View Full Version : Ghillie suit

10-17-2004, 01:55 PM
Im just wondering what are the pros and cons of a ghillie suit/ bushrag.

10-17-2004, 04:31 PM
Its great camo but in the summer they are really hot. Unless you put it together really strong, they will fall apart in a washing machine so you have to wash them by hand.

10-17-2004, 04:47 PM
Pros: You look like a wookie.

Cons: Heat exhaustion, catching on fire, dying, looking like a walking bush.

10-17-2004, 06:07 PM
Pros: You look like a wookie.

Cons: Heat exhaustion, catching on fire, dying, looking like a walking bush.
:rofl: nice i want to look like wookie

10-17-2004, 06:22 PM
pro's- bounce shots! why didnt i think of this, thats it, my whole team is wearing em toour next tourney

cons-....besides the obvious?

10-17-2004, 08:00 PM
And the obvious being

10-17-2004, 08:16 PM
pro's- bounce shots! why didnt i think of this, thats it, my whole team is wearing em toour next tourney

cons-....besides the obvious?

being as you wear it, if it gets hit wouldn't that count as a hit to you, thus you being out?

10-17-2004, 08:20 PM
with a suit, any hit gets you out, not just splats.

10-17-2004, 08:20 PM
sisnce it is very soft, paintballs arent very likely to break

10-17-2004, 09:11 PM
with a suit, any hit gets you out, not just splats.

oh...shows what i know about woodsball :tard:

10-17-2004, 09:17 PM
Here's a similiar post from a few days ago...


10-17-2004, 10:16 PM
Pros: You look like a wookie.

Cons: Heat exhaustion, catching on fire, dying, looking like a walking bush.

rofl. Dude that was pure gold.

10-18-2004, 11:50 AM
In normal rec/woodsball the games (we play) are a bit too fast paced for a BushRag to be of much use. If you are playing the norm "attack/defend" a flag station I guess you could use it in defense of your flag but again, I prefer to be able to move and adjust to different situations. Crawling for 2 1/2 hours and making 10 yards just isn't the way I prefer to play paintball. ;)

In Scenario they can be useful to a point, here's some hints:
These suggeations are great if you are low on paint or just plain wore out and prefer to camp for a while.

Can work great for base security, esp at night. Set up with radio comm to your base/commander and radio in sit-reps on players attempting to access the base.

Also can work for recon/listening post. Set up near the oppositions base and radio in reports on troop movements. Works best if you have a couple of mission busting teams on the comm, set up to ambush out-going missions.

It's best to bring a pack and carry the suit with you until you are at or near your "hide", then suit-up. Saves on heat exhaustion and a ton easier to move around. Also, remember to camo up your marker too, a bush shooting a bright shiny marker is as easy to spot as a player doing the same.

When all else fails... do the banana dance :dance:

10-19-2004, 05:27 AM
well the one i was looking at is designed for upright stalk so i guess i wouldnt be crawling around cuz that would suck

10-19-2004, 09:28 AM
The crawl in a full suit isnt the best idea. There is a few issues with suit I have had it the past and Ill share them with you.
1. As said before , Heat and such is an issue,if you use a hydrations system this can help you, weight is also an issue your adding alot of weight to your frame if you do this.

2. Your pack isnt easy to get to to reload....its usualy buried under burlap.
I used a "football" when I wore my suit in scenarios. This worked great but I have since switched to a BlackStar Dualie 2 pod holder. this allows me to have 1 free (if somewhat limited) hand/arm.

3. Most of the suits on the market are Stalker type suits. Made for upright/duck walk movement,not the belly crawl we all love(YEAH RIGHT)

4. the LP/OP positions are great for this type of game....getting out and "sniping" (sigh , Yeah ...I said it....)isnt that easy. Its more like a "target of opportunity" thing..."Oh look there is a small group of players that doesnt know Im here...lemme just dump them..." is about what you need to stick to. Running in a Stalker suit ISNT easy.
If your going to do the forward obbserver thing...make sure your radio has an ear bud and that your General,Comm guys,whoever is LISTENING to you...nothing worse than watching a PUSH some by and having NO ONE listen to you calling it.

5. Definatly get a suit that rolls up into a pack to deploy later when your in a "good spot" You arent going to want to run LONG diistances with this puppy on.
Also get a mask fan or a well vented mask, I always had a fogging issue with mine on ...heqat has no where to go but out your head and neck...thus ...the mask gets fogged easy.

Just some tips from someone who has enjoyed the staller game but...learned the hard way :cheers:

10-19-2004, 02:38 PM
well i do have a hydration pack which i think can fit the ghillie suit so ya that sounds like a good idea about carring it around

10-19-2004, 03:17 PM
do you think this is a good one