Upon finding this information out, the government strikes again. They inform me of a policy that it needs to be kept either in the units arms room, or off post. Well it was also the case that our brigade commander didnt want anyones personal property cluttering up his arms room, and as their policies were in contradiction of each other, I was forced to keep it off post. I missed many weekends of paintball, the course being on post actually, due to the fact that Koreans were protesting and we were restricted to post. Then came the big Eighth U.S. Army paintball tournament. I registered a team of 5 men, and got a copy of the rules. It said nothing about whether or not we were allowed to use our personal markers, so I called to verify that it would be the same as normal field rules, which were that personal markers were allowed pending an inspection and chronograph. I was told this was the case. Well upon getting to the tourney, it was run by people from the army, and not our local field gurus. They determined that because my gun was an "Autococker" that it was fully auto and not allowed to be used in the tournament. Now, I attempted to argue this, but logic is forbidden in the Army. It was deemed that there was some secret way to make my gun fully auto, and it couldnt be used. And as I didnt register as needing to rent a gun, they were all out. My team was forced to forfeit. Yay. (Wouldve attempted to borrow a gun, but there was only one other team present at that allotted time, and they werent too keen on giving me one.) Why am I so oppressed? Oh but it goes on...

Upon returning from assignment in Korea to Ft Drum, New York, I was asked if I had any deadly weapons I needed to register with the police. I said no, as the only deadly weapon I had was a 3.5" knife, and they only count knives over 6". So I proceeded on my merry way. I figured the policy here was that I shouldnt be having a paintball gun around in the barracks, so I devised a plan to move it. My roommate has a child, and would soon be moving off post to an apartment when his child arrived. So I held on to it, anticipating keeping it with him. All was well, until just before he actually got his apartment, the army did a health and welfare inspection. They found the paintball gun, quite easily as it wasnt hidden. It would seem that when asked the question "Do you have any deadly weapons to register?" the correct answer is "Yes, a paintball gun." And so now my beloved autococker sits rusting away in the companys arms room, with all the other deadly weapons such as machine guns and grenade launchers. Im not even granted visitation rights. And so here I sit again, at the hands of Johnny Government, paintball gunless.

Which brings me to my solution. I am hereby declaring my candidacy for President of the United States. It is my intention, as President, to raise awareness about the world and culture of paintball, as well as initiating a policy of mandatory death penalty for all Green Bay Packers and New York Yankees fans, in addition to lowering taxes for me. For consideration as my running mate, please post a response to this story. Best argued response, either for or against, will be selected to run on my ticket. Long Live America!

10-12-2004, 02:29 AM
My long story here.

First off, I like how well you wrote your story.
Second...Damn, im sorry about your luck, dude.
I'd vote for you.
You Liberal, or Conservative though?

(Doesn't matter what you are, I'd support you, and respect your views, I've found that here on AO in the recent past, no one seems to be respecting personal political beliefs, save for a few people)
Edit: I'd love to be your running mate. Pick me!

10-12-2004, 06:13 AM
At least you have now learned the logic is forbidden in the Army.....

10-12-2004, 07:04 AM
:eek: Good read Kosmo.

What happened to the rt and bushy? Will ya get the cocker back?

Where are ya now? How short are ya?

I figured the policy here was that I shouldnt be having a paintball gun around in the barracks

Smoked yourself on this one...............you knew it "All was well until the army did a health and welfare inspection"
Expect the unexpected.

"It was deemed that there was some secret way to make my gun fully auto," :ninja:
This could be true

"Do you have any deadly weapons to register?" the correct answer is "Yes, a paintball gun." :shooting:

Cant argue that one.

"penalty for all Green Bay Packers fans,"

Got it. The Bears just beat the Pack thats better then death.

Long Live America!

Right on. Ill write ya in.

10-12-2004, 09:44 AM
You can't make mechanical auto cockers full auto as far as I know, Beemer.

kosmo, that SUCKS. As soon as I turn 18 if you run i'll vote for you :)

10-12-2004, 10:04 AM
:eek: Good read Kosmo.
"It was deemed that there was some secret way to make my gun fully auto," :ninja:
This could be true

Thats impossible. Its easier to make a spyder or mechanical automag (non rt) full auto than an cocker.

Kosmos - You should have just called it an STO or "cocker". I hardly ever call my cocker an "autococker". I just called my sto cocker an "sto" and my 2k2 "the christmas cocker" (because of its colorscheme of green, red and black).

