View Full Version : okay guys i followed your advice... didnt work

10-18-2004, 10:05 PM
okay well as some of you suggested in my past thread i let it slide and ive now been tped twice in 3 days, i know its gonna happen again so my new question is how do i catch those bastards red-handed? i already tried using a camera but it wont work at night, my brothers idea was to set out a simple board with spikes on it out in our driveway to pop their tires, and make a sign warning them beforehand so its legal, problem is that they dont park in my driveway they park in the steet ouside then walk up (also wouldnt want to get a ups truck or somethin with that)
so please gimme some ideas, and preferably not including just staying up and calling the cops, cause i need to sleep more as it is

*edit* i am staying up a couple nights with my speed in hand though
first :cuss:
second :shooting:
third :dance: *edit*

10-18-2004, 10:09 PM
Cover your entire yard in feces.

10-18-2004, 10:43 PM
A good guard dog. Even an ankle biter. If it'll bark when strangers show, that's good enough to alert you.

10-18-2004, 10:46 PM
ill let my dog hang around your house :rolleyes: (sig)
-150 lbs
-6'7'' on 2 paws
-loves kittens

pink paintball grenades of you wanna go light, or if u REALLY wanna get em back do this:

purchase, or find a way to fill paintball grenades.
fill with NON-DILUTED fishing lure paint.

that stuff will not come off on clothes, ever, and will take days to come off skin ;)

other variables will work too.

ie. put neon paint in a hose, then connect to compressor. when u spray, theill be glowy and very visiable :clap:

10-18-2004, 11:53 PM
Yeah it's legal if you warn them.
So if I tell you i'm going to kill you it's all good :rolleyes:

10-19-2004, 04:35 AM
OHHHH Man a super soaker with stink bait or the grenades would be a good idea.

I think soaking them with anything stinky would be a good idea.

10-19-2004, 06:02 PM
yeah i think im gonna go with the silent revange, just break a couple boxes of stinkbombs in a bag and empty it into their cars, that or another idea of my brothers which is to get about 40 lbs of dog food then drop it in their drivers seat and dump a bucket of water on it... or i could just slash their tires at school. the idea is to get them, not their families

holt $hit glickman 6'7" on two paws?

10-19-2004, 06:19 PM
You could rig up some Meteour paint grenades as boobie traps

10-19-2004, 06:49 PM
my brothers idea was to set out a simple board with spikes on it out in our driveway to pop their tires, and make a sign warning them beforehand so its legal, *

LMAO... see a lawyer not your brother. It is with few exceptions ILLEGAL to set traps.

You know, it was common knowledge at my school that a had a shotgun with rock salt loaded - now noone ever knew if I was going to use it, but it worked well as a deterrent - perfectly in fact.

10-19-2004, 06:54 PM
WHy dont u jsut get some of your friends and go TP their houses until they stop doing u, i thought it was how it normally went. Go to a walmart i mean if u buy the cheapest tp they have u can get like 72 rolls for like 20 bucks.

10-19-2004, 06:55 PM
alrite beat this idea..... Stay up (deal with it nub) wait in a neighboors yard, when they pull up let them leave there car to go to ur house, and then get there car bad... w/ tp or w/e.... im tihnking rancind milk (leave milk in the sun for a day)

10-19-2004, 06:58 PM
alrite beat this idea..... Stay up (deal with it nub) wait in a neighboors yard, when they pull up let them leave there car to go to ur house, and then get there car bad... w/ tp or w/e.... im tihnking rancind milk (leave milk in the sun for a day)

NICE idea... can I take this one further. Get a valve stem tool (fairly cheap) and pull all there valve stems. Put them somewhere where they will see the little things.. all the tires are flat when they get there, they are stuck until they call a tow truck/friends/parents. What are they going to do, whine about vandalism... considering your house will be covered when they get back to teh truck

10-19-2004, 07:04 PM
Um a nice strait line of strategicly placed metal rakes taht were left there form "fall" cleaning. i mean they step on one of those gets nail in the face or get there foot impailed what are they going to to you forgot them in your yard

10-19-2004, 08:36 PM
Get the stink bombs and lay waste to there rides at school and even there lockers. Hell I know a few good ideas on how to destroy paint on cars too. Who really cares about the cops since one of them have to see you do it. Oh yeah by the way I wasn't always a good lil boy hehehehehe

10-19-2004, 09:10 PM
JB weld their cars to the road.

