View Full Version : Cutting down a classic body

10-19-2004, 02:14 PM
I am thinking of cutting down the feedneck on my classic mag. If any of you have done this, please tell me if it caused any feed problems. I just want to bring the hopper in closer to the body to eliminate that lopsided feel. Thanks. :shooting:

10-19-2004, 02:21 PM
yea it'll be fine, just make sure the hole is even. crooked=baaaddd ;)

10-19-2004, 02:45 PM
I used a cheap tubing cutter, like you'd use to cut copper pipe. Of course, I went quite a bit slower than I would with copper. I then smoothed the edges with a file. The edges are straight and smooth.

10-19-2004, 06:31 PM
have done several and never a problem. just make sure you leave enough tube for your elbow.

dremels work nicely for this.