View Full Version : Muscle Spasms

10-16-2004, 08:33 AM
Hey Guys

I just wanted to post something a little different today..

I have recently returned to the world of paintball after some years of being away..

I'm not in the best of shape.. well ok, not in any shape LOL!! But I have always been active when it comes to playing hard..

Now, this has not been an issue for me for YEARS!! AT least 15 years or so (since I was in my teens).. Any ways, last night I ended up having a Calve Cramp.. TONS of pain..

Just wondering if any one else out there gets muscle cramps and what do you do to either avoid them or help eliminate them?

I have heard that they are caused by a lack of potasium and one of the easyest ways to get that is Banana's, another thing I heard is not enough water in the muscle. I dont think the water is an issue for me, I drink any where between 4 and 8 litres of water a day (totally LOVE WATER!)..

So, any suggestions guys? Tips? Tricks? Hints? :)

10-16-2004, 08:49 AM
drink gaterade as wsell as water. it's a good source of electrolytes (pottasium, sodium etc).

10-16-2004, 08:58 AM
I get them when I work out my calves in my weightlifting class. It stinks. I would drink more water it seems to be helping me.

welcome back :dance:

10-16-2004, 09:08 AM
Do you stretch for a good amount of time before you play? If you dont warm your body up to the strain your going to put on it your just asking for pulled muscles or pain

That is the main cause for cramps though is inadequate stretching and some times just fatigue

Since you say you are in no sort of shape whatsoever, I am thinking that its just muscle fatigue because that usually happens when the body is not conditioned well enough for the activity.

Drinking more water wont necessarily solve the problem, however you always want to drink more than you want to just to be on the safe side.

Basically when the cramp happens you want to stop what your doing and fix the problem, you can stretch the area that is cramping up until its gone... I think if you apply heat to tense muscles and cold to more tender muscles that will help.

But like I said before to prevent cramps your going to have to really just work on overall fitness. Make sure you stretch before and after you play. It also helps a lot to stay well hydrated so like before drink as much as you can, and more than you want. :) Here is a calve stretch to use.

"Calf muscle stretch: In a standing lunge with both feet pointed forward, straighten the rear leg. (Repeat with opposite leg.) "

10-16-2004, 09:25 AM
I play snake/small front bunkers that make me be in very odd positions, very straining to my muscles and let me tell you, I used to get leg cramps all over the place and it sucked. Now, before I play, I have a stretching routine that lasts 15 minutes, then I jog alittle bit, never get cramps anymore.

10-16-2004, 10:30 AM
I run year round and when I get REALLY fatigued I can get cramps. Ideally, what you want to do before any strenuous excersize is run (i do a mile) for warmup, then stretch out. If you want real power and speed, my coaches have advised us not to stretch excessively. But for paintball, stretch all you want.

Calves (upper and lower stretches), hamstrings, quads, butt, stomach, back, anything you want. If you feel yourself start to tighten up you might want to put some icy hot on it and stretch it out before you continue playing. That always helps me.

After you're done, you're going to want to run some more for a cool down, and stretch everything out thoroughly.

Other than that, just eat healthy, drink some gatorade occasionally, and I believe bannannas help too.

10-16-2004, 10:58 AM
My second quality post this month:

There are two types of muscle cramping that can occure: Excercise Induced and Metabolic Disorder. Your case being Excercise Induced the cramping was most likely initiated due to a low electrolyte serum level within the muscle itself, as well as low oxygen levels and low blood supply to the muscle since you are primarily untrained at this point.

The research into the exact causes is still being done at the moment with traditional theories being challenged.


Passive stretching results in almost immediate relief of the cramp and reduction in EMG activity; stretching increases tension in the Achilles tendon and increases Golgi activity (36). This phenomenon is compatible with the hypothesis that abnormal spinal reflex activity is an important etiologic factor in EAMC, and it may account for the increase in nocturnal cramping in athletes who train heavily. Nocturnal cramps may well be due to contractions (perhaps during REM sleep) of the gastrocnemius while in the plantar flexed position.

Gastrocnemius = "calf muscle" and the Golgi Tendon Organ they speak of is part of your nervous system. It surrounds bundles of muscle fibers and acts as a stretch sensory receptor that can actually shut down your muscles if they contract with too much force. You know if you've ever tried to lift something that is just too heavy and you stop because if feels like you just cannot lift anymore? Not that your muscle is burning with lactic acid but you just CANT lift it. Well thats because the Golgi Tendon Organ shut your muscles off, quite literally.

The reasons cramping of skeletal muscles hurts so bad is mainly due to an abnormality of this sensors functioning (it stops working) which they believe is a result of afferant spinal cord control.

What can you do? Stretch like I quoted above for immediate relief. Drinking "lots of gatorade" will not directly help because those electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl+, etc) will circulate your entire body. It is possible to drink TOO much Gatorade which caues intense headaches. Diluting your gatorade 50/50 with water is what any athletic trainer will tell you to do unless your running a marathon or something.

Time is your best friend. You need to let your muscles develop and get used to this activity. Make sure you are eating enough carbohydrates as well and keep drinking the water, thats great that you already do that! Your muscles need to create more capillaries to supply oxygen rich blood and remove wastes from your calves as well as all your lower body muscles.

Chojin Man
10-16-2004, 12:19 PM
Mango every post you make is quality.

