View Full Version : If you had to choose one marker for all situations....

10-18-2004, 05:11 PM
If you had to choose one marker to use , what would it be?

The marker must be stock other than the barrel. All conditions of play considered. Rain or water , bad paint , having to use CO2 at an event , rough handling , etc. Speedball and scenario play.....Lower the budget the better.

And Why ?

And please don't start flaming about this markers better than the other nonsense....

10-18-2004, 05:22 PM
a tippmann just because they are extreemly durable and can do just about anything. Ive used mine as a hammer as a matter of fact.

10-18-2004, 05:34 PM
I would say Tippman because you can pour sand down the hopper and still fire the gun. But my personal preference is for just a lot smaller marker. I chose an AGD for that reason.

Tippman makes an extremely durable product. Strongest on my list.
WGD, once adjusted, is deadly.
AGD is light and once adjusted is a hard marker to beat all around.
Kingman, great marker, is so sloppily built it will always function.

All company's have something great about them! :headbang:
Let's just hear it for all of the companies! A big thank you for making paintball guns we can enjoy! :clap:

10-18-2004, 05:44 PM
i'd pry go with an impulse bc they work fine on C02. If that didn't matter, i'd take a mech mag. that is a huge flaw in the mag(C02)

Creative Mayhem
10-18-2004, 05:49 PM
Without trying to sound biased, I would use AGD. MAgs have everything, ease of maintenance, durability, decent ROF(even mech mags) and can be used in almost every paintball environment.

10-18-2004, 06:04 PM
i stil say palmers, lifetime (of glenn or craig, i think it depends who makes it...) warranty, works fine on CO2, AND they've been making them since the beginning! also, they made the first semiautomatic! their semi is probably the most extensively developed one there is, considering every gun is custom made, and they improve the design with every one that is bought. what other company continuously reevaluates their marker design with every one that is produced? plus, they're mechanical, they will resist EMPS(aahahaha i just love that issue of "The Whiteboard"....)!

10-18-2004, 06:40 PM
well i said a mag but of course i am biased. I am biased because its the one gun that NEVER breaks down. I've seen tippmanns come apart, spyders breaking constantly, cockers giving trouble, electros with fsdo etc. Now i know all those guns are perfectly fine if well maintained but even when i forgot to oil my mag or didnt bother to clean it, it still didnt give me any trouble.

10-18-2004, 06:57 PM
Tippmann 98c or A-5, best all-around marker there is. Reliable, solid.

If Co2 wouldn't be used, the Tac-One would be best!

10-18-2004, 06:58 PM
E-Cocker, regged to accept CO2 [couple of Stabs on there].

10-18-2004, 07:00 PM
i can get past the co2 a mag is a great woods gun its can hold up to the punishment of hard round of rec or woods i love my mag its a tank

10-18-2004, 07:11 PM
Angel of some kind. Possibly an Ir3

10-18-2004, 07:13 PM
Angel of some kind. Possibly an Ir3

Yep, those <3 CO2.

10-18-2004, 07:50 PM
I said AGD. If I had the choice, I would pick a Classic Automag.

Rain or water: You can shoot a mag underwater with no problem :)
Bad paint: Well, many people think that classics chop. They defently dont with level 10, but classics did not come with level 10. Still, classics have powerfeed. Also my first classic did not chop very much at all and I only had a revy on it. LX would help though.
Having to use CO2 at an event: Not really a problem in the mag department, IMO. Best to use an anti sipon tank.
Rough handling: LOL! Classic automags are the toughest guns I think I've seen. Probably right next to the tippmann. They have stainless steel bodies, I mean come on. There isnt a whole lot you can do to wreck a mag other than pour gasoline in the ASA.
Speedball and scenario play: Mags work great in both. They have a decent speed that can be an advantage in speedball, and that matte beadblasted finish on the body that is beneficial for staying unseen in scenarios.
Lower the budget the better: Mags were pretty cheap. Only 230-250 IIRC

The single upgrade that I would ask would be level 10. If I cant get it, no biggie.

Now if you wanted me to pick one that was still made, I would say the Tac One. The only downfall is that it is not co2 friendly.

10-18-2004, 07:57 PM
Yep, those <3 CO2.

oopps, missed that....

Mag then

10-18-2004, 08:01 PM
i choose imp.

their extreamly durable, but dont lack playing ability like the tippmanns.

they dont mind co2, and dont have problems with consistancy.

10-18-2004, 08:15 PM
i would have to agree with the pop with goin with a tippmann, their built like a rock they are one of the only guns that can really handle co2 well in all conditions, their a low cost gun and wih a decent barrel and to put a little more into the responce trigger being the only neccesary upgrade to it, tippmanns can be just as fast as some of the higher end guns.
u can take a tippmann throw it off of a 2 story building hook the tank up fill the hopper up and it will have no problems. tippmanns will even prob get more shots on co2 durin the winder then say like a spyder. plus tippmanns even tho they may take a little while to break down to clean, breaking down is only needed once in a while not as often as say a spyder or ne thing else would need to be

10-18-2004, 08:23 PM
it would be a tossup between the Mag and the Tippman. With the Tippman you have a mechanicaly agitated hopper with an adjustable RT effect running off CO2 (A5).

With the Classic Mag you would have consistancy.

10-18-2004, 08:31 PM
since you posted this in an Automag section of an Automag forum...wouldn't you think this would be biased?

10-18-2004, 08:47 PM
Piranha Evo...

After having 30 someodd differant markers, I've settled on that. It looks good, runs fine on CO2, it's fast, doesn't chop with the eyes, solid, simple yadda yadda yadda.

The only problem is that it bucks like a blowback should, but I couldn't care less about that.

10-18-2004, 09:01 PM
Well, my personal prefferences would be a matrix of some type, or a viking. both rock solid markers.

10-18-2004, 09:23 PM
i guess a nice mech cocker. Like a freeflow or shocktech or something along those lines. I say that only because you have the requirement to use CO2. Otherwise, id still be shooting my intimidator.

10-18-2004, 10:05 PM
I'd have to pick Kingman. In my book they have the best bang for your buck for getting started. Consider that for a buck twenty-five you can get an electro sear tripper that has oodles of ups out there, a solid community, and will take most of the abuse that a newbie can give it. Also consider the later ups that can be had in taking the Spyder from a sear tripper to eletro pnuematic with a small body mod. Its a chassis that'll grow with the player if they choose to upgrade it.

For a close second I'd pick a Tippmann, however their initial firepower to cost ratio isn't nearly what an e-Spyder's ratio is. For raw durability though, Tippmann's definately the way to go.

WGP is definately climbing with their Trinity serries, AGD remains something for the better funded player for initial cost.

Dragun Empire with their One or ICD's BKO are also up there for those with more funding for their purchase. Smart Parts is pretty much only for the guys and gals who have the cash to toss around, same with any Custom/Palmer guns you'd ever hope to get your mits on.

I can't recall who else was on the list but I'd guess they were all on the order of $300+ and will usually require either special precautions with CO2 or are just too expensive.

10-18-2004, 11:36 PM
Kingman, great marker, is so sloppily built it will always function.


10-18-2004, 11:48 PM
a CCI phantom. works on every thing.

10-19-2004, 12:59 AM
mag or palmer