View Full Version : i need a co2 guru

10-31-2001, 07:44 AM
if i have a 4 oz tank, do i have to tell the person thats filling it, or do they know automatically?

how much do i tell the guy to fill it to?

co2 expands right?

do you hav e to get your co2 tank checked every now and then?

can you keep co2 in yuor tank for extended periods of time? (like a week or 2)

anyways, anyone who can answer these questions, answer them and add more info that you think is important. I am not going to use co2 on my mag, i'm getting a sidekick soon.

Load SM5
10-31-2001, 07:48 AM
They should know..I do when I fill CO2 tanks. Co2 tanks are always slightly underfilled since they chill when filled and expand when they warm up over the next hour or so.

CO2 expands when it warms as I said.

Yes you do, I don't think a 4 oz. though.

As long as it's not stored in the trunk of a car I don't see a problem with it.

10-31-2001, 08:55 AM
Yup. Just like Load says. In the US you must have a CO2 tank tested and re-certified (DOT regulations) when it is 10 years old. But in Canada there is no legal requirement to have CO2 tanks checked and re-certified, but it's still a good idea to have it done.

10-31-2001, 09:04 AM
I can't remember exactly but I think if it's the
BE 4oz then you fill to 3.2lbs I think
your best bet it to take the tank empty and weigh it. then add 4oz to that.

a 4oz tank doesn't need to be tested because of it's size. just keep in mind that after a while you may want to replace it anyway. it is holding 800psi or so of co2 right beside your head. your choice of course though.;)

I keep gas in mine most of the time, to do work at home, and just because I'm lazy. just keep it form getting really hot is all.

and if the person filling your tank can't figure out that it's a 4oz ether just form looking or from reading the label, then whey are you trusting them to fill your tank.

Load SM5
10-31-2001, 12:20 PM
You don't want to fill a CO2 tank all the way. CO2 expands a bit when it heats up so if you were to fill a 12oz. tank with 12oz. of CO2 you could loose a burst disk.

10-31-2001, 03:56 PM
As long as it's not stored in the trunk of a car I don't see a problem with it.

Amen to that brother!

A friend of mine forgot about his tank in the trunk of his car and on a hot day heard this loud hissing from the back of his car. White clouds starting leaking out of the around of the trunk lid and into the car. He slammed the breaks and later said he had to change his shorts! It only blew the burst disk, but what a way to get a heart attack!