View Full Version : I was Brainwashed!

Lakeview Bulldog
10-14-2004, 09:06 PM
I have just recently completed my highschool education. Over all the years that I attended a public school I have been taught many things. Little did I know was that I was having liberal and socialist beliefs shoved down my throat. Not until about my junior year did I realize what had been done to me. I was taught that homosexuality is not only natural, but that I should accecpt it and respect homosexuals for their courage in coming out. I was taught that it is wrong to display the ten commandments in public for fear of hurting someone's feelings. Like them seeing the Ten Commandments is really going to degrade their life. After all, how many of us have gotten in trouble by following these guidlines? Have you ever been to jail for not killing someone? Have you ever been beaten up for not sleeping with another person's husband or wife? I was taught that we should blindly follow the government. I was taught not to question authority. The children in Nazi Germany were taught not to question authority too, look where that got them. I was taught that the white settlers were wrong for taking the indian's land. I was taught that guns are evil and that guns cause crime. People, guns casue crime like flies cause garbage. I was taught that parts of the US Constitution are obsolete, mainly the second amendment and parts that protect personal liberties. All of these beliefs that were forced down my throat by liberal-socialist teachers are complete leftist propaganda. But years of this type of brainwashing cannot be erased overnight. As part of my therapy to rid my unconscience of this communist nonsense I will be posting essays and inviting discussion. For anyone that believes that they too have been brainwashed in liberal schools I would like to form a group on how to align yourself to a more conservative view and spot liberal ideas, trends and actions that are destroying America. For any who disagree I will be willing to listen to your views. I will not childlishly attack you. I may call you a socialist or an enemy within America's borders. In turn you can call me a conservative, a radical, or a bigot. I expect those types of names from those who have, like me, been victimized and brainwashed. However, unlike me you have not realized what has happened to you. My goal is to point out liberalism and shed the light of truth and democracy on liberals and their radical socialist beliefs. Let the debates begin.

10-14-2004, 09:09 PM
I hear ya. Luckily, I was able to come home to parents who gave me the ability to get the information I needed to make my own decisions.

10-14-2004, 09:18 PM
Wow. I never realized that they actually did that in HS. Then again I was always taught to think for myself soooo......

go you!!!

10-14-2004, 09:18 PM
This sounds like a spam email...

10-14-2004, 09:23 PM
I am lucky to live in a mostly conservative area, so i have pretty conservative teachers...even if that wasnt true i would say SCREW YOU GUYS, IM GOING HOME!(i know its not the right thing to do)...there are some stupid libs at my school though (mostly kids not knowing the facts)

Lakeview Bulldog
10-14-2004, 09:31 PM
Its not so much that I was not taught to think for myself. If you ask them, teachers will tell you that they strive to teach of their students to think for themselves. The problem is they are teaching children a flawed system of logic. If you were to use the system of logic that was taught you would come to only liberal conclusions. So you think that you came to these conclusions yourself, but really you have been manipulated to come to only the conclusions that they want you to have. If a student were to actually come to an idependent conclusion they would be labeled as close-minded by both the student and their peers.

VF-XX: They teach these philosophies in all public schools to a greater or lesser extent.

teufelhunden: How many parents actually take the time to do that for their children?

TheFlamingKoosh: I'm glad you were able to have such a mature and meaningful response to these serious issues facing our country.

10-14-2004, 09:31 PM
Yea, it's not like political beliefs are opinions or anything. Ignorance is strength! Big Brother 04!

10-14-2004, 09:33 PM
Guys... chill. An opinion's an opinion. I think it's funny how your personal view automatically makes everybody else wrong. No, on second thought I don't, I feel sorry for you. You're contradicting yourself in your own statement. If "keeping an open mind" is really what you're going for here, you'd have an open mind to everything... not just an open mind to whatever goes against the things you've already been taught. Keeping an open mind to anything that happens to be conservative isn't keeping an open mind, it's thinking consertatively. Not saying that's wrong or right, but it IS an opinion, and opinions vary!! Conservative views aren't CORRECT, neither are liberal views. Between the two we can find a balance, a common middle ground.

Sorry for the rant, but I'd like to squash any blind ignorance before it errupts.

**edit** :( I type too slowly.

Gitaroo Man
10-14-2004, 09:33 PM
Nothing wrong with what he said...but i feel like there was so stupid stereotyping in there that wasn't needed

10-14-2004, 09:34 PM
CJ...you sig confuses me :cry:

10-14-2004, 09:37 PM
Well teachers dotn actualy know what tehre teachin for the most part

they just get text books and tell you what is written so they teach you the biases that are hel in that text.

if you truly want to take things as they are and formulate your own ideas you would have to do that first hand. There a very few completely unpartial people, so its up to u to decide whats right our wrong and what was unjustifilably(that even a word?) tabooed in your public setting by this crappy thing i call "politicaly correct"

10-14-2004, 09:38 PM
Yes, alot of teachers instill their political beliefs on their pupils. Of course it is going to happen a decent history course will be objective.

However I for one am about 3 to 3 as far as conservitive vs liberal teachers. One being a former state representative Vincent Persico, and another being a pupil of Mr. Persico's who shared the same beliefs.

This year my history teacher is liberal, but has not really pushed anything on us besides a problem with the no child left behind act testing procedures. My econ teacher is conservative who doesn't attempt to instill his values much, although we just had a "lecture" on abortion, and he does it slightly more so than my history teacher this year.

Since when do liberal preach blindly following the government, out of all the things many call stupid that is not one of them.

Homosexuality an arguement with no answer, don't want to get into that.

Ten commandments display them all you want, on federal property though. Kind of iffy but really I couldn't care less.

Gun control, guns don't kill people, people kill people yada yada yada. But my problem with the assault weapons ban being lifted is what we are doing is making it easier for criminals to obtain more dangerous weapons. What good can come from someone owning an AK-47, over a normal handgun? None in my opinion.