10-12-2004, 10:09 AM
hehe, i've been trying to get logic into the government (or atleast into the minds of the working class, just doesn't work very often.) for a while now. in about 15 years i can run for prez or vice prez. wanna run then? oh, and i am so for the deaths of the packers and/or their fans.

10-12-2004, 10:10 AM
you should have pointed out that a pistol is called an automatic, yet is not fully automatic

10-12-2004, 11:11 AM
Kosmo.... this further proves my point - the vast majority of people are morons. Logic is rare. I tried to use logic in High school... It is as if no one can comprehend anothers opinion or idea. Sickening. Not sure what is worse, the government being so ignorant to say a mech cocker can go FA, or your school for calling a circuit board a deadly weapon :tard: . The latter for sure.

Sorry to hear all of that, but will you atleast get you guns back? What about your board? If I was you, I would be after some bitter sweet revenge on that HS :cuss: . I am just a little vindictive though :rolleyes:

Edit: as far as a paintball gun being a deadly weapon... so is a bic pen. My car keys. A small piece of rope... Anything in an idiots hands can be a deadly weapon.

10-12-2004, 12:32 PM
Smoked yourself on this one...............you knew it "All was well until the army did a health and welfare inspection"
Expect the unexpected.

Ill give you that one, yes...

"It was deemed that there was some secret way to make my gun fully auto," :ninja:
This could be true
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm... No.

"Do you have any deadly weapons to register?" the correct answer is "Yes, a paintball gun." :shooting:

Cant argue that one.
Yes I can. Have you ever registered any of your paintball guns with the police as a deadly weapon? Is there a waiting period when you buy one as with other guns? Does a shiney blue STO even resemble a real weapon of any sort? Is the paintball gun in fact more deadly than the 3.5" knife I had? (Which btw was also confiscated in the health and welfare inspection because it "wasnt in a sheath"... Yet another instance of making up their own rules and inflicting them upon me. As if they dont realize that these are many of the things that we fought against fascists and communists for so long for.) Would anyone in good logic and sound reasoning assume that a paintball gun must be registered with the police? The answer to all of these questions is, of course, a resounding no.

And furthermore, a late addition to the issues I will be running on. When I am President, at least one Banana Man ( :dance: )will be present on each bill to go through congress; any bill not meeting this requirement will be subsequently vetoed.

10-12-2004, 10:47 PM
wow, the karma gods must love you. That sucks... and you have my vote


10-13-2004, 05:57 AM
Then came the Army. The same one that defends our freedoms and constitutional rights. This would be late 2002, and Ft Hood Texas was the location. My friend whom I played paintball with lived across post. As a matter of convenience I kept my 2 guns, the aforementioned bushy and my trusty automag rt, in her room. I went to the field for a period of 2 weeks and upon returning, found her room banded and sealed, paintball guns still inside. She had gotten deployed to Iraq with almost no notice. Try as I might, her units rear detatchment refused to break the seal on the room and allow me to get my property.

Several weeks later, I was sent to Korea. It was here, now paintballgunless, I decided to buy an autococker from irbodden. Transfer successful, I was now the proud owner of a shiney blue STO. Upon finding this information out, the government strikes again. They inform me of a policy that it needs to be kept either in the units arms room, or off post. Well it was also the case that our brigade commander didnt want anyones personal property cluttering up his arms room, and as their policies were in contradiction of each other, I was forced to keep it off post. I missed many weekends of paintball, the course being on post actually, due to the fact that Koreans were protesting and we were restricted to post. Then came the big Eighth U.S. Army paintball tournament. I registered a team of 5 men, and got a copy of the rules. It said nothing about whether or not we were allowed to use our personal markers, so I called to verify that it would be the same as normal field rules, which were that personal markers were allowed pending an inspection and chronograph. I was told this was the case. Well upon getting to the tourney, it was run by people from the army, and not our local field gurus. They determined that because my gun was an "Autococker" that it was fully auto and not allowed to be used in the tournament. Now, I attempted to argue this, but logic is forbidden in the Army. It was deemed that there was some secret way to make my gun fully auto, and it couldnt be used. And as I didnt register as needing to rent a gun, they were all out. My team was forced to forfeit. Yay. (Wouldve attempted to borrow a gun, but there was only one other team present at that allotted time, and they werent too keen on giving me one.) Why am I so oppressed? Oh but it goes on...