10-19-2004, 09:47 PM
Good old mexican security alarm. Take some coke cans, and put the pull pins vertical, then thread a line through them, then make a trip wire that'll pull on the cans (cans inside your house mnd you) Then air up your speed, without the barrel!! And dry fire. If you have a spyder, that'll work better, really loud. If they're idiots they'll think its real lead lol. Or have a camera outside, and as soon as u hear them, flash a flashlight at them, so it can record what they look like. a really nice touch would be this: Have tow vehicles, and u and ur buddy. Have ur buddy park a few houses down the street (On your side of the street, down towards the right side of ur house. And you park to the left of your house. when they get there, your friend back up clsoe to them, so they cant pull out. You pull behind them so they cant back out. If they hit either car, they're liable =]

10-19-2004, 09:52 PM
get an airsoft gun and make it look real. wait up and catch them in the act. pull the "gun" on them and tell them to clean it up and to never come back. also make a sign that says something that you will, if you catch them, seek the most severe penalty by law.

10-19-2004, 10:29 PM
Get a valve stem tool (fairly cheap) and pull all there valve stems. Put them somewhere where they will see the little things.. all the tires are flat when they get there, they are stuck until they call a tow truck/friends/parents. What are they going to do, whine about vandalism... considering your house will be covered when they get back to teh truck
I vote for that one :D

And Glickman what kind of dog do you have?

10-19-2004, 10:52 PM
i think all the car pranks would be the funniest myself, cause then there stuck wherever they are in addition to having a messed up car, i think ill do the stinkbomb thing whenever i get a good chance
there should be an official revenge thread
also dont hijack this thread with the dog stuff, although it does sound like a monster of a cool dog

10-20-2004, 12:48 PM
Get some 80 test lb fishing wire, a bunch of sticks and a few of those personal safety alarms they sell at radio shack. The one's I used have this little pin attached to a wrist loop and when the pin is removed...oh boy do you get a racket.

Set up the trip wires to that they end on multiple alarms and wait for party time.

Also, you could set up of Master Mines (http://www.paintballadrenaline.com/v2/customer/product.php?productid=17562&cat=426&page=1) filled with hydrogen sulphide or stink bomb juice (http://butokukai.com/product277.html) and if there is even a chance that you work near them you will know who they are. :clap:

10-20-2004, 12:58 PM
If you really want to mess with them this will require your staying awake and essentially camping out.

If you see their cars do not confront them. It's best to hide in a neighbors yard or some where that affords you a reasonable view of your street but puts you out of their view.

Get your hands on some mothballs made of dichlorobenzene. If they show up do not confront them. Instead, sneak over to their car and drop a few mothballs in each tank.

The dichlorobenzene throws chlorine into the mix which can possibly produce HCl as a byproduct when burned. As some here may remember from high school chemistry hydrochloric acid burns through just about everything it touches so think what it can do to the schmucks engine and warranty.

Another possibility is that the mothballs can become logged in the fuel line, thereby cutting off the fuel. Engine goes dead. Tow truck is called. 1/2 hour later the truck shows up and the guy gives the key a few turns. Since the mothbal has slightly evaporated in that time it falls out of the fuel line and the car will start up.

$45 dollars goes to the tow truck driver.

Schmuck continues driving and hopefully the mothball gets stuck again. Engine dies.

You get the idea. It can end up costing this guy and arm and a leg just to limp home.

There is no guarantee that will work.

Also, the possibilty of the car producing HCI as a by-product could be a bad thing for people in or near the car when the engine is running.

If you don't want to risk the HCI emmissions try some mothballs made from naphthalene. Naphthalene is a hydrocarbon, like gasoline, and will not produce any nasty side-emissions.

The Action Figure
10-20-2004, 01:10 PM
call the police, and up the security in you neighborhood, when they come you your house call the cops and light thier car up with no less than 100 roundsso thier car is easily identifiable?

10-20-2004, 07:07 PM
fill water ballons up with cheap colone

10-20-2004, 09:28 PM
^^^That could get pricey unless you like diluted it or something.

But whatever you do--- TELL US!!!:D

10-20-2004, 09:58 PM
Just hide a dead fish in their car. Put it in the vents or jambed under the console, somthing they will never think of. The smell will kill em.