Colombus = very bad man

Back to writing about the great John Marshall

the most influential man in American Law.

10-14-2004, 09:39 PM
CJ...you sig confuses me :cry:

Read 1984 by Orwell

10-14-2004, 09:43 PM
Well teachers dotn actualy know what tehre teachin for the most part

they just get text books and tell you what is written so they teach you the biases that are hel in that text. That's a pretty blanket statement... I'll agree that teachers like that exist, sure. There are bums that leak through the cracks in every profession. And although they may be more prevalent in teaching positions, since there seems to be a shortage of teachers as a whole, I don't think you can possibly say "most teachers don't actually know what they're doing." I'm taking AP US/VA Government this year, and my teacher is the leader/sponsor of the Young Conservatives club. I'd consider myself somewhat liberal-leaning, but I've never had any problems with the way he conducts class. He's a smart guy, knows and ENJOYS what he teaches, and keeps things running smooth and unbiased. We learn, and form our own opinions. The beauty of education.

10-14-2004, 09:56 PM
for me it hasnt been specifially liberal or conservative shoved down my throat, its mainly been republic vs democrat, i have even had a teacher call the entire class stupid children, because we did not believe what bush has said, i think this goes well beyond party lines and more into.. well i dont know, but what you said about children in nazi germany being tought not to question authority has something to do with it, we as a generation are being tought not to question the governmeant, or authority of any type, why? i dont know, but it is happening

10-14-2004, 09:56 PM
That's a pretty blanket statement... I'll agree that teachers like that exist, sure. There are bums that leak through the cracks in every profession. And although they may be more prevalent in teaching positions, since there seems to be a shortage of teachers as a whole, I don't think you can possibly say "most teachers don't actually know what they're doing." I'm taking AP US/VA Government this year, and my teacher is the leader/sponsor of the Young Conservatives club. I'd consider myself somewhat liberal-leaning, but I've never had any problems with the way he conducts class. He's a smart guy, knows and ENJOYS what he teaches, and keeps things running smooth and unbiased. We learn, and form our own opinions. The beauty of education.

Well said.

I find history teachers to be some of the best in the school.

10-14-2004, 09:58 PM
I was taught that homosexuality is not only natural, but that I should accecpt it and respect homosexuals for their courage in coming out

whats so wrong with that? you should have respect and compassion for your fellow man.. unless they are homosexual?

I was taught not to question authority.

by whom? where the hell do you go to school? when i was in high school I always questioned my teachers, when it called for it. I was even suspended once in school for insighting a riot for my opinions once.

The children in Nazi Germany were taught not to question authority too, look where that got them.

look where it got them indeed. didnt the wall come down quite some time ago?

I was taught that the white settlers were wrong for taking the indian's land.

if I came to your house, and decided that I am claiming your land as my own, in the name of my family, then its ok? if so, be sure to PM me your address so i can annex your property as my families.

I was taught that guns are evil and that guns cause crime

criminals cause crime. just like guns dont kill people, bullets do. and hockey dads.

ß?µ£ §mµ®ƒ
10-14-2004, 09:59 PM
School is Conformity, read 1984 real good book

10-14-2004, 10:00 PM
for me it hasnt been specifially liberal or conservative shoved down my throat, its mainly been republic vs democrat, i have even had a teacher call the entire class stupid children, because we did not believe what bush has said, i think this goes well beyond party lines and more into.. well i dont know, but what you said about children in nazi germany being tought not to question authority has something to do with it, we as a generation are being tought not to question the governmeant, or authority of any type, why? i dont know, but it is happeningI think you're just disadvantaged then, if that's the message you're really being taught. I for one have been taught that our protected right to question the government and question authority without fear of punishment is one of the greatest liberties we have. You're right about your fear, what would happen if nobody did question authority... but I think we've got a pretty good system set up so that you can question all you want, and nothing that radical will be able to happen on its own.

**edit** FOILED AGAIN!!! Agreed, joey d... you said what I tried to, but using specific arguments. Yay.

10-14-2004, 10:09 PM
I have just recently completed my highschool education. Over all the years that I attended a public school I have been taught many things. Little did I know was that I was having liberal and socialist beliefs shoved down my throat. Not until about my junior year did I realize what had been done to me. I was taught that homosexuality is not only natural, but that I should accecpt it and respect homosexuals for their courage in coming out. I was taught that it is wrong to display the ten commandments in public for fear of hurting someone's feelings. Like them seeing the Ten Commandments is really going to degrade their life. After all, how many of us have gotten in trouble by following these guidlines? Have you ever been to jail for not killing someone? Have you ever been beaten up for not sleeping with another person's husband or wife? I was taught that we should blindly follow the government. I was taught not to question authority. The children in Nazi Germany were taught not to question authority too, look where that got them. I was taught that the white settlers were wrong for taking the indian's land. I was taught that guns are evil and that guns cause crime. People, guns casue crime like flies cause garbage. I was taught that parts of the US Constitution are obsolete, mainly the second amendment and parts that protect personal liberties. All of these beliefs that were forced down my throat by liberal-socialist teachers are complete leftist propaganda. But years of this type of brainwashing cannot be erased overnight. As part of my therapy to rid my unconscience of this communist nonsense I will be posting essays and inviting discussion. For anyone that believes that they too have been brainwashed in liberal schools I would like to form a group on how to align yourself to a more conservative view and spot liberal ideas, trends and actions that are destroying America. For any who disagree I will be willing to listen to your views. I will not childlishly attack you. I may call you a socialist or an enemy within America's borders. In turn you can call me a conservative, a radical, or a bigot. I expect those types of names from those who have, like me, been victimized and brainwashed. However, unlike me you have not realized what has happened to you. My goal is to point out liberalism and shed the light of truth and democracy on liberals and their radical socialist beliefs. Let the debates begin.
Wow, your school sucks. Never did I have views crammed into me like that.

