View Full Version : spydermag?

10-14-2004, 03:36 PM
i saw some things on pbnation about someone putting a spyder e-frame on a mag. is that possible? and if so does it work on a classic valve or a micromag valve?

10-14-2004, 03:44 PM
Search. For the love of all things holy, search. This has been asked 235679873766739896356.3 times..

10-14-2004, 03:44 PM
The below video was posted on my site a couple of days ago. Its a spydermag shooting.


10-14-2004, 03:45 PM
i read that thread also, and you can modify your sear and the spyder sear and it will work fine. you will be able to use it on any valve but since the spyder frame is electronic then you might short stroke it on a classic valve. There is also a thread about the spydermag here (http://http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=143273&highlight=spydermag)

10-15-2004, 10:18 PM
Hey Guys,

That's my Spydermag on Jayloo's site. Jayloo, thanks for hosting that for me.

I would only suggest this mod if you have a ULT. The Spyder trigger frame really does not have the power to trigger the classic on/off properly.

However, if you have a ULT, then this mod is the way to go electro. It's cheap, its easy and it works like a charm.

I have helped several people do there own mod. If you have any questions, hit me up. I am not looking to make any money. Just like to help mag people.

10-18-2004, 09:24 AM
so is it possible to use a classic valve?

10-18-2004, 09:39 AM
I've read you're fine with a classic as long as you don't go beyond a certain bps.
But I can't remember if that bps was 13 or 16.
But if you get a spyder frame limited to 13 then you'll probably be all right.

can someone confirm?

10-18-2004, 09:42 AM
well in that case i want my mag predator boarded.

edit - ::im serious::

10-18-2004, 09:43 AM
so is it possible to use a classic valve?
Just read the thread all the way, it might only take a minute or so. :wow:
It can work with a classic but you really should keep it low anything above 15 bps will give you drop off. and the ULT is a big plus. It works very similar to the Hyper frames. From what I understand.

10-18-2004, 09:48 AM
Hey this woudl be a cool idea if it could atleast hit 18... hasnt a all mech ULT Xvalve RTP hit 18?

Also were u shootin as fast as capable on that?

Also i heard it short stroke :(

And ur barrel was condesated woo :p

10-18-2004, 09:53 AM
but if i would get a board with some eyes and the level ten bolt i wouldnt have to worry about stort stroking, correct?

10-18-2004, 10:03 AM
actually im not sure.... I believe it is always potential for shortstroking
but u'd have to try REALLY hard.

10-18-2004, 05:26 PM
As I stated before, classic or no classic, if you don't have a ULT, this mod will not work properly. With the standard on/off, the amount of force required to fire the mag is greater than the spyder frame was designed for. Even if it does work, it will be slow, it will drain your batteries very quickly and it will wear out the spyder trigger frame.

You would need to have a ULT or maybe the hyperframe on/off might work.

The xvalve is capable of 26 bps WITHOUT SHOOTDOWN, more if you figure it like all the other paintball gun makers do. My teammate's spyder mag has hit in the mid teens, 15-16 bps. Mine was faster with the lighter switch. Someone with faster fingers could probably do better.

As far as short stroking. I don't think it's possible to short stroke an electric mag unless your selaniod does not have enough power to trigger the on/off. What you heard on the video was the level 10 kicking in and chuffing. Eyes don't have anything to do with short stroking. You are thinking of chopping. If your level 10 is tuned correctly you dont need eyes. What you see on the video is not a chop. It's a barrel break. That was caused by cheap paint. Eyes and Level 10 will not stop that. When I took the gun apart after the video there was no paint in the breach, only in the barrel.

The condensation on the barrel is due to the incredible amount of humidity in Alabama. Especially after it has rained all morning.

10-18-2004, 05:40 PM
i am still confused, so is it possible to use a classic valve? and is it possible for someone to do this for me and then later upgrade to the x-valve?

10-18-2004, 06:43 PM
i am still confused, so is it possible to use a classic valve? and is it possible for someone to do this for me and then later upgrade to the x-valve?

Based upon my experience with this mod, if your classic has a ULT or will accept a ULT, then this mod will work fine.

If not, then you could try it with a hyperframe on/off. Not sure if that will work b/c we have not tried it.

I would not do this mod with the standard on/off. It takes around 3lbs of pressure to fire a mag with a standard on/off. The spyder trigger frame is not designed to put out that much force to trigger a marker. While it may work, it will be slower, it will eat up batteries very quickly and it will wear out the spyder trigger frame.

Hope that clears it up. :shooting:

10-18-2004, 08:02 PM
so is there anybody i can send my gun to and have this mod put on?

10-18-2004, 08:55 PM
so is there anybody i can send my gun to and have this mod put on?

my team mate, Daniel, may be making producing some frames and sears that will be a bolt on. A local paintball store has asked him to make some for them. I will let you know if they reach a deal and they become available. Otherwise, it's a do it yourself kind of thing.

10-19-2004, 09:21 AM
ok thanks