View Full Version : Favorite senario game???

10-30-2001, 07:19 PM
Ok a friend and I were Low on paintballs one day ,and i mean less than 50, but we didn't want to waste them. I came up with the idea of sniper ball. The rules of the game are simple.
2-4 players
with 2 players you go into the game with 5-10 paintballs each
3 players 10-15
4 players 15-20
the object is to hunt your opponits
it's everyone for themselves so you must eliminate but conserve your ball supply at the same time(i recomend pumps)
games usualy last 15-30 minites depending on how many are playing and how big the woods
oh yea and you must play in woods to get the full effect

Post your favorite senario game here for all to see

Mega Man
10-30-2001, 07:37 PM
well um I've never really tried to make up my own scenerio but my fav that i've been too is D-Day, and oh yeah Bridge To Far 2001 was really cool too.

10-30-2001, 08:37 PM
well, i would have to say the wayne dollack scenario games rule above all. they are very fun and usually have good numbers.

as for making your own, thats a good idea if you can get the numbers.