10-14-2004, 10:11 PM

Nothing is more American then crushing every single viewpoint that doesnt agree with you!

10-14-2004, 10:16 PM
[QUOTE=Lakeview Bulldog]All of these beliefs that were forced down my throat by liberal-socialist teachers are complete leftist propaganda. But years of this type of brainwashing cannot be erased overnight. As part of my therapy to rid my unconscience of this communist nonsense I will be posting essays and inviting discussion. For anyone that believes that they too have been brainwashed in liberal schools I would like to form a group on how to align yourself to a more conservative view and spot liberal ideas, trends and actions that are destroying America. [\QUOTE]

i dont think you realize how big of a difference there is between liberalism and socialism/communism. liberal ideaology is far from social and communist ideology. so its really unfair to catagorize these people as all three. theyre either one or the other. ... or the other... :P

10-14-2004, 10:19 PM
i dunno if it was my school, or just the ap teachers, but they were always VERY open, and we always had a ball arguing. but we were never "brainwashed" ..

but that makes u think... how do you know if u were brainwashed? :D :rolleyes:

10-14-2004, 10:56 PM
"I was taught that homosexuality is not only natural, but that I should accecpt it and respect homosexuals for their courage in coming out."---

what, you never knew anyone who had a gay dog? Of course its natural.

I'd respect anyone who came out and admitted they're gay in highschool if they lived in Ohio.....
talk about a redneck beat down :argh:

10-14-2004, 11:33 PM
I was taught that we should blindly follow the government. I was taught not to question authority. The children in Nazi Germany were taught not to question authority too, look where that got them. .

uhm...you said you just finished high school, so the last 4 years that they have been brainwashing you, there has been a conservative administration. Why would these "liberal" teachers want you to blindly follow the (Republican controlled) government? I didnt know "not questioning authority" was a liberal trait. :rolleyes:

You should blame your school, not for supposedly teaching liberalism, but for not teaching you how to think for yourself.

Now that you are out of high school and are forced to do your own thinking, you have probably caught on to the first ideology that came along, learned a few buzzwords and one liners, and now you're off postin' on the net. Do yourself a favor and leave the Conservative rhetoric to the true Conservatives on this board.


10-15-2004, 12:40 AM
ok™ thanks for that

10-15-2004, 06:28 AM
It sounds like you want to be anything BUT liberal, purely for the sake of not being liberal. Interesting

10-15-2004, 07:02 AM
screw all of you, I'm right and that's all there is too it. Just ask me and yuo can know how to be right too. Lets start with, "Sandwiches! Every one loves 'em. Sandwiches!"

10-15-2004, 08:16 AM
I was taught that it is wrong to display the ten commandments in public

There's that pesky Constitution, getting in the way again.

I was taught not to question authority.

Question religious athority, too. Critical thinking is not taught on Sunday.

10-15-2004, 12:05 PM
I dont agree wit you on some parts, but honestly, that was the greatest rant I have read in awhile. *HIGH FIVE*

10-15-2004, 07:44 PM
I have just recently completed my highschool education. Over all the years that I attended a public school I have been taught many things. Little did I know was that I was having liberal and socialist beliefs shoved down my throat. Not until about my junior year did I realize what had been done to me. I was taught that homosexuality is not only natural, but that I should accecpt it and respect homosexuals for their courage in coming out. I was taught that it is wrong to display the ten commandments in public for fear of hurting someone's feelings. Like them seeing the Ten Commandments is really going to degrade their life. After all, how many of us have gotten in trouble by following these guidlines? Have you ever been to jail for not killing someone? Have you ever been beaten up for not sleeping with another person's husband or wife? I was taught that we should blindly follow the government. I was taught not to question authority. The children in Nazi Germany were taught not to question authority too, look where that got them. I was taught that the white settlers were wrong for taking the indian's land. I was taught that guns are evil and that guns cause crime. People, guns casue crime like flies cause garbage. I was taught that parts of the US Constitution are obsolete, mainly the second amendment and parts that protect personal liberties. All of these beliefs that were forced down my throat by liberal-socialist teachers are complete leftist propaganda. But years of this type of brainwashing cannot be erased overnight. As part of my therapy to rid my unconscience of this communist nonsense I will be posting essays and inviting discussion. For anyone that believes that they too have been brainwashed in liberal schools I would like to form a group on how to align yourself to a more conservative view and spot liberal ideas, trends and actions that are destroying America. For any who disagree I will be willing to listen to your views. I will not childlishly attack you. I may call you a socialist or an enemy within America's borders. In turn you can call me a conservative, a radical, or a bigot. I expect those types of names from those who have, like me, been victimized and brainwashed. However, unlike me you have not realized what has happened to you. My goal is to point out liberalism and shed the light of truth and democracy on liberals and their radical socialist beliefs. Let the debates begin.

Wow, just wow. You worry me. Specifically ".... spot liberal ideas, trends, and actions that are destroying America". While I agree many liberal programs are not good for America I would also agree that many conservative trends are not good for America. Should we at any point try to snap shoot down any ideas based only on are spotting of them as a society we are going to loose much. Many ideas suck... many ideas that appear stupid on the surface work out well. Columbus, how about this for an example. We have been taugth in school that others in the day thought the world was flat - that is not actually entirely true. Many people beleived the world was round, factually though they estimated the diameter closer to actual than Columbus did. Because of this they accepted that the known trade routes were better than sailnig around the world. Columbus just got incredibly lucky that he ran into land less than halfway in his trip What does that have to do wtih the price of tea in China you are asking? Well... many people shrugged Columbus off as a nut, based on their view of the world. Much would have been lost without this "radical" idea.