Banana's always help me with sore muscles.

10-16-2004, 02:14 PM
Don't get carried away Chojin ;)

10-16-2004, 02:34 PM
once in a while I will get calf cramps too. If its hurting i suggest that you extend you leg out whilesitting on a bed/couch/floor, and pull your toes towards you. This seams to work pretty well for me.

10-16-2004, 02:40 PM
Banana's always help me with sore muscles.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

10-16-2004, 05:15 PM
Mango... you forgot to mention your Midol shakes. :p

I had bad problems with calves cramping when I was playing tennis and some other stuff. Stretching and water cured it for me - I concur!

10-16-2004, 05:45 PM
Icyhot works well
or biofreeze

10-16-2004, 07:14 PM
Hey Guys

Ok, yes, out of shape (or more Pear Shaped LOL) but The good news is I am making lots of attempts to get rid of it..

Now, to answer the questions and to change some information..

Ok - Do I stretch before playing? No, never have, but that was also back in the day of woods ball, watching the games now and the fact that I am going to be trying out for a Rookie X-Ball team here I think I will be starting for sure! LOL

As for getting the cramp - It happened last night, around 5 AM. I have not played paintball in a week, it was just a grueling week of work in the office and a easy evening.

In the past I use to get these cramps as well.. The cramps would come on, out of nowhere and normally would calm in about 15 minutes (once had to go to the hospital after 4 hours of amazing pain!!)

Could this be related to playing paintball and such? Very possible, like I said, I am making attempts to get back in to some sort of shape other then round ;) Hey Dont want to be mistaken as a Paintball and stuffed into a hopper! LOL!.. SO, here I am doing the stairs instead of the elevator, playing paintball as often as I can (and attempting to upgrade my meager mag LOL) and going for walks with my little girl and wife.. All in all I feel better, but freakin tired LOL!..

As for Gatorade, the only thing I know comes from a good friend, he does medieval fighting and is a police officer here (he has been King in the SCA twice!) any ways, he says, for best effect, cut the Gatorade almost 50/50 with water (basically until it starts to taste bitter), by doing so it cuts the sugar while still getting all the things you need..

10-16-2004, 07:29 PM
Hey Guys

Ok, yes, out of shape (or more Pear Shaped LOL) but The good news is I am making lots of attempts to get rid of it..

Now, to answer the questions and to change some information..

Ok - Do I stretch before playing? No, never have, but that was also back in the day of woods ball, watching the games now and the fact that I am going to be trying out for a Rookie X-Ball team here I think I will be starting for sure! LOL

As for getting the cramp - It happened last night, around 5 AM. I have not played paintball in a week, it was just a grueling week of work in the office and a easy evening.

In the past I use to get these cramps as well.. The cramps would come on, out of nowhere and normally would calm in about 15 minutes (once had to go to the hospital after 4 hours of amazing pain!!)

Could this be related to playing paintball and such? Very possible, like I said, I am making attempts to get back in to some sort of shape other then round ;) Hey Dont want to be mistaken as a Paintball and stuffed into a hopper! LOL!.. SO, here I am doing the stairs instead of the elevator, playing paintball as often as I can (and attempting to upgrade my meager mag LOL) and going for walks with my little girl and wife.. All in all I feel better, but freakin tired LOL!..

As for Gatorade, the only thing I know comes from a good friend, he does medieval fighting and is a police officer here (he has been King in the SCA twice!) any ways, he says, for best effect, cut the Gatorade almost 50/50 with water (basically until it starts to taste bitter), by doing so it cuts the sugar while still getting all the things you need..

Usually 15 minutes is all a cramp will last in most cases...

10-16-2004, 08:39 PM
I get cramps every so often. I play on a tournament softball team, ride dirt bikes and play paint ball. Usually the cramps come after a long day of softball( I usually get the cramps after I have gone to sleep in the late night-ealry morning following the tournament), The summers here in south alabama are nuts so playing in 100 deg heat is killer. Lots of fluids including water and gatorade seem to lessen the frequency. I also take a multivitamin that seems to help. Also I have found that stretching helps alot. After a nasty hamstring pull a few seasons ago I stretch before every softball game even jog the length of the field a few times.

10-16-2004, 10:43 PM
Usually 15 minutes is all a cramp will last in most cases...

Yea the base of it is over in 15, but normally I can feel it for the rest of the day and it is kind of like an earth quake, I get aftershocks for days afterwards..

The other thing I think of is that of all the cramps I have had, they are ALL in the right calf.. Very odd if you ask me..

But what do I really know..

10-16-2004, 10:51 PM
I get cramps all the time. Bananas do help, but thats more preventative. I get a lot of them in the arch of my feet, my hamstrings, and my calves. Stretching better is a big part of it. If it becomes a serious problem, I reccomend yoga. Trust me, it helps. Plus, chicks just dig what a flexible guy can do.. uh... around the house... fixing things... that are broken and need fixing... like lights. :cheers:

Edit: Just read mangos quality post. Good stuff. Almost all my cramps happen while I sleep, though Id never though of myself as an athlete who trains heavily...

P.S. Another issue added to my ticket. Cramps will be prohibited upon my reaching office. Offenders will be punished with mandatory massages from hot swedish women, and repeat offenders will be sentenced to time at a maximum security swedish chick filled spa.

KoSMo For President :dance: