View Full Version : Need an opinion

10-30-2001, 08:46 PM
my brother is also probbaly getting a new gun for christmas, but he is torn between 2, a TKO mag kit from pbgear.com and an F4 illustrator Grafitti series, i have told him automag but he wants the opinion from some poeple who have owned both guns(kinda biased in this forum tho, mag or another gun most will say mag) but hey its nice for him and he can make his own descision

10-30-2001, 09:02 PM
Mag all the way. I've owned an F4 and now own a mag and can say there is no comparison. Don't get me wrong, the F4's are nice guns but have such stiff/hard trigger pulls compared to the very nice mag trigger. Encourage him to get a mag, he will be very satisfied.

10-30-2001, 09:06 PM
it all depends, if he doent want to pay that mcuh for a new gun go with the f4 but if he doesnt mid i would definatel;y go with the mag. all he would nee to do is get the tko package and either a nitro tank or a anti-shyphon co2 tank. personnally i would get a mag because of the quality, its very dependable and can be very customized and have great customer service just to name a few. i havent heard much or used an f4 but i dont think there too popular of guns and i dont know how good there customer service is either but if he wanted to stay with a lowerend paintball gun i would go with a tippmann pirahna spyder ect. he should try out each gun to see what he likes best and go with that.

10-30-2001, 09:30 PM
I see in your signature that you want a mag...I have one for sale. paintlayer1286@yahoo.com if you're interested.

10-30-2001, 11:21 PM
Mag man, i do want a mag, but i got no money, so im waiting for christmas and gonna get grandparents to get me it, new mag and alot of extra money from aunts/uncles on christmas....very good combination.....

MAGgot Man
10-31-2001, 07:23 AM
a mag because that is a gun that can grow with you. Once you out grow the stock config, you can just buy the upgrade to step you up to the next level without having to buy a whole new marker. So you can grow from newbie to Pro player using the same marker.