Liberal ideas, opposed in the past by conservatives, have included Equal rights, women's suffrage, various farm aid bills, and may other things. Things that in hindsight were great additions to America. I encourage you to continue to think for yourself, but I must also encourage you not to label every idea, and with that label decide if it is good or bad. One of the great things about how we work is the general moving forward is with a collection of the best ideas from both sides. This is why, generally, the most moderate candidate wins an election. John McCain, well loved by both sides at this time in history, has gained that respect by knowing this, and showing it in action. Radical thinking, well it will produce many ideas, some great and some poor does not lead well. Its leads to a society dependent on government, burnings at the stake, and many other things that history has shown us.

Our system now, well I agree it is flawed, does show some favor. Ideally I would like to see many ideas out there, as many as possible, with our leaders emergining as those that could mesh the best of those ideas together, define the best and those worth taking a chance over, and help us all in the future. We may not have the ideal circumstances, but we are better off than many others in the world we inhabit.

10-16-2004, 02:56 AM
you confuse me greatly, you appear to be upset at the ignorance that is running america, or so you feel. Yet, you also decide to go and criticise heavily people for their beliefs? would you stop comming to ao if i were to be gay? im not for your refference, but does it really matter?

Do you not respect people and their wishes? Do you not respect people and their ways of life?

Do you realize that some of what you have been taught holds some presidence? and other things dont? dont you realize that what is taught to you is only a guideline, there for you to interpret it?

YOu also seem to think that you were tought in a communistic way, yet you speak of how the white manw as wrong for taking the indians land. this sounds like a communistic view to me, and it has happened, time and time again. Lets spot the country of Chile for a moment, when thw communist party came into view, they took the ritch mans land, and sub divided it with the poor. does that sound fair to you? if so, il be over in a few minutes to subdivide your paintball marker, il take the body and internals, you can have the grip and the rail.

LOOK, you are a young, and impressionable person. you feel that you are rebelling against the machine. i went through the same stage, then i realized that I AM AN INDIVIDUAL, and that i need to think for my own, see what appeals to me.

AO is a quite conservative bunch, hence why i do not participate in any sort of political battles here on ao. but your little rant, where you your self become the one whom is ignorant, just rubbed me the wrong way with your citings and your hypocracy.

Also, you even disgraced communism, and proved that you do not know any thing about the system. you would realize that communism in its own right is all about respecting the common man, and living in harmony with him/her. thus, saying that your school was communistic, was wrong in its own right.

10-16-2004, 04:08 AM
Some of the things you were taught are actually true. And some are not.

You were definitely brainwashed. School is mainly about brainwashing you into thinking and acting I certain socially acceptable patterns. Obedience to authority is one of them. Adherence to an arbitrary schedule is another. The pattern dates to the founding of the public school systems, at the beginning of the industrial revolution.

Lakeview Bulldog
10-17-2004, 11:51 AM
OK, Ill admit that I came off a bit strong. The only reason I did that was to grab attention to this thread. Now that I've done that Im ready to continue. There are a lot of things that I feel I need to respond to. ONe thing that people have criticized me on is not accepting other people's beliefs. We are taught as a society that all beleifs are equal. That to me just seems wrong. No matter how much liberals want you to beliveve that there are definitly wrong and right sides to most issues. Hitler believed that the Aryan race where super-human and that the Jews and Russian people were sub human and set out to exterminate an entire race. Should I be a good liberal and accept his views even if I don't agree with him? I want to make another thing clear, I do not blindly follow the President either. I disagree with a few things, the first being The Patriot Act. I believes is degrades our personal liberties. The Second being the Constitutional Ban of Gay Marriage. As a conservative I want the federal government to have just enough power to get the job done. Leave the marrige issue up to the states. Right now Ohio is attempting to mend its constituion to ban gay marriage, I support that move in full.

Now to reply to the replies.

Quote: Joeyd
The children in Nazi Germany were taught not to question authority too, look where that got them.
look where it got them indeed. didnt the wall come down quite some time ago?

Joeyd: Yes the walls the Russians built did come down, although I dont see what that has to do with facist Germany. What I think you are trying to say is that Germany lost the war. Which is true, but look at the cost of human life. How many Jewish children were shoveled into ovens before Hitler was deposed? The fact of the matter is that children are being taught no to question authority. That is scary.

...you said you just finished high school, so the last 4 years that they have been brainwashing you, there has been a conservative administration. Why would these "liberal" teachers want you to blindly follow the (Republican controlled) government? I didnt know "not questioning authority" was a liberal trait.

You should blame your school, not for supposedly teaching liberalism, but for not teaching you how to think for yourself.

Now that you are out of high school and are forced to do your own thinking, you have probably caught on to the first ideology that came along, learned a few buzzwords and one liners, and now you're off postin' on the net. Do yourself a favor and leave the Conservative rhetoric to the true Conservatives on this board.

I already explained about how students are taught to "think for themselves" earlier in this thread. And if you sat in my classes you would have heard nothing but how great Bill Clinton was not about how great the current adminstration was. The fact that you think I just caught on to the first ideology that came along is untrue. I looked at the ideologies that were circulating through our culture. Let's see I could have been a socialist, a facist, a liberal, a gay rights activist... no I didnt want to be any of those. The truth is the conservative movement is the movement most dedicated to saving the family unit and protecting our borders, language and culture. I do not see how you consider yourself a conservative and not see these trends in our culture. You are just one of the countless sheeple in America.

you confuse me greatly, you appear to be upset at the ignorance that is running america, or so you feel. Yet, you also decide to go and criticise heavily people for their beliefs? would you stop comming to ao if i were to be gay? im not for your refference, but does it really matter?

Do you not respect people and their wishes? Do you not respect people and their ways of life?

Do you realize that some of what you have been taught holds some presidence? and other things dont? dont you realize that what is taught to you is only a guideline, there for you to interpret it?

