View Full Version : How to make my computer better...

10-12-2004, 01:28 PM
Hi guys. Heres the story, I finally got another computer, but the problem is its a POS hand me down. Well, I want to make it be able to game, the best it can handle now is like Star Craft and CS. It does have an awesome video card, I think its a Mad Dog, but since it used to be my bros, he might put it in his CPU, but its a Dell and I think most of them have integraged Video cards so yay for me! But the main problem, is that it has a Celeron Processor :nono: Now I asked my bro who is a computer programer, if it would be possible to change it to a Pentium for or whatever, and he said it is possible but it would be very tricky. ie I would need to change the ram and whatnot. The one thing I noticed is that it has a smaller case than normal, so I think it could be a problem. So does anyone know anything else I could to make it able to game? Thanks! Ill be right back and edit the post with the specs on it.

Edit: Ok, its an HP Pavilion with a 700 MHz Celeron Processor. Thats all I really know about it since its a couple years old, and it want mine to begin with.

10-12-2004, 01:47 PM
its not looking good.
i just gave one of those away a couple of months ago.
really need the specs to tell you anything specific
but ram is always a great upgrade.

10-12-2004, 01:52 PM
if you want to game , get

a good mother board ,

Cpu ,Athlons are the best for gaming

this is the one i am gettin , good cpu and great price


video card

I have the mother board that is linked above , i will be getting the cpu and video card this winter. The iteams I am showing you are cheap and work good :)

You will need to upgrade your motherboard if you want to put a good cpu and vid card in you system

if you have any more qestions just ask :cheers:

Darken Sun
10-12-2004, 01:58 PM
From what it sounds like, if you were to upgrade that, you would basically be building a brand new computer in an HP case. That Celeron proc is a socket 370, which is the same socket as a pentium3, so you would need a new motherboard. If you want to game, you should look into AMD Athlon64 processors. They are the absolute best for gaming. That video card is one on the list here (http://www.maddogmultimedia.com/products/graphics.asp) right? If it is, then it is a low end nVidia card. If you want good performance for less money, get an ATI 9x00 card, but if money doesn't matter, definately look into nVidia's GeForce 6 lineup. I personally have one and it wipes the floor with every other video card I've owned and every video card any of my friends have owned (which includes a 5900xt, nVidia's former top of the line card). If you need any help, check out Overclocker's Club (http://www.overclockersclub.com/) or feel free to IM me

10-12-2004, 02:08 PM
Hmmm, well I think the Video Card will be good enough, So the motherboard and processor are what need to be replaced? It says it has 64 MB of ram which is what I believe current Dells have. So Ill talk to my bro about it too. Thanks!

10-12-2004, 02:10 PM
ok, get a ne mobo first cuz they memory sticks are differnce , the new stuff is ddr ram , the old is like srdrm or sumthin

and 64mb is very low , i have 512 mb of ram ;)

10-12-2004, 02:14 PM
Wait, why is the AMD 3700+ $500 when it's only 2.4ghz. I paid that for my entire P4 2.4ghz system 2 years ago.

10-12-2004, 03:18 PM
Cause it performs like an Intel 3.7GHz processor, and it's 64-bit.

10-12-2004, 03:22 PM
Hmmm, well I think the Video Card will be good enough, So the motherboard and processor are what need to be replaced? It says it has 64 MB of ram which is what I believe current Dells have. So Ill talk to my bro about it too. Thanks!
64mb is extremey low. BAsically the bare minimum these days is 256, and 512 is about normal.

10-12-2004, 04:03 PM
It all depends on how much money your willing to spend.

Take my system for example.

AMD Athlon XP 3000+ (oced to 3.0 ghz)
Asus A7N8X-X Mobo
Kingston 512 mb pc3200 ddr
Dual 74 gig 10,000rpm Raptor HDD(one serves as a boot drive)
Nvidia 6800gt
550 watt PSU

and most importantly, a very well done liquid cooling system.

For you, I'd say just start-a-new. If you wanna upgrade your CPU, you need a new mobo. I recommend anything Asus makes with either Socket A or 939-pin. Those are the two main AMD sockets. Also, the socket A Lanparty whatever is good. I haven't personally used one, but I know people who are having great success with em.

For CPUs, it depends on your mobo. I recommend AMD by far for obvious reasons. The XP line of processors are great, and they OC terricifcally. I don't know much about the 64-bit AMDs...other than the fact that they kick major ***. Be sure you get a good heatsink and fan. If you decide to OC, it's gonna produce more heat, and stock HS and fans generally just can't cut it.

For ram, go with atleast 512 mb of good quality pc3200 from kingston or Crucial. 1 gig would be better though.

For a video card, I recommend either the 9800pro 128mb from Radeon if money is an issue...or if it isn't, go with the 6800gt 256mb...and get a good cooler for it.

For HDDs, just get something with atleast 2 or more gigs of cache and atleast 80 gigs of storage. A pair of raptors like mine is nice....but also expensive.

For sound, just get an Audigy 2z or whatever they are up to now....UNLESS your mobo has Nvidia 2 chipset. The onboard sound there is fine.

For power, just be sure it's enough to handle your computer and it's parts....with plenty of leftover power when it needs it. Most cases come with a power supply tho...be sure it's atleast 400 watts real output.

As far as cases go, get something that looks good. But also be sure it has a good selection of fan locations. Most decent cases come with a fan, but I recommend atleast 3(1 input, 2 output). Also be sure it's got enough space for everything. Usually space for four or five 5.5" bays plus a floppy drive is good. Three HDD bays is good so if you get a pair, you can put some space between them for cooling.

And if you feel like it, windows and CCD lights are always cool. Just don't do anything tacky. Rounded cables are actaully both form and function. They help with airflow and

Oh yea, almost forgot....if your mobo supports expansion USB slots...add them. Between all my little desktop perifreals and stuff, I use 6 or 7 USB ports.

10-12-2004, 04:50 PM
Eh, well Ive decided, for the trouble of upgrading it Ill just wait till I get a new CPU. For now Ill just play the games mine can handle. Thanks for the help though guys!

10-12-2004, 06:41 PM
That video card of yours = lame salad™

(™ Is a Trademark of -=Squid=- and -=Squid=-ENT.)

10-12-2004, 07:32 PM
put a hood scoop on it. and a wing. that'll make it go faster. ;)

you could also try polishing the internals.