View Full Version : Interesting call at 5AM = car stolen

10-20-2004, 04:17 AM
Ok.. its always been a joke around where I live, nobody locks anything because, well face it my closest neighbor is 1/4 mile away.

So I get a phone call at 5AM this morning, county sheriff. The officer asks me to make sure my car is in my yard. I'm like wtf, why wouldn't it be... I look and wow.. empty driveway. So this kinda really really sucks.

10-20-2004, 05:02 AM
ACK! :wow: i hope you get it back in one piece

10-20-2004, 05:19 AM
Yeh... Im taking an inventory of what was in it now. Luckily I had to do X-mas shopping yesterday so I had out both marker cases and my bag... of course I left in it - full freak stainless kit, dye cleats, a few jerseys, my friggin expensive leather jacket..

My daughters car seat, my daughters back-pack, my daughters first place ribbon that I was keeping safe for her.. :cry: You know, up to that point of inventory I was not that pissed, and its the $0.50 item that pisses me off because my kid was proud of it. I know I can get it replaced... but well that one upsets me.

The sad part of this is at about ten last nigth a car went by here slow enough that I walked out to watch it go by...

I am left with the lets be thankful noone was hurt theory, and I am. Everything is replaceable but this... well I'm more in one of those - I would like one month in the near future to go by without problems... just one.

10-20-2004, 05:30 AM
So joyriders or what?

10-20-2004, 05:32 AM
Heres where it could have been much worse..

I have heard the word escapee (though from a juvenile facility). What i cant figure out.. theres none within fifteen miles of here. YOu know though, I had a bad feeling last night, enough so that I had double checked to make sure my pistol was loaded and the doors were locked. THis goes in the could have been much worse file.

10-20-2004, 06:53 AM
Hate to hear about your bad fortune there. It really is amazing how traumatic events remind us what's truly important, I can totally relate to being the most angry over the ribbon for your daughter. I'm glad your family is safe, good luck!

10-20-2004, 07:41 AM
lohman what was the make/model/year of your car?
did you leave your keys in it?

i know there is a juvinile facility in baldwin.

10-20-2004, 10:03 AM
lohman what was the make/model/year of your car?
did you leave your keys in it?

Thats what I would like to know.

10-20-2004, 11:30 AM
I know a guy who has atleast 350k (probably closer to 600k) of vehicles outside unlocked with the keys in them (not hidden, ON the center consoles). Never had one stolen and no I won't give you his adress. What i'm curious about is how the heck did the sheriff know your car was stolen.

10-20-2004, 11:35 AM
He stole them!!

You don't steal expensive cars, they're too rare. People notice a yellow H1 driving around town a day after one was reported stolen..

10-20-2004, 11:37 AM
Some call me callous. Some harsh.

Regardless of that, as far as I am concerned, I honestly feel that dip...sy doodles like this thief here should have the flesh removed from his body with fire-brands.

I hate criminals and those who have zero sense of community. :mad:

People are to busy today and only think about what is best for them. Never does what is best for them as well as best for the commmunity cross their tiny little minds.

10-20-2004, 04:36 PM

Yeh, my keys were in it, so is everyone elses keys in a mile radius (I asked).

He was on probation, at his mothers house, and started a fight with someone.. cops came and he ran into the woods.. through the woods and took my car.

Fled the police all night - loosing them several times. When one officer tried to appraoch the car he tried to run him over (he's going to jail long time fore that one). This morning I get a call - they had pursued him in excess of 90MPH on the corners of Wilke and 64th.. Im like wtf, those are both dirt roads. He crashed at said speed - lived through it (now in hospital) - and needless to say totalled the car - rolling it several times. I was able to retrieve most my stuff from the car but am still missing my daughters ribbon :mad: .

I have no effective recourse as I did not have full coverage on teh car and he and his family have no $$ - so basically Im out a car.

10-20-2004, 04:42 PM

Yeh, my keys were in it, so is everyone elses keys in a mile radius (I asked).

He was on probation, at his mothers house, and started a fight with someone.. cops came and he ran into the woods.. through the woods and took my car.

Fled the police all night - loosing them several times. When one officer tried to appraoch the car he tried to run him over (he's going to jail long time fore that one). This morning I get a call - they had pursued him in excess of 90MPH on the corners of Wilke and 64th.. Im like wtf, those are both dirt roads. He crashed at said speed - lived through it (now in hospital) - and needless to say totalled the car - rolling it several times. I was able to retrieve most my stuff from the car but am still missing my daughters ribbon :mad: .

I have no effective recourse as I did not have full coverage on teh car and he and his family have no $$ - so basically Im out a car.

Wow, that's incredible. I would think that the Ribbon would be one of the things left undamaged? Unless the car burned afterward. Any bends in the Freak kit? 90MPH on corners of dirt roads? That's suicide. I start to fishtail just going 60+ on our little backroad trails. The term "road" is an exaggeration for some of the roads here.

10-20-2004, 04:53 PM
I have no effective recourse as I did not have full coverage on teh car and he and his family have no $$ - so basically Im out a car.

There's always a way to get money out of someone who ****ed up..