Upon returning from assignment in Korea to Ft Drum, New York, I was asked if I had any deadly weapons I needed to register with the police. I said no, as the only deadly weapon I had was a 3.5" knife, and they only count knives over 6". So I proceeded on my merry way. I figured the policy here was that I shouldnt be having a paintball gun around in the barracks, so I devised a plan to move it. My roommate has a child, and would soon be moving off post to an apartment when his child arrived. So I held on to it, anticipating keeping it with him. All was well, until just before he actually got his apartment, the army did a health and welfare inspection. They found the paintball gun, quite easily as it wasnt hidden. It would seem that when asked the question "Do you have any deadly weapons to register?" the correct answer is "Yes, a paintball gun." And so now my beloved autococker sits rusting away in the companys arms room, with all the other deadly weapons such as machine guns and grenade launchers. Im not even granted visitation rights. And so here I sit again, at the hands of Johnny Government, paintball gunless.

Exactly why I joined the USAF! :D

Which brings me to my solution. I am hereby declaring my candidacy for President of the United States. It is my intention, as President, to raise awareness about the world and culture of paintball, as well as initiating a policy of mandatory death penalty for all Green Bay Packers and New York Yankees fans, in addition to lowering taxes for me. For consideration as my running mate, please post a response to this story. Best argued response, either for or against, will be selected to run on my ticket. Long Live America!

Death to all Packer and Yankee Fans! :mad: :D

When is your hitch up? Not soon enough from the sounds of it! :p

The Bear
10-13-2004, 07:05 AM
Wait, This tales about police sounds farmiliar here back at my country Malaysia.

If you wanna know Kosmo, We over here need to register each and every marker a a firearm, without a firearm license don't even think of bring one out of your house.

You are not the only one with bad company, for your info, we face worse problem then you. :cry:. To get one without a license is as bad as having a gun in your pocket, don't mean to scare you but its the law..... What can we do???

Go to this site maybe you'll know what we are facing on the other side of the world.


Cheers Bro...

10-13-2004, 12:49 PM
I dont know how long I have left. If the gods bless me, Ill only have 20 months left. That being said, theyre currently trying to break some rules and put me into a unit that Im not allowed to go to due to time remaining requirements, and I will be stoplossed (involuntarily extended) for an as of yet undetermined time. I still dont have my mag and bushmaster, as when I came back from Korea, the woman with them had deployed to Iraq for the second time.

Some advice for all you teenagers out there: when you get to the real world and something is ****ed up, and someone tells you that you have to put up with it because thats the way it is, dont ever accept that. Its that kind of attitude that throughout history has allowed things like slavery and the holocaust to happen.

10-13-2004, 02:54 PM
not a packer fan, but we wouldn't mind the city when you're done. Please note that I haven't actually discussed this with shortie yet. but she said already that she wants the zoo to watch monkeys all day. Only pump guns will be allowed in 5 miles of lambeau. Sorry guys, go play firehose at East de pere.
Free large pizza with unlimited toppings to whoever gets the packers to move.

I'm not joking about the pie.

10-13-2004, 07:08 PM
should have called it the "semiautococker".

10-13-2004, 07:27 PM
I was suspended for 10 days (and nearly expelled) for having the barrel (yes, only the barrel) of my old Spyder in my locker back in 1998... I don't remember the circumstances of how it was found, but I remember the resulting lunacy like it was yesterday...

10-13-2004, 07:29 PM
wow dude it must suck haveing a nice cocker just rust away well good luck with president

10-14-2004, 10:49 AM
Some advice for all you teenagers out there: when you get to the real world and something is ****ed up, and someone tells you that you have to put up with it because thats the way it is, dont ever accept that. Its that kind of attitude that throughout history has allowed things like slavery and the holocaust to happen.

This isn't slavery or the holocaust. For Christ's sake it's only paintball equipment.

AND you're in the Military. You'd think it wouldn't take a lot of brain power to realise that everyone in the military is reglemented and controlled by bureaucracy to within an inch of their existence.

Either play by the rules, or don't belly-ache when you get caught breaking them. :rolleyes:

Everyone in the Military knows there are strict rules surrounding equipment (of any sort, not just paintball) and what can be kept on base. Always ask, always say more than your asked for, never assume anything.