10-20-2004, 10:07 PM
Just hide a dead fish in their car. Put it in the vents or jambed under the console, somthing they will never think of. The smell will kill em.


Small enough to jam down vents.

10-20-2004, 10:09 PM
ok... some of those are good, but this never fails. to get him good, get some bond-o, and JUST BOND-O HIS GAS TANK SHUT. do it then put some bottle rockets faced inward in his exaust. tape em in their so they dont go backwards bc the exaust pushing out, but make sure tha when the fuse lights they are powerfully enough to release from the tape and travel up his exasut and explode.
back to the gas tank part, they wil have no idea untill next time they need gas, and they cant get it. they will have no idea it was you and they are screwed.

Another bond-o trick... doors of the car/windows. also keyholes.make sure they dontr know it was you. so u can bondo their trunk keyhole, and their windows also.

10-20-2004, 10:43 PM
I dont think he wants to kill them. I have an idea, it is a prank, remember that. I really like the idea of cheap cologne in super soakers though, you can buy that BOD stuff in a really big bottle for like 3 bucks, with that you could spray down there cars, dogs, cats, trees, windows, everthing that you can think of to get a good reaction.

10-21-2004, 12:06 AM
Another possibility is that the mothballs can become logged in the fuel line, thereby cutting off the fuel. Engine goes dead. Tow truck is called. 1/2 hour later the truck shows up and the guy gives the key a few turns. Since the mothbal has slightly evaporated in that time it falls out of the fuel line and the car will start up.

$45 dollars goes to the tow truck driver.

Schmuck continues driving and hopefully the mothball gets stuck again. Engine dies.

You get the idea. It can end up costing this guy and arm and a leg just to limp home.

What works better for this is condoms. If it's a newer car, you will need flexible wire to push them past the fuel tank flap. But you drop a few condoms in a gas tank they will get sucked to the fuel intake lines, when the car stalls and the lines are not sucking fuel, they will fall back into the tank. It will take a LONG time before they realized what happened, and it won't have any serious effects on the engine.

10-21-2004, 12:37 AM
cant you just pour sugar into their gas tank?

10-21-2004, 11:26 AM
For night ops, i suggest a cordless/rechargable 1,000,000 candlepower spotlight.

They are like 14.99 at Walmart. Should expose them to whatever you want to do to them.

Stinkbait super soakers sounds sweet.

10-21-2004, 11:36 AM
ok... some of those are good, but this never fails. to get him good, get some bond-o, and JUST BOND-O HIS GAS TANK SHUT. do it then put some bottle rockets faced inward in his exaust. tape em in their so they dont go backwards bc the exaust pushing out, but make sure tha when the fuse lights they are powerfully enough to release from the tape and travel up his exasut and explode.
back to the gas tank part, they wil have no idea untill next time they need gas, and they cant get it. they will have no idea it was you and they are screwed.

Another bond-o trick... doors of the car/windows. also keyholes.make sure they dontr know it was you. so u can bondo their trunk keyhole, and their windows also.

The bottle rockets wont work. They'll never get past the muffler. If you want to bring explosives into play do this.

Take a wire hanger and straighten it out then get your hands on some firecrackers. Use the wire to puch the crackers up into the muffler and make sure they fall in.

After he drives for a while and the muffler heats up they will detonate. This causes a huge pop and will scare the heck out of him.

To be honest though I wanr against doing this as the sound could cause him to crash.

Revenge is good but not when it hurts innocents.

What you can do that's quick and easy. Get a krazy glue pen and glue shut his keyslots when they get out of the car.

He'll be screwed.

10-21-2004, 01:07 PM
in the gardening isle there should be a bottle of stuff called emotoin fluid ... if i spelt it right
it is made of pure fish oil... doesnt smell nice at alll... a few drops down the heating vents will make anyone puke ... the first time the heat is turned on ... a full bottle ...........hhhhmmmm hope the can afford a new car ... the smell will be way to much for anyone to handle ....
and the bottle only comes in a like a 4 oz ... it about 6 to 10 bucks .. wont cause you a bill do to damage to any person... or any visable damage to a persons car
but i would say what ever they drive ... they will never be ale to sell it .. i worked at a junk yard a few yaers ago tried in .. a crappy old toyota and .. the smell was there 9 months later and the car was now under 10 inches of snow not running but open the door and that smell was still there for all to enjoy