View Full Version : halo 2

10-18-2004, 07:30 PM
Intrested in halo 2 and are one of the many who anticipate it? well we are fox hound one of the post determinded clans ever and live to crush any1 in the halo 2 xbox live "world" so check us out to join or to check out the "seroius" competition http://foxhoundct.tripod.com/

10-18-2004, 07:51 PM
I really don't want this to sound like a flame. I really don't. BUT. This isn't directed at you, it's just the final straw today. You know how it is...

Why can't most people on the internet use clear and precise english? WHY!

It's all shorthand. Bad, in some cases.

g2g Cya ltr. Dde. Whtver 4evr etc. etc. etc.

The list goes on forever.


On another note, nice website. It's a start. Keep at it and good luck.

10-18-2004, 07:57 PM
Haha, Bluestrike, I was thinking the exact same thing about an hour ago while browsing PBN.
Is it really that much harder to type 'you' than 'u'? :(

paintball4lyfe32, how are you starting a clan when you haven't even played the game yet?

10-18-2004, 08:01 PM
I swear to god, the next site I see with a stupid little javascript mouse chase..


I'm gonna crap in a bag and shove it into my PC so it virus-izes the site. Because it automatically sucks.

10-18-2004, 09:01 PM
Plz learn HTML

Do you play on XBC? I've played some of the top players on XBC, if you truely think your good, then play those guys and get beat bad.

10-18-2004, 09:12 PM
I'll play you in Halo 2. My buddies and I could probably crush you. We've already been playing it for days, and we're very good at the original Halo. I'm not the best, but a lot of the guys I play with are very good. I've got a bunch of tests this week so I'm pretty busy, but maybe next week we could hop on XBC and play some halo2.

10-18-2004, 09:17 PM
I really don't want this to sound like a flame. I really don't. BUT. This isn't directed at you, it's just the final straw today. You know how it is...

Why can't most people on the internet use clear and precise english? WHY!

It's all shorthand. Bad, in some cases.

g2g Cya ltr. Dde. Whtver 4evr etc. etc. etc.

The list goes on forever.


On another note, nice website. It's a start. Keep at it and good luck.

As my AP economy teacher puts it... Its not so annyoing to read... everyone does short hands... military.. businesses... its everywhere... sorry.... Whats really bad is when people start saying (not typing) OMG ROFL LOL.... thats a little annoying but you know we are going downhill when people say "At underscore at"... ( @_@ ) then we're in trouble...

10-18-2004, 09:19 PM

10-19-2004, 12:26 AM
Plz learn HTML

Do you play on XBC? I've played some of the top players on XBC, if you truely think your good, then play those guys and get beat bad.

is your name on XBC quik? i think i mightve owned you on there :D. my name is the same as here. anyways, just thought it sounded familiar. we should play some time.

10-19-2004, 02:20 AM
No it isnt.

10-19-2004, 09:42 PM

10-19-2004, 09:57 PM
I really find it funny how everyone thinks they are soo good at halo, like if u play on xbox connect or gamespy tunnel, bout every person who comes into a game mentions how they are a pro. And out of 1 year of playing online me and xmetal have only lost once in Team slayer no shileds on Blood gultch. The one time we lost was by one point, and we were messing around at hte first part of the game.

Soo i dont claim i am that great at halo or anything, but i seem to find that the ones that do are the ones who actually suck.

10-19-2004, 11:44 PM
i preordered/dowloaded Half-Life bronze so i could get Source which is the only other thing in the bronze package i dont think ill be playin HL2 i just play source :D

Will Wood
10-20-2004, 12:20 AM
Ummm this is Halo..

And no sheilds is for wusses.. it takes no skill. Sheilds is where the skill comes in.

10-20-2004, 12:39 AM
i pwn all of u :nono:

10-20-2004, 05:15 PM
Ummm this is Halo..

And no sheilds is for wusses.. it takes no skill. Sheilds is where the skill comes in.

see i see it the other way, wiht shields is it normally run in circlles shooting at each other wiht the assult rifle until one dies, without shields u have so liitle time to react when u start getting shot it does take skill to react and get the kill.

Will Wood
10-20-2004, 05:52 PM
see i see it the other way, wiht shields is it normally run in circlles shooting at each other wiht the assult rifle until one dies, without shields u have so liitle time to react when u start getting shot it does take skill to react and get the kill.