I respect people and their wishes. Believe me when I say that I want nothing more than to be left alone and live in peace. If I were to find out that someone was gay I would not beat them up or anything like that, I would just simply ignore them. As long as they do not try to impose their beliefs on me I would leave them alone. However, the fact of the matter is that liberal ideas are not part of mainstream society, liberal views are forced upon the public. To address your point on education being only a guideline. Where does the line between education stop and brainwashing begin? Ask yourself this. why does school start so early even for young children? The answer: To get the little worker bees used to geting up and going to work. That is just one example of public schools manipulating the minds of the children.

YOu also seem to think that you were tought in a communistic way, yet you speak of how the white manw as wrong for taking the indians land. this sounds like a communistic view to me, and it has happened, time and time again. Lets spot the country of Chile for a moment, when thw communist party came into view, they took the ritch mans land, and sub divided it with the poor. does that sound fair to you? if so, il be over in a few minutes to subdivide your paintball marker, il take the body and internals, you can have the grip and the rail. Also, you even disgraced communism, and proved that you do not know any thing about the system. you would realize that communism in its own right is all about respecting the common man, and living in harmony with him/her. thus, saying that your school was communistic, was wrong in its own right.

This is a topic that most people ignore. The hard reality is that might makes right. If one has the abillity to do something then there is nothing stopping that person form doing it. That is the truth. We impose morality on ourselves, that is a good thing. Morality is something the liberals in america are trying to destroy. Was it wrong for Europeans to take the Indian's land? Who knows? I do know that countless millions of people have had a better life because this country was created. Communism as a philosophy and Communism as a reality are two different things. Philosophical Communism is about equal rights yadda yadda yadda. Real communism is about the ruthless suppression of individual thoughts, liberties, and rights.

Black Weenie
i dont think you realize how big of a difference there is between liberalism and socialism/communism. liberal ideaology is far from social and communist ideology. so its really unfair to catagorize these people as all three. theyre either one or the other. ... or the other... :P

I stated in the beginnig of this post that I was going for shock value. I am aware that there are differences between these ideologies. However, the liberals in Congress support government run healthcare, more government programs and agencies, and more federal government involvement in day to day life. Sounds to me like a socialist platform rather than democratic.

To finish I would like to say that it is time for everyone to take a stand. There comes times in history when there is no room for a middle groud. Battle lines must be drawn. We are at war for the very soul of America. Whether you are a liberal or conservative, religious or atheist. Take a stand for what you believe in. I am very biased. I have strong beliefs and ideas, I'll admit. what I can't stand are people who say they are neutral or unbiased but go around furhtering their own agendas from their high horse.

P.S. Lohman446

Of all the replies yours was the most insightful. Ill agree that some liberal ideas have been good for America. However, many are very bad. I will not suport any plans that will futher degrade our borders, language or culture.

10-17-2004, 12:46 PM
. The truth is the conservative movement is the movement most dedicated to saving the family unit and protecting our borders, language and culture. I do not see how you consider yourself a conservative and not see these trends in our culture. You are just one of the countless sheeple in America.

Protecting our borders??? Maybe there in Ohio, conservative/republican politicians have been able to stem the flood of evil job stealing Canadians. But here on the southern border, republicans havent done squat!!

And what are these trends you are talking about?? You let the actions of an *extremely* small minority make you believe that America is on some sort "trend". Think about this....All three branches of government are Republican controlled, so are the majority of the govenorships, Fox News is the #1 news channel, and the Passion of the Christ grossed like 600+ million dollars. So I fail to see why you are crying about liberal this and liberal that.

And honestly you gotta understand you arent the first kid on the internet to spout off about the evils of liberalism. Your shtick is tired and cliched. Telling people on this board that you know the *truth* about liberalism and are a champion of the conservative way of life, is as about as fresh and original as telling us, "All your base are belong to us!". nyuk, nyuk!

And i never said i was a conservative. I told you to leave the conservative rhetoric to the true conservatives on this board.


10-17-2004, 01:27 PM
Word negro.

10-17-2004, 02:13 PM
I've had teachers on both end of the spectrums. Both being equally annoying.... and if you think the all the liberals are bad now wait till you get to college...

Lakeview Bulldog
10-17-2004, 02:28 PM
Protecting our borders??? Maybe there in Ohio, conservative/republican politicians have been able to stem the flood of evil job stealing Canadians. But here on the southern border, republicans havent done squat!!

And what are these trends you are talking about?? You let the actions of an *extremely* small minority make you believe that America is on some sort "trend". Think about this....All three branches of government are Republican controlled, so are the majority of the govenorships, Fox News is the #1 news channel, and the Passion of the Christ grossed like 600+ million dollars. So I fail to see why you are crying about liberal this and liberal that.

And honestly you gotta understand you arent the first kid on the internet to spout off about the evils of liberalism. Your shtick is tired and cliched. Telling people on this board that you know the *truth* about liberalism and are a champion of the conservative way of life, is as about as fresh and original as telling us, "All your base are belong to us!". nyuk, nyuk!

And i never said i was a conservative. I told you to leave the conservative rhetoric to the true conservatives on this board.


