View Full Version : java tank

10-30-2001, 06:29 PM
im lookin to buy a 68ci java tank for 150$buthow many shots will that permit?and whats the deal with the agd flatlines?what do they do?

10-30-2001, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by magman68
im lookin to buy a 68ci java tank for 150$buthow many shots will that permit?and whats the deal with the agd flatlines?what do they do?

rule of thumb for 3000psi nitro systems is 10shots per cubic inch. 4500psi systems will get about 15.

the flatline is AGD's regulator, and it's probably the fastest recharging regulator on the market.

10-30-2001, 09:18 PM
Nah, I'd say the Hyperflow systems from Centerflag are faster. I havent seen any faster than those. My AA works just fine though. I'd stay away from anything that says Java on it, just to be safe. If your looking for a good deal right now, Paintballgear.com has 68 ci 4500 Crossfire tanks for $170. Thats a prety good deal, ALthough I don't get the Low pressure output tank, since it has the same output the regular one does, both are preset to put out 850 psi, and that will most certainly make an RT go reactive like crazy.

But yes, to figure about how many shots per tank fill you'd get (remember, it will vary a bit)4500's equal about 15 shots per cubic inch. and 3000 systems equal about 10 shots per cubic inch. Just multiply either 15, or 10 by the number of cubic inches your tank holds, and taht will give you a rough estimate of how many shots you should get.

10-31-2001, 07:39 AM
okay,so java isnt good,but i have to buy from acepaintball.com because thats where im buying a new harness and remote setup.do you see any good deals over there?(keep around 200$ in mind,maybe a little more)

11-04-2001, 08:10 PM
personnally, i wouldnt get a remote. first, you dont see many people with mags AND remotes on them.if you like to put the tank ontop of you shoulder with a mag, and most ppl do, then a remote wont let you, unless you get a stock which would look pretty bad and be pointless. i would

1) not get a remote and a big +1 harness and buy a nice redz pack

2) get a good nitro setup