View Full Version : Whew! Back in business...

10-18-2004, 01:26 PM
I am one lucky dog. Because I do not have any complete guns, only parts, I am not going to be penalized. The equipment has been returned to me and there will be no charges brought against me.
I was lectured for a while, warned many times, and reminded that if there had been any illegal OPERATING guns that it would have been a serious offense meaning lawyers, hearings, fines and probation.
These people were thorough, to the point, and very polite. They asked me to explain my position and what I was doing. They showed patience and concern. Honestly, I don‘t think they‘ve ever seen a collection of stuff quite like mine. In the end they seemed more concerned with the clarity of the law than trying to deny me the ability to create works of art.
We discussed many things; how to transport the guns, where you‘re allowed to play, what you‘re allowed to use, even how paintball is a fine sport when played accordingly.
They actually had a lot more knowledge about paintball than I‘d expected, even quite a bit about the American regulations.
Most important to me though, was finding out that modifying guns like I do is possible, but needs to be monitored. This means after carving a gun, I would have to have the gun tested and approved. I never asked what would happen to a gun that does not get approved. The E-mag is illegal here anyway and I knew that. This is why I never ordered a circuit board or an RT valve.When it‘s finished, the E-mag will be assembled in America and stay there. Autocockers are legal here, so Mad Cocker Disease is safe.
In the beginning, these people hypothesized a worst case scenario for us and I have to say it felt like doomsday was near. I am extremely relieved that this all worked out like it did and after it all I‘m actually now on better terms with the German authorities than before.
I want to thank every one at AO for all of their support and for the input they gave. It really helped a lot. I can only hope that we all learn a little something from this occasion, I know damn well I did.

Creative Mayhem
10-18-2004, 01:32 PM
Right on!!!

GO MAGHOG!!!! :clap: :bounce:

TIME FOR BEERS!!!! :cheers: :cheers:

10-18-2004, 01:35 PM
Phew...thats one off everyones shoulder. Congrats Bro!

Target Practice
10-18-2004, 01:39 PM
Dodged THAT bullet. Way to go!

(Party at Army's house tonight!)

:cheers: :dance: :cheers: :dance:



The Frymarker
10-18-2004, 02:00 PM
Oh thank god, I can just imagine how much funds were invested in your art let alone your equipment.

Yay! :clap:

I hope your wife is doing better after being questioned for quite a while!!

Long live Triggernomics!!! :headbang:

10-18-2004, 02:13 PM
i am glad to see that you got your fine work back...id have been heavy hearted for a long while if they didnt

10-18-2004, 02:20 PM
The wife is happy too thanks, and I thought the whole ordeal would send her into labor with our second kid.
I am really psyched that I can now continue with the e-mag....just maybe not today, I'm celebrating with a few beers as my fellow AOer's have recommended.

10-18-2004, 02:32 PM
The wife is happy too thanks, and I thought the whole ordeal would send her into labor with our second kid.
I am really psyched that I can now continue with the e-mag....just maybe not today, I'm celebrating with a few beers as my fellow AOer's have recommended.

Awesome news Dan, good luck with the future and the second kid! :cheers:

10-18-2004, 02:34 PM
Serenity now!!!!!

Good to hear.

10-18-2004, 03:21 PM
Awesome to hear.

10-18-2004, 03:37 PM
I was just telling some kids who came into my store about this after they mentioned going to visit family in Germany and planning to take their gear with them. Guess when they come back ill tell them you're not in prison but continue to advise them against their plans.

10-18-2004, 03:40 PM
I'm very glad to hear that everything worked out. It never hurts to be on good terms with the "authorities". And congratulations on the almost new arrival. ;)


10-18-2004, 03:52 PM
That's great news Dan!

Keep up the awesome work.

10-18-2004, 05:16 PM
Glad it worked out!! Stay on that emag :headbang:


10-18-2004, 05:44 PM

but i have to wonder, why is the emag illegal when the cockers aren't? is it just because it is electronic?

10-18-2004, 07:26 PM
thats great to hear!!! :dance: :dance:

10-18-2004, 07:34 PM
YAY!!!! :clap:

10-18-2004, 08:06 PM

That is AWESOME to hear glad to hear that everything went well.

Also congrats on the soon to be new edition.


