View Full Version : Flash Mob - Illegal?

10-12-2004, 06:54 PM
Hey all, I have a quick question that needs a fairly quick, but definitly definitive, answer. For those of you that are familiar with a flash mob, I need to know for sure if it is or is not illegal to organize or participate in such an event. For those that do not know, a flash mob is the organization of a huge amount of people, preferably between 100-200, who are supposed to gather in a particular spot and do something for a matter of minutes. An example would be about 100 people meeting in the food court in a mall, then at a universal symbol, everyone standing up, clapping for 15 seconds, then leaving in different directions. It's just a lot of fun, and a nice excuse for an after party :).

So, although I don't think this is illegal, I need to make sure.

Please help!

10-12-2004, 06:56 PM
As long as you arn't doing anything illegal, I don't see any reason for it to be.

10-12-2004, 06:58 PM
You have the right to assemble, just don't do anything too stupid.

10-12-2004, 06:59 PM
New goal in life; Flash-Mob Planner...

The randomeness makes me feel warm inside :rofl: .

10-12-2004, 07:04 PM
New goal in life; Flash-Mob Planner...

The randomeness makes me feel warm inside :rofl: .

Someone understands!!!!
haha yeah, we would probably do the food court idea. I mean, how could it be bad, wed be bringin a lot of money into the place, lol.

10-12-2004, 07:07 PM
As long as its not illegal its fine... and even if you are trespassing its not like your creating a lasting scene. 15 to 20 seconds its over and everyoens gone, theres not going to be anyone with a problem with that.

10-12-2004, 07:09 PM
Only problem is, I'd most likely be laughing my *** off while I was doing it; if everyone had a straight face and just started dancing randomely, then walked off as if nothing happened would make me **** my pants with laughter... even better is if a few people in the crowd were actually just sitting down to eat... just as 200 people stand up and start waving their arms... That right there would pwn me. Thusly and hard.

10-12-2004, 07:21 PM

10-12-2004, 07:37 PM
So it looks like its settled, all except a time and place..

Anyone ever done this? I'm gonna get 2 or 3 other friends involved as organizers, and well each tell everyone in our circle of friends, and then each of them will spread it, etc.

I'll see if I can take pictures :D

But, anyone ever done this before? I could use some advice :)

10-12-2004, 07:39 PM
Won't you feel dumb if five people show up :)

10-12-2004, 07:42 PM
Won't you feel dumb if five people show up :)

Yes. Yes I certainly will.

10-12-2004, 07:45 PM
hmm.. flash mob eh...? someone at school was thinking of organizing something like this cept in the cafeteria at school and just make it look like people are about to fight then everyone jsut walks off in different directions..... dunno what his point of it was since no one would actually be doing any fighting... just make it LOOK like it to get the whole lunch room's attention.... :bounce:

10-12-2004, 08:18 PM
Best Flash Mob Idea Ever...Taken from Trigger Happy TV.

Get all of your friends to dress exactly alike in one color. For example, every has a bright red bath robe on. Then you have one person who is wearing a different color, for example, bright purple. The people in red are out of sight while the purple guy finds someone sitting by themselves or doing something by themselves. The guy in purple blows a whistle or a horn or something and all of the pple in red run up and all get down on their knees and start bowing down to the random person. I dunno if it sounds as funny as it was on tv but it was awesome.

10-12-2004, 08:45 PM
yes that trigger happy TV idea sounds funny. that isnt exactly a flash mob though. they dont run away after doing it do they? the whole point is to gather, do somehting, then split up and run. at leas thats what im seing happening. but w/e it was close enough.

someone watched CSI last nite eh? :D

10-12-2004, 09:21 PM
yes that trigger happy TV idea sounds funny. that isnt exactly a flash mob though. they dont run away after doing it do they? the whole point is to gather, do somehting, then split up and run. at leas thats what im seing happening. but w/e it was close enough.

someone watched CSI last nite eh? :D


Haha, yeah, I happened to see it (don't usually watch CSI), but I've had the idea for a flash mob for a while. That episode just sorta reminded me. Besides, I don't intend on anyone getting killed at my flash mob, lol.

10-12-2004, 09:29 PM
ahh the classic drop your pencil at 10 am . wed do that in school. everyone cough at once, or some time switch seats

10-12-2004, 10:27 PM
I used to do all those things in High school. But there was always that one guy who was too slow or forgot to do the prank. Example everyone closes thier book and then a second or so later he would do it. Everyone would just look at him and think :tard: .

I remeber one TD (tape day). Us senoirs would go around school and try to tape as many people as possible. There was a group of ten of us and we just start to sprint at this group of freshman and the same guy just falls flat on his face. kind of killed the we are superior concept that we had going. We taped upside down to a flag pole.

10-12-2004, 10:33 PM
oh yeah the antics that I just told of are all true and very illegal. We did a total of 93 (27 in one day, school record that will never broken) tapings in our senior year, and had a total five attempts to press charges. None actually proceded to anything but the effect has brought about a strict student interaction rule in the school. such as you harrass another person in school you get put on work detail.