View Full Version : i hope this guy gets caught

10-14-2004, 09:25 PM
my friend and owner of the best local shop here is taking his team to world cup (im playing in cup on a diff team) and he is taking a shocker with a specail board that suposedly you can only get if you have connections with this one team's tech ppl i forgot what team. anyway im not so sure about the story ebehind the board but onceyou hit the bps you program it to it maxes out your hopper, so basically 27bps. for cup hes setitng it to 12bps to ramp up to 27, becuase they only check up to 6bps suposedly. well IMO thats pretty gay if he doesnt get caught, im playing with my emag. hes taking 11 pods each GAME. wtf. thats rediculous. he can shoot an entire hopper swhile running to his bunker. thats just sick. i hope this bastard gets caught. hehe and im borrowing one of these shockers tomororw night for the weekend...for rec balling lmao should be pretty muppet-moweristic yay. i think its pretty gay to be shooting that fast but i mean im going to try it anyway, sounds kinda fun but i wouldnt do that in a tournament, only recball

10-14-2004, 09:29 PM
I think its pretty gay that you would say you hope he gets caught , but at the same time are gladly borrowing to mow people in an open play game......

10-14-2004, 09:31 PM
lol im doing it for fun in recball agianst muppets.... its totally different than playing in world cup with it

10-14-2004, 09:31 PM
sounds kind of like the rebound feature on the Nerve board, and on the new shocker boards

10-14-2004, 09:34 PM
refs arent dumb, and they can shoot alot faster then 6 bps.

i doubt they only check to 6 bps. he prolly will get caught, but that board sounds just like a rebound software that u can get as a free software update from sp.

rebound is basically an adjustable bps ramp setting which adds 1-5 shots per trigger pull after a certain bps is met. The rebound settings determine the bps rate at which the rebound will kick in. If the rebound is set at 5, the ramping will kick in at a lower bps, letting you shoot faster easily. With a rebound setting of 1 the ramp is totally eliminated, allowing the Nerve to be NPPL legal.

10-14-2004, 09:34 PM
Hopefully the refs would catch it. If you don't play him then dont say anything but if you do, call his butt out.

10-14-2004, 09:36 PM
If it truly is a special board, and not a Rebound board, it'll turn off the ramp feature with one push of a button and won't reactivate until a special sequence is entered.. so he won't get caught.

And at least he's using it when something's on the line, you're going to light up little kids.. :rolleyes:

Edit: Oh, and if you think he's the only one ramping at Cup, you should stay home.

10-14-2004, 09:37 PM
my friend and owner of the best local shop here is taking his team to world cup (im playing in cup on a diff team) and he is taking a shocker with a specail board that suposedly you can only get if you have connections with this one team's tech ppl i forgot what team. anyway im not so sure about the story ebehind the board but onceyou hit the bps you program it to it maxes out your hopper, so basically 27bps. for cup hes setitng it to 12bps to ramp up to 27, becuase they only check up to 6bps suposedly. well IMO thats pretty gay if he doesnt get caught, im playing with my emag. hes taking 11 pods each GAME. wtf. thats rediculous. he can shoot an entire hopper swhile running to his bunker. thats just sick. i hope this bastard gets caught. hehe and im borrowing one of these shockers tomororw night for the weekend...for rec balling lmao should be pretty muppet-moweristic yay. i think its pretty gay to be shooting that fast but i mean im going to try it anyway, sounds kinda fun but i wouldnt do that in a tournament, only recball

U R DUM!!!!

personjally i think you are retarted because doggin on this board and then say you are going to use it, WTF Is up with that, weather your playing rec or tourney's play by the rules

10-14-2004, 09:37 PM
lol im doing it for fun in recball agianst muppets.... its totally different than playing in world cup with it

So basically its ok in your mind to use a cheater board to send massive amounts of paint to take advantage of new or less experianced players , but it would be wrong to use it against players who have the skill to better deal with it...?

10-14-2004, 09:38 PM
Sweet! Cheating is cool!

10-14-2004, 09:40 PM
I would rather see this used in a tournament than against recballers.

10-14-2004, 09:42 PM
I would rather see this used in a tournament than against recballers.

I agree .....
(but still think cheater boards stink)

10-14-2004, 09:43 PM
I agree .....
(but still think cheater boards stink)

10-14-2004, 09:43 PM
I would rather seen it used at practice.

10-14-2004, 09:49 PM
i still dont get it, why are these guns even legal, at least with th bounce on a mag you can tell

10-14-2004, 10:10 PM
Haha, and he honestly thinks that the refs wont notice his gun shooting twice as fast as his fingers are moving?
Have you ever heard a gun fire 27 bps? It sounds like a machine gun :rolleyes:
If the refs cant catch that, they belong in special ed.

10-14-2004, 10:30 PM
I would rather seen it used at practice.

yeah, I practice with guys that have ramp boards, team boards, speedy chips ect. It's fun to see a gun shoot a rope of paint, but who cares anymore, its just a waste of paint. I think that people should practice with legal guns, because if you get used to the ramp effect then you get lazy.. at tourney time when you have to turn the board off you just can't perform.
I don't even try to lane anymore in open games, what's the point.. I get very little satisfaction by overshooting new players, on the other hand Overshooting the guy that bonus balls me with their ramping dm4 makes me think that two wrongs DO make a right.

10-14-2004, 10:31 PM
ya i ref at one of the fields here and this kid with a dm4 was playing back it sounded like run away i was like wtf i didnt pay attention to it and then after the game was over when he was putting on his barrel condom he hit the trigger once and it shot 8 times :tard: ya thats not bounce...

10-14-2004, 10:57 PM
Yeah...not that im near good enuff to even be seen at the cup but form what i hear he'll be just like everyone else ramping/bouncing etc. I think you=suck that youd use it against a few rental tippy using kids than the big guys that do the same :mad: ... But i do agree after a certain point its just a waste of paint....