10-18-2004, 08:19 PM
I'm sorry, but I've been absent (well, very rarely appeared) from AO for the past several weeks. Your markers, or shall I say art, is so extraordinary. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?

Edit: Never mind, found the thread. Wow, you are lucky. Phew!

10-18-2004, 08:32 PM
I was also wondering why a Emag would be illegal and a cocker wouldnt?

10-18-2004, 10:04 PM
I am one lucky dog. Because I do not have any complete guns, only parts, I am not going to be penalized. The equipment has been returned to me and there will be no charges brought against me.
I was lectured for a while, warned many times, and reminded that if there had been any illegal OPERATING guns that it would have been a serious offense meaning lawyers, hearings, fines and probation.
These people were thorough, to the point, and very polite. They asked me to explain my position and what I was doing. They showed patience and concern. Honestly, I don‘t think they‘ve ever seen a collection of stuff quite like mine. In the end they seemed more concerned with the clarity of the law than trying to deny me the ability to create works of art.
We discussed many things; how to transport the guns, where you‘re allowed to play, what you‘re allowed to use, even how paintball is a fine sport when played accordingly.
They actually had a lot more knowledge about paintball than I‘d expected, even quite a bit about the American regulations.
Most important to me though, was finding out that modifying guns like I do is possible, but needs to be monitored. This means after carving a gun, I would have to have the gun tested and approved. I never asked what would happen to a gun that does not get approved. The E-mag is illegal here anyway and I knew that. This is why I never ordered a circuit board or an RT valve.When it‘s finished, the E-mag will be assembled in America and stay there. Autocockers are legal here, so Mad Cocker Disease is safe.
In the beginning, these people hypothesized a worst case scenario for us and I have to say it felt like doomsday was near. I am extremely relieved that this all worked out like it did and after it all I‘m actually now on better terms with the German authorities than before.
I want to thank every one at AO for all of their support and for the input they gave. It really helped a lot. I can only hope that we all learn a little something from this occasion, I know damn well I did.

http://www.triggernomics.net/ is "forbidden" whats going on, i want to see some of your awsome work.
But, glad to hear you got all your stuf back, What is the law on paintball markers in germany?

If it ban all paintball markers i would just say to pull the valve on mad cocker disease.

10-18-2004, 10:08 PM
Alot of european nations will not allow guns capable of RT or different modes of fire.

10-18-2004, 11:06 PM
Alot of european nations will not allow guns capable of RT or different modes of fire.

oh okay.

hit me up on AIM or PM about that sentinel

10-18-2004, 11:22 PM
YAY! loved what little work I have seen of yours (mad cocker disease and a couple triggers fry worked a gun around). Glad to see things work out for ya and hope to see some more beautiful art. :cool:

10-18-2004, 11:46 PM
Gald to hear it's alright. :clap:

10-19-2004, 12:10 AM
Whew! That's great to hear, Dan!

10-19-2004, 06:01 AM
Good to hear it all worked out. :clap:

10-19-2004, 06:57 AM
Gotta have those "F" stamps for your gun if your going to play on any german field. Over here a paintball marker is considered a weapon and has to be "registered". Heck they finally just got Tippy A-5's approved for sale over here in germany and how long have those been out! The process is wierd but you gotta do what ya gotta do to play ball over here.

Oh btw Maghog where are you at over here in Germany?

10-19-2004, 09:13 AM
Congrats man!!! :clap: :headbang: :dance: :bounce: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

10-19-2004, 09:33 AM
It's nice to see the right decision was rendered. They easily could have made a example out of you.

So many times you see situations that are only looked at on the surface and dealt with by ignorance and the "letter" of the law. My faith in people is somewhat restored! :)

I'm glad it all worked out for you and your wife....

The Frymarker
10-19-2004, 11:32 AM
Congratulations to you and your wife on the little one!!!

All the best!

10-19-2004, 02:49 PM
I'll add to the chorus:

It's good to hear that you're out of legal hot water and it's great to hear that you can continue your work.

10-19-2004, 03:05 PM
:clap: :bounce: :clap: :bounce: :clap: :bounce: :clap: :bounce: :headbang: :dance:

10-20-2004, 10:25 AM
Thanks again for the support.
The E-mag is mostly illegal because the RT valve is not permitted. The RT trigger bounce technology is too much firepower. Angels and other electros are legal, but also only under certain conditions.
As for the website, it will be back...when it's ready.