View Full Version : fn 303 (tk this is for you)

10-15-2004, 09:31 PM
the fn303 non-lethal weapons system

Ever since i saw it on their website, and notices it shot .68 caliber rounds and ran of hpa, i knew it was designed by someone with a paintball mind. When i later read what you said about adding fins to paintballs for the military, and then finally seeing trina (i think) with it i knew agd must of made it. So i was wondering, what exactely are the projectiles made out of, they appeared to be paint cased in plastic. So how exactely do the physics of these projectiles work? and considering it shoots at 280-300 fps, i also wonder how it could be efective at distances?

ill be looking forward to your enlightening response
-joshua elliott

10-16-2004, 05:14 AM
AGD designed the "balls" as a finned, two chamber form. One half of the "ball" chamber holds paint, while the other has a small amount of Bismuth, a very heavy metal, in powder form. The fins ensure that the balls cannot be easily fired from existing markers, and help tremendously in stabilizing the un-balanced ball. Speeds range from 280, to well over 350fps. These are supposed to hurt, not just mark.

There is a long hallway at AGD, with a metal fire door at the exit. Currently, there are quite a few fist sized dents in it from the impacts of these balls :wow:

Yes, Although Tom designed the system and the projectiles for FN a few years ago, AGD does NOT make the system. They are made at the Herstal Belgium plant of FN.

Further proof that no other paintball company has more research and development than AGD :dance:

10-16-2004, 07:07 AM
I would consider that to be very enlightening. Thanks for the question (justjoshin590) and answer (Army).

Thunder Bunny
10-16-2004, 11:08 AM
Thread reminded me of this http://pepperball.com/products/projectiles.asp No wiping these hits!
If you navigate to the systems page and look at the "launchers" the first one looks eerily like a tippy pro-lite/pro carbine.

10-16-2004, 03:13 PM
Not that you did a bad job, Army ;)

previous linky from Webby (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=64627&highlight=fn+303)

10-16-2004, 05:40 PM
Actually we do supply the valve system and the tank head, FN makes and assembles the bodies.


10-16-2004, 09:36 PM
Thread reminded me of this http://pepperball.com/products/projectiles.asp No wiping these hits!
If you navigate to the systems page and look at the "launchers" the first one looks eerily like a tippy pro-lite/pro carbine.

That's because it is!

I was just watching a show on the History channel about prison technology and they showed a closeup of the gun stamped Ft. Wayne, IN

Take a look at their Accessories page:

Upon further browsing of their site you'll find this on their RIOT systems:


The SA200 PepperBall Riot Systems are the perfect non-lethal crowd control tool. The riot systems are comprised of SA200s, riot vests and suspenders, speed pods high-pressure air bottles, hoses with slide checks, quick disconnects, soft cases, and maintenance kits. Purchase SA200s with the following accessories to create 850 or 450 round riot control systems (850 Riot System pictured).

This is a 6 X 140 pod system (840 rounds). Now Tippmanns are reliable but if you were thinking of needing to use 840 rounds would you use one? The ROF just isn't there.

10-16-2004, 10:47 PM
Theyre not concerned about ROF, theyre concerned about having enough to suppress a riot the size of the Metallica/Guns n Roses incident a while back without having to take a time out to go refill at their swat van. They need to start giving these to the army over in Korea. When I was there we were having constant problems with protestors and just plain crazy nationals trying to break onto post. There was even an incident where they tried to steal the american flag. They didnt make it, but they did get up on a water tower and vandalize some stuff. Good thing they didnt make it to the flag though, cuz thats not something to be joking about. Theyd likely have gotten shot.

10-17-2004, 06:36 AM
thank you all for your responses, i was mainly wondering the physics of the projectiles, to bad the reason they work so well is their filled with powdered metal, tom, have you experimented with making a less powerful form of these projectiles? something that could be used for paintball

10-17-2004, 08:11 AM
Muzikman has one! We dry fired it at AO NJ4. It is one very cool marker! :cool:

10-17-2004, 09:04 AM
I seem to recall a company WAY back making some finned paintballs. They were single shot muzzle loader type deals though. From what I recall they were $$$$$ per shot but...they were dead on accurate.
Ao it can be done ...its just a case of will the end justify the $$$$.

10-18-2004, 03:54 PM

10-18-2004, 08:35 PM
I am working on a series of pics of mine. Going to rip it apart for the first time. I should have pics up tomorrow.

BTW: One of the things someone hasn't mentioned about the projectiles, they are over 8 grams where as a normal paintball is around 3 grams. This means an FN303 round flying at 300fps is going to hurt ALOT more than a paintball.

10-19-2004, 06:23 AM
This means an FN303 round flying at 300fps is going to hurt ALOT more than a paintball.

As it should!

10-20-2004, 10:00 AM
I am working on a series of pics of mine. Going to rip it apart for the first time. I should have pics up tomorrow.

BTW: One of the things someone hasn't mentioned about the projectiles, they are over 8 grams where as a normal paintball is around 3 grams. This means an FN303 round flying at 300fps is going to hurt ALOT more than a paintball.

of course they would, they're designed to hurt AND spread pepper stuff around, plus its more stable at this weight. if you read the stuff on the pepperball site, the impact is supposed to deter potential threats as well because they induce pain

11-04-2004, 10:30 PM
so is agd selling them? and how much? sorry if some1 answered this but i'm stupid

11-04-2004, 10:51 PM
There is a long hallway at AGD, with a metal fire door at the exit. Currently, there are quite a few fist sized dents in it from the impacts of these balls :wow:

Hehehe, that hallway is cool.

11-04-2004, 11:02 PM
so is agd selling them? and how much? sorry if some1 answered this but i'm stupid

No, AGD is not selling them, No you can not buy one. They are for military and law enforcement only. There is a slim chance that you might find one for sale, but I would not hold your breath.

11-05-2004, 06:14 PM
Wait is this like a Powerbelt muzzleloader bullet or is it more like a spigot round from a rifle grenade?

11-05-2004, 06:17 PM
Well, can't say I know what either of those are. But I see you live in Pittsburgh, if you ever want to meet up at a field I can bring an FN303 and a round. I won't shoot the round as I only have 5, but you'll get a better understanding what it is.

11-05-2004, 06:57 PM
That 303 is a very nifty design, but it comes from the same company who made the p90 so what do you expect.Wow i would love to see one of these things in action, any one have a vid?

11-05-2004, 07:32 PM
No, AGD is not selling them, No you can not buy one. They are for military and law enforcement only. There is a slim chance that you might find one for sale, but I would not hold your breath.

so don't mind me for asking, but how did u get one?

11-05-2004, 07:41 PM
Right place, right time, had the money.

11-05-2004, 10:27 PM
aka online gun auction, just search for 303 and go a few threads down

11-05-2004, 10:57 PM
aka Jason Beam is a PIMP. This guy collects AGD'phanelia like its his job(oh wait it might be:-P)

paint magnet
11-05-2004, 11:30 PM
aka Jason Beam is a PIMP. This guy collects AGD'phanelia like its his job(oh wait it might be:-P)

True...which begs the question, Muzikman - what do you do for a living? Or would you have to kill me if you told me? :shooting: :ninja: :eek:

Anyway, you have quite an impressive arsenal :)

11-06-2004, 12:09 AM
I am a professional bum at the moment. But by profession I am a Network Analyst.