So I cannot be worried about our national borders because I live in Ohio?? Thats like saying I cannot be concerned in the war in Iraq because I do not live there. Open your eyes. I agree that neither the democrats or repulicans are doing much of anything to protect our borders. Thats true. We need politicians who have the courage to recognize the problem. We need to close our borders and deport all illegal immigrants. No amnesty for those already here. Ship them out. If you are not even a conservative how can you accuse me of being a false conservative. I never claimed to be anything special. It doesnt take a majority of liberals to change things. The very nature of conservatives is to change very little, while liberals are constantly looking to change things. Farenheit 9/11 crushed many box office records and was a fierce attack on the President and the conservative movement. Fox News may or may not be the #1 News channel in the US, but NBC, CBS, and ABC all have a liberal bias and they take more of the market than does Fox News. You are trying to come to me as an unbiased person when clearly you are not. AS to me being cliche and tired is up to the reader. Perhaps if I write a post about how we should invite terrorist to come and live in our country to better understand us or everyone should have a homosexual encounter once in their life to understand how gays feel then you would think I was being more orginal. The fact of the matter is that more famillies are single parent units. More illegal immigrants are flooding over our borders. The religious belifs of a this nation are being replaced by the religion of the State. Drug use is sky rocketing. Teenage pregnancies on on the rise. 70% percent of black children in urban areas are born out of wedlock. The reason these issues seem "cliche" to you is because they've been affecting our country since the 1960's which we all know is the biggest liberal counter-cultural movement in the history of America. Now all the hippies are in positions of power. I'm sorry if what I talk about is old hat to you. Perhaps we should all just ignore these problems, pretend they do not exist. That will make them go away :rolleyes:

P.S. Where are all the "true" conservatives on this board? Those are the people I would really like to talk to. If you know any have them post here. We'll see if they think that illegal immigration or activist judeges are cliche.

Target Practice
10-17-2004, 02:55 PM
Now, I know that they are tools that the liberal media uses to brainwash us, but have you ever thought of using paragraphs? They would really give your misguided, ranting diatribes a more professional look.

10-17-2004, 03:20 PM
"I was taught that homosexuality is not only natural, but that I should accecpt it and respect homosexuals for their courage in coming out."---

what, you never knew anyone who had a gay dog? Of course its natural.

I'd respect anyone who came out and admitted they're gay in highschool if they lived in Ohio.....
talk about a redneck beat down :argh:

Ha my dog is gay.

But i have had teachers like that before but whenever they bring up a point i dont agree wiht i make my views open to the class. I thnk having open political discussions in class is a good thing, helps everyone become a little more informed. But when a teacher starts trying to preach an idea, that shouldnt be allowed to happen.

10-17-2004, 03:33 PM
Its almost funny the way you try to blame everything from teenage pregnancy to single-parent black children on hippies.

Congratulations on trading in one form of brainwashing for another.

10-17-2004, 03:40 PM
In my civics class, we're covering the debate right now, and my teacher is the most liberal person in the world, and the best part is that everyone in the class is for Bush.

10-17-2004, 04:11 PM
wow your so smart thats like 1984 stuff right there! man we are all tools of the system!

il say something. to think that you have escaped the effects of other peoples influence.... you couldnt be more wrong.

just like goths, you trade one form of conformity for another. sorry your not unique, you havnt stumbled on some secrete conspiracy. and when youv finaly realized you have no option but to be a tool. then you have escaped the system

Lakeview Bulldog
10-17-2004, 05:10 PM

wow your so smart thats like 1984 stuff right there! man we are all tools of the system!

il say something. to think that you have escaped the effects of other peoples influence.... you couldnt be more wrong.

just like goths, you trade one form of conformity for another. sorry your not unique, you havnt stumbled on some secrete conspiracy. and when youv finaly realized you have no option but to be a tool. then you have escaped the system

No one ever truly escapes the influences of others. There are very few truly unique thoughts and ideas in the world. I am influenced by other people, we all are. The thing is that we should have a choice who influences us. I'm not claiming that I'm unique, I'm not claiming a conspiracy or anything like that. I am just merely pointing out problems.
Your theory that I am trying to conform couldn't be farther from the truth. Just look at how many friends I've made from what I've posted so far. If I was really looking to get people to like me from the original post don't you think I would have stopped posting by now? For my age group ,18-25, my views are not well accepted. I just suffer from a bad case of truth in mouth disease.

As far as your tools of the system philosophy goes I believe that that world view is dangerous. It leads to apathy. Apathy destroys lives. If what you say is true that we are all tools, then I want to become the one who decides how the tools are used. Thats why I am writing. I am just really practicing my logic and debate skills. It's fun so far.

Its almost funny the way you try to blame everything from teenage pregnancy to single-parent black children on hippies. Congratulations on trading in one form of brainwashing for another.

You missed the point I was trying to make. All I was saying is that the same people who were inolved in the counter-cultural movement are now in the age group with the most power in our country. I'll break it down further. The people that hated the values of the 1940's and 1950's are now in a position of power to make changes in the way our country operates.

P.S. Target Practice I used paragraphs this time. Thank you for pointing out my mistake. See I can get good information from leftist statements.

10-17-2004, 05:40 PM
extactly there are no more original ideas. and people are a pack animal. ( like wolves not pack like donkeys) theres no way you can be an individual. and all the people who try to say they are have only changed what they are conforming to. im not saying you are "selling out" to a new life style but you have only changed what effects you and how you look at things.

we share a common thought process but the end is where it varys, i accept that the only choice i have is who i follow. ( that in itself a choice) it almost becomes a third party. thos of us with views other than the masses. but since nether side shares our views we choose "apathy" ( as you would call it) but its not a lack of interest, its a lack of support to ether side of the system

added : the first part of my original post wasnt aimed at you. it was aimed at those conspiricacy nuts among us. and im also 18

10-17-2004, 06:06 PM
Hitting your head against something hard multiple times, should make you forget their brainwashing....maybe even overnight.

