View Full Version : One more problem left to solve!

10-31-2001, 03:01 PM
Thanks for all your help so far guys!:) Know I fixed the high velocitiy and the gun pressure to drop. But I got one problem now. I can fire three paintballs real quickly in one burst and the guns fine, but if I shoot a string of piant the gun has really bad shoot-down. The first 3 go the same distance but then they all start dropping 3 feet behind each other. I listened to see if there was a leak any where and there wasn't. The tanks pressure was fine also. So thanks any help would be great.

10-31-2001, 03:03 PM
If you aren't using an RT or a ReTro Valve it's normal to see shootdown during rapid fire. The valve just can't recharge fast enough.

10-31-2001, 03:12 PM
if you are shooting a Retro you are not cronoing it properly. You might be not heating th chamber up before setting it. But I don't see a Retro in you signature so I don't think thats the problem

Also check and make sure your tank on/off is not screwed in too far and restricting flow. Only turn (screw) it from one to one half turns in after the gun airs up. If you go too far it will push the pin valve all the way into the tank and the shaft of the on/off screw will restrict the flow into the line.

11-01-2001, 09:29 AM
also it could be your tank reg isn't recharging fast enough. I'd say try a different kind of tank and see what happens. also double check your cp on/off ASA. in fact try just a normal ASA if you can get your hands on one.