View Full Version : no pics, no cool markers, just saying hi and thanks

10-16-2004, 05:16 PM
One day while flipping through channels on the television, I caught the end of a paintball tournament on some absurdly high channel. I stopped flipping and watched it. As I was watching, I turned on my laptop and started searching the internet for paintball information. For some reason, I just really felt drawn to this sport. The next day, I went back to some of the sites I had bookmarked and read them all again. By the time I finished reading them, I was positive that I would be playing paintball. I started reading about equipment, seeing how much it cost and what markers were good, etc.

A few days later, I started looking at equipment with the thought of buying something. After days of researching, I remembered reading an article that said something to the effect of "which is better 'cocker or 'mag ". I thought to myself, I haven't seen anything at all about this "mag". So, I did a search and found AO.

I read AO for two weeks straight. The people on this forum are more intelligent and helpful than any forum I have ever seen. When I realized that Tom Kaye actually used the forum, answered questions, and was a part of this community, I knew that I would buy a mag.

And I did. I bought it and the tank off of AO as a matter of fact. Today I went to a local store and got my tank aired up and finally got to shoot my mag. I know that there are better setups out there, but mine is awesome compared to the rentals I used! I don't know if you all remember what it felt like that first time you shot a good marker, but personally, I felt like a 17 year old on a first date. It just felt "right". My wife said she hasn't seen me this happy in years.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you guys and gals for sharing your love of the sport and for pointing me in the right direction.


10-16-2004, 05:25 PM
very cool post. well said.

i hope you enjoy your mag as much as i do mine. it won't let you down.

welcome to AO.

10-16-2004, 05:25 PM
well i am glad to see that you chose AO and mags over all,welcome to the fourms and we are here to help with anything you could possibly need to know about mags in general

10-16-2004, 05:31 PM
Hey man, we here at AO are always happy to help where we can.

I'm very happy to hear that you recieved a good impression from us. We love to know when we bring new people in.

Good luck with your mag. It will bring you lots of joy.

10-16-2004, 05:32 PM
welcome to the family :cheers:

10-16-2004, 05:38 PM
Glad you found us and were the type to research first!!

Welcome aboard,


10-16-2004, 05:39 PM
I'm really glad to hear that. Paintball is a great sport and I am confident that you will enjoy it!
You made a good choice with the mag, it is a great marker for new and experianced players, as it is simple to use and maintain.
Welcome to AO!

10-16-2004, 05:41 PM
Welcome to the family :clap:

10-16-2004, 07:02 PM
welcome to AO, have fun with the mag, whats on it?

10-16-2004, 07:15 PM
Im glad you like your mag! Welcome to AO

10-16-2004, 07:18 PM
Welcome to the family Coopy!!

We are always glad to have another!

Sure there are other markers out there, better? You know, who's to judge other then your self, and being in love again is a good thing ;)


:cheers: :dance: :clap:

Target Practice
10-16-2004, 08:24 PM
Welcome to AO, fellow...er...AOer!

10-16-2004, 08:36 PM
All - Thanks for the warm reception.

welcome to AO, have fun with the mag, whats on it?

It is a 68 Classic Powerfeed left
Benchmark grips
12v Empire reloader
10" CP barrel
lvl 10 (not yet installed)

For air, I got a 68/3000 pure energy fiber wrapped tank. I read a bunch of threads discussing which goggles are best, but I finally decided that what works for someone else may not work for me. I ended up trying on a bunch before settling on black vForce Profiler.

So far I am really happy with all of it. I shot about 500 rounds of cheap paint today in my yard (no broken balls).

For now, the only changes I want to make are:
- replace the big drop forward with something smaller
- get it powder coated matte black (it's a little rough looking right now)

Of course, there are quite a few little things I want (nice tank cover, cool AO barrel sock, etc.). But, for now, I am content to enjoy it as is.


Target Practice
10-16-2004, 08:44 PM
cool AO barrel sock

Look in the Dealers Section, RogueFactor has just come out with the d'05 ones, and they're awesome. Rogue is an outstanding dealer, He makes great stuff, and his customer service is some of the best I've seen.

10-16-2004, 08:48 PM
Look in the Dealers Section, RogueFactor has just come out with the d'05 ones, and they're awesome. Rogue is an outstanding dealer, He makes great stuff, and his customer service is some of the best I've seen.

Yeah, that's the one I was referring to... The wife is looking over my shoulder as I type and says I have to wait a little while before spending more on it. :)

Big'n slo
10-16-2004, 09:02 PM
Yeah, that's the one I was referring to... The wife is looking over my shoulder as I type and says I have to wait a little while before spending more on it. :)

Welcome coopy18,
Forgiveness is easier than permission ;)

And sleeping on the couch ain't that bad. :(

10-16-2004, 09:04 PM
1. Welcome to the mag family!
2. Best first post ever.
3. NEVER let your wife know what you spend on paintball.
True story.
:p ;)

10-16-2004, 09:05 PM
And sleeping on the couch ain't that bad. :(

lol :D


10-16-2004, 09:17 PM
If you want to get that level 10 installed just send it to me. No charge for the new AO'er! Welcome and have fun. ;) :D

10-16-2004, 09:24 PM
Hail yea!~


10-16-2004, 09:25 PM
And sleeping on the couch ain't that bad. :(
Yeah, the couch isn't that bad, but I would have to share it with three dogs. But, I think I have this all figured out...

