View Full Version : Has anyone else seen these??

10-30-2001, 11:17 PM
the other day when watching football i think it was, i saw a TV commercial for electronic paintball, its like lazer tag but its a lower level paintball gun that doesnt fire as fast, and if it hits your vest you are called out. I personally think this is great, paintball gets great exposure to new people, and the add itself had kids around ages 7-12 playing so parents get the idea paintball is safe, not paintball is an army training program, they need more things like this and maybe that TV paintball channel you were talkin about could become a possbility

10-31-2001, 01:09 AM
Actually I think these new paintball immitation toys make paintball look like a "stupid kids game". It's kinda like pokemon or nerf.

10-31-2001, 02:08 PM
I haven't seen the commercials, but I believe what you are referring to is "Lazerball," done by brass eagle. You can find info on their website: www.brasseagle.com

10-31-2001, 02:42 PM
There are two of these silly new games.

1) cheap guns and cheap-style paintballs that are basically nerf w/ a little spot to mark you

2) virtual paintball, even worse, which is just laser tag with an attempt to profit off the paintball name -- there's not even paint.

10-31-2001, 03:23 PM
even if it is nerf, or bootleg, it still is good exposure and do u start reading right out of no where? no, you start with books that couldnt even be considered literature and eventually work your way up, if kids play this and like it, they will get older and want to play "big kids paintball", see what i mean?

10-31-2001, 03:53 PM
ya, it's laser tag with paintball writen on. A few friends and i bought a few sets to play with. But we eventually got tired of em (2 days). Nerf guns are still the best :).

10-31-2001, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
even if it is nerf, or bootleg, it still is good exposure and do u start reading right out of no where? no, you start with books that couldnt even be considered literature and eventually work your way up, if kids play this and like it, they will get older and want to play "big kids paintball", see what i mean?

Lol, Doing this bootleg stuff is dangerous though, what if a 12 year old pokemon fanatic brings his "xtreme paintball" toy to a field wearing his swimming goggles? Then he's screwed over.

10-31-2001, 06:38 PM
hey footemps, can you think of any field/person that would allow one of those toys and a kid with goggles to playa game of real paintball? If so tell them to seek help, no one is going to let some kid with a gun like that and swimming goggles compete with real paintball players.

10-31-2001, 07:02 PM
but this is designed for little kids (not really older than like 10 er 11) to get into the concept of paintballing and shooting eachother with something. so that when they become older they are introduced into the paintball market much faster... basicly expanding paintball.. which is good

10-31-2001, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by ThePatriot
hey footemps, can you think of any field/person that would allow one of those toys and a kid with goggles to playa game of real paintball? If so tell them to seek help, no one is going to let some kid with a gun like that and swimming goggles compete with real paintball players.

I know that! That's what I mean. They would be dissed and would have to rent a gun, rent a mask, buy co2, buy paint and then the little kid would get really mad and think paintball is dumb because he spent most of his savings on one trip to a paintball field.
In a game the kid would use tactics like in the commercial and get shot up. The kid would also be tricked into the idea that paintballs don't hurt at all when they hit you so when he gets hit he'll get pissed.

Mega Man
10-31-2001, 07:10 PM
at first I thought it was some kind of joke/spoof of paintball, once I found out it was real I stardted crackin up, I mean geez saftey glasses, what happens if you get hit in the ear or mouth, I wanna get a set though just to see what its like.

10-31-2001, 08:04 PM
Nutz, thank you for agreeing here, and footemp, even if that kid did get shot up bad and stuff....thats one more person that tried paintball, he could of never even considered it....

10-31-2001, 09:14 PM
Good point patriot.

10-31-2001, 09:16 PM
i FINALLY get some recognition on this forum....i feel special.....it took 30 somethin posts i got so far but i got recognition

10-31-2001, 09:18 PM
wait only 29..ahh this is post 30, much better