10-17-2004, 06:24 PM
Hitting your head against something hard multiple times, should make you forget their brainwashing....maybe even overnight.
tequila will do it too and its alot funner and makes for better stories! :p

Lakeview Bulldog
10-17-2004, 06:52 PM
extactly there are no more original ideas. and people are a pack animal. ( like wolves not pack like donkeys) theres no way you can be an individual. and all the people who try to say they are have only changed what they are conforming to. im not saying you are "selling out" to a new life style but you have only changed what effects you and how you look at things.

we share a common thought process but the end is where it varys, i accept that the only choice i have is who i follow. ( that in itself a choice) it almost becomes a third party. thos of us with views other than the masses. but since nether side shares our views we choose "apathy" ( as you would call it) but its not a lack of interest, its a lack of support to ether side of the system

I'll agree that humans are herd animals. If you look at the heirarchy of a herd there is always at least one leader. If you do not agree with the current leaders then become one yourself. Words can move millions. If you do not support either side of the system then create your own side and create support for it. It has been done in the past.
I'm suprised that I have had no more attacks on my posts yet. I'll have to make another one on a more specific issue in the future. This thread has become so vast in the topics it covered it is hard to have a debate.

10-17-2004, 07:21 PM
Listen man, the real thing is that no one really cares! thats the point that really neds to be made. Care about your self, cara about your beliefs, but if any thing ive notices you are trying to impose your beliefs on others. there is a reason that political discussions are not alowed here on ao.

Look, extremists are the problem, the left wing and the right wing, me my self, i just like the breast. Right smack dab in the middle. I agree on diferent topics, but to me, the left breast is just slightly more supple than the right one. Be anon confirmist if you will, be a right wing conservative, or a left wing liberalist. All that matters is that in reality, our fredoms are slowly leaving us.

Personally, i feel this damn patriot act is over the top. that is right wing conservatist, and i dont support it. I feel abortions are no ones business but their own, thats my conservative view. The real view is that i fight for what i believe in, and you should to. But to me, it seems like many people would just be happier if the us was an anarchist government. Yea, that would solve everything :rolleyes:

the thing is that you were not brainwashed, if you had a problem with the teaching in your school, you should have brought it up for conversation. you should have appealed your teachers views.

Any one with a weak mind can be influenced. What appears to me, is that you were influenced by the liberalist way, athere fore you are rebelling against it, questioning its ways, but you took it to an extreme. You need to tecide for your self what you truely believe in, and get rid of the ignorance that is in your mind. If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face -Zach della Rocha

10-17-2004, 07:52 PM
An open mind and a logical mind are two different things. By looking at a subject from a personal, and not a political opinion is the only way to properly form an understanding of what happened, and if it turns out the Liberals are way off, then so be it. I'm with BD, here.

10-17-2004, 07:54 PM
this isnt so much political as it is sociological and philosophical

Lakeview Bulldog
10-17-2004, 08:28 PM
I'll agree that I may be ignorant in some ways. I'm only 19, how can I not be ignorant to some extent. I haven't lived long enough to gain all the expirience I need to truly influence people yet. This is my first try at being a socio-political commentator. Just talking to you guys has helped me find out what I really believe. I think that I amy have come off a bit too strong in the beginning. I am trying to develope a voice to most efficiently get my points across. I think I'm doing well so far.I know I am making a lot of people angry. Like I sad though, I am not doing this to make friends. If I were then I would compromise my beliefs and take a more moderate view to appeal to both sides.

As far as no one caring what I say or think well that is obviously not true. If it were true do you think I would have nearly 50 responses?

I agree that the Patriot Act is one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation that has been passed since the Brady Bill. both of those laws degraded our personal liberties. I think that it reeks of facism and could possibly lead to Gesstappo or KGB like agencies in the US. If you notice I've never claimed to be a Republican. I am an idependent conservative. I do not agree with some of the Presidents actions, such as the Patriot act, and inactions, such as the illegal immigration crisis. I know what you mean about people spouting off about anarchy, which I do not support. See we do agree on somethings. Perhaps Im not such a right wing nutjob after all?

Target Practice
10-18-2004, 12:26 AM
P.S. Target Practice I used paragraphs this time. Thank you for pointing out my mistake. See I can get good information from leftist statements.

You're welcome. By the way, you're still a douchebag.

10-18-2004, 12:41 AM
Since this is basically a political thread and there for against AO rules, I will only say this.

Live a little more life before you try to fix the worlds problems. And don't believe everything you are told.

Kevn 419
10-18-2004, 05:00 PM
People are brainwashed all the time. Take tv for example, almost every thing you see on tv is something that is trying to brainwash you. Alot of the commercials you see about marijuana are trying to brainwash. I have read government documents that say that they are lies, straight up lies. My point is, everybody is being brainwashed by something, its just the way you look at it to decide whether or not you are being brainwashed.

10-18-2004, 08:33 PM
wow... there is just too much stupidity in this thread to adequately address... so ill just second the motion for you to remove the brain washing by banging your head against a brick wall.

but there is one thing i have to bring up. from what you have said, it would appear that your definition of brainwashing is having someone push their ideas onto you... if that is true, than what is this whole thread? sounds like youre trying to brainwash us. ;)

10-18-2004, 09:50 PM
Ahahah. I'm sure someone else has mentioned this already... But I am not reading this crappy thread all the way through.

The way I read it, it sounds like you've discarded your "liberal brainwashing", and traded it in for some "conservative brainwashing".

Congratulations, consider yourself enlightened.

10-19-2004, 09:19 PM
I have just recently completed my highschool education. Over all the years that I attended a public school I have been taught many things. Little did I know was that I was having liberal and socialist beliefs shoved down my throat. Not until about my junior year did I realize what.......... sorry man but its to long takes to long to read also :( :p

10-20-2004, 11:52 AM
Gun control, guns don't kill people, people kill people yada yada yada. But my problem with the assault weapons ban being lifted is what we are doing is making it easier for criminals to obtain more dangerous weapons. What good can come from someone owning an AK-47, over a normal handgun? None in my opinion.