And that "running around in circles" is where the skill is involved IMHO.

Is it harder to kill something in 6 hits or 2? I'd say 6...
No sheilds takes more sneaking around skills maybe? But true fighting skills is only shown during sheilds.

Is the game more challening without sheilds? Yes, no doubt of it. On a skill level though, it's a whole different story.

10-20-2004, 06:04 PM
ya with shields you actually have to aim. three shot head shots will win every game for you. w/o shields it would be one hit and that would be really boring. the games are too fast and just not fun imo.

10-20-2004, 06:35 PM
As my AP economy teacher puts it... Its not so annyoing to read... everyone does short hands... military.. businesses... its everywhere... sorry.... Whats really bad is when people start saying (not typing) OMG ROFL LOL.... thats a little annoying but you know we are going downhill when people say "At underscore at"... ( @_@ ) then we're in trouble...

Yes. BUT, this short hand is creeping into SPEECH, as you have said.

I G2G, Cya ltr dde. People actually SAY that kind of stuff.

Not only that, BUT it creeps into essays and papers, and other written word. You know, like those tests you take at the end of the year.

On another note, is this really something you want people using for shorthand:


A semi-good, as in semi readable, example.

G2G. Cya ltr WiLl WoOd. TTYl gve mE cll.

DoOd! Lok wat I got in da mal. Da BoMb no?

Very easy to get a headache....

10-20-2004, 06:40 PM
ya with shields you actually have to aim. three shot head shots will win every game for you. w/o shields it would be one hit and that would be really boring. the games are too fast and just not fun imo.

well when u are playing a good group of people wiht no shields Aiming is soo important. Casue if if u are shot once u have the time to turn around and get off a head shot before u are killed by another couple of their body shots. And on top of that pistols are better then assult rifles in no shields so it takes mor aiming casue u cant jsut hold down fire and point in their direction.

10-21-2004, 07:09 AM
I thought Halo B (2)'s were already out for a while? I like EGGII's better myself. though the halo 2's are prettier. :argh:

10-21-2004, 12:14 PM
The good thing about Halo 2: pistols won't be as powerful, or won't have zoom, or both, can't remember. I had a couple friends who started out using only pistols, even in close quarter combat.

And on the subject of shields or no: my friend brought a couple people to our game night that was supposed to be uber awesome. They always played without shields, but we always played with shields. You would think having the extra protection in order to kill someone would only increase their skill, but that wasn't the case at all. They died . . . many times :cool:

I'm sure Halo 2 will be a totally new experience for all of us, even those who think they are the gods of a video game. My skill will speak for itself :headbang:

10-21-2004, 03:24 PM
Halo 2 is for losers .............. like me

Head knight of Ni
10-21-2004, 03:49 PM
The good thing about Halo 2: pistols won't be as powerful, or won't have zoom, or both, can't remember. I had a couple friends who started out using only pistols, even in close quarter combat.

And on the subject of shields or no: my friend brought a couple people to our game night that was supposed to be uber awesome. They always played without shields, but we always played with shields. You would think having the extra protection in order to kill someone would only increase their skill, but that wasn't the case at all. They died . . . many times :cool:

I'm sure Halo 2 will be a totally new experience for all of us, even those who think they are the gods of a video game. My skill will speak for itself :headbang:

Both no zoom and half the beast it was. Oh yeah It's now called the magnum.

On the whole shields vs. no shields. One misconception I see is the AR being used often in shield matches. Never ever in regular shield matches use the AR unless you are that much better than your opponents.

You DO NEED TO AIM on shield matches. Example my friends little brother's friends and him were against my friend and me. System link so they finally can't screen cheat. Anyway they have 2 warthogs and one of them has the flag, he jumps out prematurely and 2 shots from my SR he's down, his driver gets out to grab the flag 1 shot and he's down, now the second driver goes for the flag 1 shot and he's down. I had just taken out their whole team in one clip of Sniper Rifle ammo- 4 shots.

10-21-2004, 04:03 PM


10-21-2004, 04:44 PM
awww I like the pistol :(

10-21-2004, 06:53 PM
Me and my friends play all the freaking time. I'm ususally on XBC every now and then and end up getting kicked around. My friends brother plays Halo a lot and his "team" has been to a bunch of tournaments and have done very well. Anways me and all my friends are picking up Halo2 at midnight and skiping school November 9th to play it all day.... can't wait.