3. NEVER let your wife know what you spend on paintball.
True story.
:p ;)
I need to start putting money in my paypal account so she won't know what I am spending it on. I figure if I only go to work two days a week I will save enough on gas to fund my developing paintball habit. She will just assume that I am still spending all that money on gas and lunch. Now the only part I need to work out is getting that two day work week approved by my boss.

My other option is to get her hooked on it, too. Then we could have this Sid and Nancy - shared addiction thing going on. We may have to work on the ending though...

10-17-2004, 05:55 AM
i havent been apart of ao for a long time ... but i am on here every night .. i got addicted to mags again after years of not owning one .... now i have a collection going ...

as for not being able to spend alot of money on what you want ... do what i did sell some stuff on ebay put it into paintball...... this way you clean house turn your unwanted clutter into cash... and you get to say i am not spending money .... i am offing stuff i dont use for what i want and need ........

10-17-2004, 04:21 PM
Welcome to AO Coopy!

Wife looking over your shoulder and telling you to not spend any more money on your mag? That COULD be a good thing, Christmas is right around the corner, nothing says stocking stuffer like RogueFactor's '05 barrel socks ;)

10-17-2004, 04:28 PM
Awesome! Hope you like your mag! My first real high end gun was my rt mag and I LOVED that gun, I wish I could track it down and buy it again. Have fun! Also, remember, paintball is as addictive as drugs, use responsibly ;)

10-17-2004, 07:29 PM
What? He researched before he bought a 'Mag? Dang, that means we can't tell him about the elves inside or anything.

Shoot, and I thought we had another sucker...

:D Welcome to the madhouse!

10-17-2004, 07:39 PM
Right that's what sucked me in, the elves. Eh, it ended up being a decent gun...

Hehe, I felt the same exact way when I shot my mag for the first time Coopy (even though I'd been playing for 4 and a half years!). Glad you're with us. You sound like a pretty squared-away guy with all the research you did before going into the sport. That was smart. I mean hey, you ended up with a mag.

Oh, and a little advice on letting your spouse/girlfriend/parents/other dictatorial individual know about the fiscal end of paintball... I rue the day I told my parents what I've spent. Don't make the same damn mistake with your significant other!!!

10-17-2004, 07:47 PM
Watch out!

Some of them bit! :dance:

10-17-2004, 07:53 PM
I am going to let the pic requirment slide for now, but when you get a few more posts we are going to REQUIRE some pics of that classics.

I still get goose bumps over blacked out classic!

10-17-2004, 09:05 PM
Yeah, the couch isn't that bad, but I would have to share it with three dogs. But, I think I have this all figured out...

I need to start putting money in my paypal account so she won't know what I am spending it on. I figure if I only go to work two days a week I will save enough on gas to fund my developing paintball habit. She will just assume that I am still spending all that money on gas and lunch. Now the only part I need to work out is getting that two day work week approved by my boss.

My other option is to get her hooked on it, too. Then we could have this Sid and Nancy - shared addiction thing going on. We may have to work on the ending though...

Welcome to AO Coopy!!! I'm glad to hear you did lots of research on equipment first...that's always the best way to go! :D

As for the sleeping on the couch and going behind your wife's back, don't forget that will only cause more pain and make her hate your new found hobby.

Doobie used to always compare the money he spent on pball to my shopping money...that gave me zero grounds for an arguement! ;)

And you already have the plan right...the only way to make this easier....is to get HER to play too! :D

10-18-2004, 08:44 PM
I suppose Trina's right. I was just kidding anyway... heh heh...

10-18-2004, 08:57 PM
sounds like me a lil but older and with a wife

i hung around forums for like a whole year before buyin an angel

10-18-2004, 09:05 PM
Welcome to AO enjoy your stay! Cant get ebough of folks like you!

10-18-2004, 09:07 PM
sounds like me a lil but older and with a wife

i hung around forums for like a whole year before buyin an angel

Thanks for noticing my li'l butt. :rofl: Sorry, I'm just entertaining myself.

Seriously though, I am so glad I got my stuff last week. I woke up this morning and my A/C was out (it got up to 92 today). So, I had to spend about $600 to get the compressor replaced. Had I waited, that would have come out of my paintball money instead of savings.


Carbon, I just noticed you are from Monterey. I met my wife there. That place was so beautiful. Someday I have to go back for a visit.

10-18-2004, 09:09 PM
dodged that bullet