What good can come of someone a owning an Escalade and never hauling anything, towing anything, offroading, etc when a Geo will suffice (I bet idiots in SUVs kill more people every year than guns do, not to mention enviromental and economical reprocussions). Why do you need a big house when a small one will suffice? Why do you need more food than is enough to keep you healthy? The list of questions goes on and on.
People refuse to believe a few basic truths. Licensed gun owners account for a small percentage of gun related crime. This is even more true when related to automatic weapons or hand guns, when is the last time someone was killed with a licensed automatic weapon? Criminals will get guns illigally nomatter what, what you should be arguing for is perhaps peanalizing gun owners and stores who are 'reguarly' robbed. Lastly why does it matter if someone is shot with an AK-47 or a hunting rifle? One is just as deadly as the other and if one is not available the criminal will go for the other.

10-20-2004, 12:19 PM
If this is what you were taught then yes, you were taught wrong.

I have just recently completed my highschool education. Over all the years that I attended a public school I have been taught many things. Little did I know was that I was having liberal and socialist beliefs shoved down my throat. Not until about my junior year did I realize what had been done to me. I was taught that homosexuality is not only natural, but that I should accecpt it and respect homosexuals for their courage in coming out.

Hoosexuality is natural. It is not a concious choice that someone wakes up one day and decides to bat for the home team. However, regardless of that, the fundamental core of this nation was to accept everyone, regardless of their perceived flaws.

What we are witnessing now with the emergence and, thankfully, acceptance of the homosexual group is nothing more than the next step in this country's fight for equality.

It started with Alice Paul and the fight for the right of women to vote, thereby breaking from the tradition that women were nothing more than chattle, owned by their husbands.

The next step was the black civil rights movement. Slavery was a slap in the face of this country's views of freedom.

I was taught that it is wrong to display the ten commandments in public for fear of hurting someone's feelings. Like them seeing the Ten Commandments is really going to degrade their life.

Again, I can see where you were taught wrong.

The desire to not display religious icons on governmental grounds in any manner, shape and form goes back to our nation's forefather to prevent the establishment of a state sponsored religion.

Remember, this nation was started by those who wished to escape religious persecution.

After all, how many of us have gotten in trouble by following these guidlines? Have you ever been to jail for not killing someone? Have you ever been beaten up for not sleeping with another person's husband or wife?

Of course not. Our legal system is based on punishing for, not applauding for not. This is just silly.

I was taught that we should blindly follow the government. I was taught not to question authority. The children in Nazi Germany were taught not to question authority too, look where that got them. I was taught that the white settlers were wrong for taking the indian's land. I was taught that guns are evil and that guns cause crime. People, guns casue crime like flies cause garbage. I was taught that parts of the US Constitution are obsolete, mainly the second amendment and parts that protect personal liberties. All of these beliefs that were forced down my throat by liberal-socialist teachers are complete leftist propaganda. But years of this type of brainwashing cannot be erased overnight. As part of my therapy to rid my unconscience of this communist nonsense I will be posting essays and inviting discussion. For anyone that believes that they too have been brainwashed in liberal schools I would like to form a group on how to align yourself to a more conservative view and spot liberal ideas, trends and actions that are destroying America. For any who disagree I will be willing to listen to your views. I will not childlishly attack you. I may call you a socialist or an enemy within America's borders. In turn you can call me a conservative, a radical, or a bigot. I expect those types of names from those who have, like me, been victimized and brainwashed. However, unlike me you have not realized what has happened to you. My goal is to point out liberalism and shed the light of truth and democracy on liberals and their radical socialist beliefs. Let the debates begin.

While I do agree that any radical belief (liberal or conservative) is inherrantly flawed you obviously do not.

These days I find myself leaning more and more towards the Republicans not so much becuase I believe wholly in what they stand for but becuase I feel alienated from the Democrats.

As for your comment about the Indians and the settlers, again you were taught wrong.

The original settlers and the Indians signed many treaties and the Indians helped the first generations survive here. That is the entire concept behind Thanksgiving.

The problems arose when the ruling classes back in Europe realized that we were surviving and at a very decent run to boot and decided to roll on over here an conquer just about everything they saw. When that happened the treaties were tossed and the horros began.

I am quite pleased to hear that you have decided to think for yourself but make sure that you do not slip to far into the right. Their ferverant hold on religious concepts are no less scary then those held by the radical muslims who now oppose our country.

10-20-2004, 12:29 PM
Gun control, guns don't kill people, people kill people yada yada yada. But my problem with the assault weapons ban being lifted is what we are doing is making it easier for criminals to obtain more dangerous weapons. What good can come from someone owning an AK-47, over a normal handgun? None in my opinion.


First, the lift on the assault weapon ban has no bearing on the criminals at all. The laws only pertain to law-abiding citizens. since the criminals obtain their guns by circumventing the laws the discussion is moot.

As for the entire concept behind the 2nd Amendment? It was put there to give the populace against a government turned dictatorical.

Not a great many of people know that there was tremendous resistance against ever even having a President and it was only finally agreed to after much ego stroking and deal making.

10-20-2004, 12:34 PM
OK, Ill admit that I came off a bit strong. The only reason I did that was to grab attention to this thread. Now that I've done that Im ready to continue. There are a lot of things that I feel I need to respond to. ONe thing that people have criticized me on is not accepting other people's beliefs. We are taught as a society that all beleifs are equal. That to me just seems wrong. No matter how much liberals want you to beliveve that there are definitly wrong and right sides to most issues. Hitler believed that the Aryan race where super-human and that the Jews and Russian people were sub human and set out to exterminate an entire race. Should I be a good liberal and accept his views even if I don't agree with him?



Even Vietnam Veterans who were betrayed and tortured becuase of Hanoi Fonda's vile words and actions have said that while they hate her and do not agree with her they would still fight to protect her right to say it.

That is the absolute, very CORE of the American philosophy.

I believe that these vets were quoting PAtrick Henry, a fantastic American Patriot.

Everyone in this country has a right to speak their mind without be trod upon by others. It's a very difficult walk but it is possible if open minds are kept open and blinders are taken off.