10-14-2004, 11:04 PM
take this to pbn and be cool there. only reason for pbn is the timmy forums and i hate those jerks. i do like the b/s/t area though

10-14-2004, 11:04 PM
The funny thing is there is probally a AO member whos reading this thread and hes going a be a ref. at the world cup and now hes going to check for it lol. I also know that when i ref. on weekends at my paintball field for recball games and tourney we acually ripp on the guns to see if they ramp. :p :p :p :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :cheers:

10-14-2004, 11:12 PM
lol im doing it for fun in recball agianst muppets.... its totally different than playing in world cup with it

So let me get this straight. You are using it to brutalize people who are the base of the sport and could possibly never return to it....but have issues with using it against people who won't quit if they get shot too much.

Wow, that's a hell of a logic you got there.

10-14-2004, 11:19 PM
refs arent dumb, and they can shoot alot faster then 6 bps.

Some are. ;) but not all. Ask me how i know... :D

And yes it is incredibly rediculus about all this new ramping.... SP is really giving our sport a bit of a bad name... our shop got the new Nerve in and.... jebus... I walked that thing (not that i can walk that fast in the first place...) and the dang thing went of about 3-4 balls when i stopped... its rediculus.... IT is a nice marker i give it that much (even those stupid refs i reffered to can take the bolt out of it) ... but its Mc-rediculus as to the ramping on it.... You can tell its illegal from across the field its that bad..... :mad:

10-14-2004, 11:24 PM
taking advantage of newcommers is horrible. just as if someone had done the same to you, what would say that you wouldnt stop playing?

with the nerve though, u said that it went 3-4 balls after u stopped, which i think is impossible. :tard: :tard:
basically, it works with debounce all the time, but it "mentally" adds ball in. so it adds it electronically, with debounce runnning all the time, that way its "safer" than an uncontrolled, mechanical bounce :clap:
clap for shockers!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

10-14-2004, 11:37 PM
ok lemme fix that to 2-4 cycles... mabey a bit more realistic. but nevertheless its still absurd at how illegal the gun was... straght out of the box...

And i agree with the crowd... if you want to shoot someone with that thing... shoot someone who has a chance of shooting you back just as much... it kills possible new players to the sport and could even send people away from said field that you play at (only loophole to that the field has been around for 2+ years, evne then that can hurt thier business of regular customers) .

[/long day... :tard: ]

10-15-2004, 03:11 AM
Edit: Oh, and if you think he's the only one ramping at Cup, you should stay home.

:headbang: :clap:

10-15-2004, 04:56 AM
I dont know about you guys but I take pride in the fact that I can shoot 18+ bps. And to see ppl using ramiping boards and saying that they can shoot fast is makes me want to slap them. Try to learn how to shoot fast then talk to me. This thread just pissed me off.
Think of it like this.
ramping boards = gay
you using them = gayer

10-15-2004, 07:23 AM
i cant believe people are still using the phrase "gay", with that conotation

that should have gone out of fashion years ago

10-15-2004, 07:25 AM
gc, i could pull off 18-19 on my EBlade, we'll see what's up on my Timmy..

But that doesn't mean I wouldn't go faster if I could.

18 bps isn't that fast when 25 are coming back at you.

10-15-2004, 07:34 AM
i cant believe people are still using the phrase "gay", with that conotation

that should have gone out of fashion years ago

Kudos to you man.

10-15-2004, 07:59 AM
1 or 27 bps, if your hit your out. it kind of funny hearing people wine about playing pantball. we dont have a lot of pay fields around here. there were none when i started. everyone i have playied with here agrees before time what kind of game we are going to play. now i dont play competitivly, that is a different story. to me its like saing dont put a big block V8 in your car cus we all have 4 cyl rice burners.whaa. jmo.

10-15-2004, 10:14 AM
I would rather see this used in a tournament than against recballers.

It will all filter down to rec ball just like every other peice of tourny cheater crap.

10-15-2004, 11:16 AM
1 or 27 bps, if your hit your out. it kind of funny hearing people wine about playing pantball. we dont have a lot of pay fields around here. there were none when i started. everyone i have playied with here agrees before time what kind of game we are going to play. now i dont play competitivly, that is a different story. to me its like saing dont put a big block V8 in your car cus we all have 4 cyl rice burners.whaa. jmo.

lol ya here in tampa bandwagon is rice/4cyl or 240sx...the only fast ones out of those are the 240's with sr20det drops.. i have a 76 vette (orange) and im getitng a 572 mountain motor soon. horraay 650hp all motor, no "NAWZ"

10-15-2004, 11:49 AM
I dont see a problem with using rampers in rec ball IF you're playing for fun against good competition. It SHOULD NOT be used to "mow muppets", thats just not cool.

And as for the original post, so the guy is bringing 11 pods on the field, woo hoo. If I was at cup I'd be bringout out more then that and as for him shooting 27 bps, even a victory board or reloader b will not feed that fast, I know I've had both. With ramper he might be pushing low twenties and thats only really going to matter off the break. If someone is shooting that fast when you're in your bunker use some skill and snap shoot

10-15-2004, 12:04 PM
1 or 27 bps, if your hit your out. it kind of funny hearing people wine about playing pantball. we dont have a lot of pay fields around here. there were none when i started. everyone i have playied with here agrees before time what kind of game we are going to play. now i dont play competitivly, that is a different story. to me its like saing dont put a big block V8 in your car cus we all have 4 cyl rice burners.whaa. jmo.

But if you have a V8 in your car it is not directly affecting the saftey of those around you just to have it on the road...

There are legitimate saftey concerns when people are shooting faster then they can pull the trigger... sometimes just shooting too fast