No money doesn't mean they can't pay ya... it just means they'll be in debt :)

10-20-2004, 04:57 PM
that really sucks, but cant you still take him to court, and get money out of him, even if he doesnt personally own any :confused:

10-20-2004, 04:57 PM
Thats what happened to me, well not exactly, like a year ago.

1:30am my cell rings and the officer asks if my truck was in my space. I checked and it was gone. Someone stole it, jacked the stereo, destroyed the steering colum, trashed the interior and dumped it at a Circle K. Luckily I had full coverage.

Then a week or so ago someone broke into my POS Eclipse and trashed it, took the stereo and cut the battery cables and took the battery.

Funny thing is I live in a REALLY nice area in AZ. Picked up another vehicle and now both vehicles (mine and the gf's) are alarmed.

10-20-2004, 05:28 PM
Thats what happened to me, well not exactly, like a year ago.

1:30am my cell rings and the officer asks if my truck was in my space. I checked and it was gone. Someone stole it, jacked the stereo, destroyed the steering colum, trashed the interior and dumped it at a Circle K. Luckily I had full coverage.

Then a week or so ago someone broke into my POS Eclipse and trashed it, took the stereo and cut the battery cables and took the battery.

Funny thing is I live in a REALLY nice area in AZ. Picked up another vehicle and now both vehicles (mine and the gf's) are alarmed.

Wow that is some bad luck.

I am always to paranoid to leave my keys in my car, not bout the gettnig stolen part but about the locking myself out of my car part, and the really sad part about that is I drive an explorer that has a keyless entry code thing on the door. It jsut worries me that my battery might die or someting and i wount be able to get in.

10-20-2004, 06:07 PM
My neighbor had his car stolen when he was inside of a store. He had gotten his mail out of his mailbox as he was leaving for the store, so his adress was in the car, as well as a house key. So after calling the police, he called me and told me to get my baseball bat and wait in the bushes across the street until the polce showed up. Smartly ( if you call someone who robs a car smart) the theif never showed up. Turns out he made an illegal turn out of the parking lot and an officer saw him. The rest is self explanitory....

10-20-2004, 06:41 PM
Wow, that's incredible. I would think that the Ribbon would be one of the things left undamaged? Unless the car burned afterward. Any bends in the Freak kit? 90MPH on corners of dirt roads? That's suicide. I start to fishtail just going 60+ on our little backroad trails. The term "road" is an exaggeration for some of the roads here.

I forgot to mention, at some point he stopped and ditched stuff from the car that he did not see of value - all my gear was in the trunk which he was to stupid to open (its got a pull handle on the left of the driver's seat) - 92 Taurus. The Freak kit was in its case, so Im asuming it is ok. I lost a lot of papers in this, and am slightly concerned with identity theft as a result. This is where the police figured my car was stolen, when they foudn a bunch of paperwork (insurance and registration for instance) with my name on it and called me.

I lost two physical things in this, and both upset me greatly. One was the ribbon - luckily I live in a small town and the chamber of commerce which sponsors the "pumpkin roll" (great event, they close down a hill in town and roll down pumpkins - first one to the bottom of each heat gets a blue ribbon) will replace the ribbon (which also has a button on it), they are all out but they are actually ordering next years supply early just because of this :D . I owe them a thanks.

The other thing was my keys to the shop - which I expect are sitting somewhere or have copies made. So we will do the annual lock change (every January) early this year. It just means i have to go around to all the guys and vendors that have a key and tell them I lost mine... :mad:

You know.. until the ribbon, the failure to stop for poilce, and the attempt to run down an officer I could not be any more than annoyed at this kid. There are a few select situations where I would justify, to myself, stealing a car or such. If i can justify it, can I really tell him his reasons are wrong. Yes I can, they were stupid reasons, but I could have been more understanding.

I talked to one of the officer chasing him - when he ran he was blowing through stop signs, the officer says his car was at 100MPH and he was loosing him. He went through several stop signs, and was well ahead of the officers. Had he just stopped... I'd still have a car frankly and he would be in a lot less trouble and pain. I am thankful though... he did not hit anyone else who was innocent, and noone was killed. People make mistakes, he made a mistake, and hopefully he will live to learn from it and go on. Am I a wimp for thinking this - understand that had he been caught in the act it would have been at gunpoint and had he become a threat I have already resolved that I am willing to kill someone over a physical threat to myself or loved ones. I will not sit idly in the house while something goes on like this. Should that threat result from my confrontation of a lesser situation I will be prepared when it does.

I don't know... I have had a lot of problems in the past few months, this year has not been that great. I have always had the opinion that you had to face problems, get over them and go on, even if that meant getting professional help. I mean really this is just a car in the end, some items that will be replaced. But... well my kids have been through a lot this year, more than they should have to be... and this to my four year old. She can't understand why someone would just take a car without asking me. I have never beleived in mental illness making someone unable to do anything, and I have acknowledged that this flies in the face of medical knowledge. But to me, well it was just a lack of willpower, why don't you get up and go to work, that you don't face your problems, etc. I know good friends who have gone through mental issues and come through them... its not that Im callous. This is just karmas way of showing me just a small fraction of what these people must feel... there comes a point where you look out and say you dont want to do this thing anymore... I will, its a phase, I'm not asking for pity.. I'm trying to express what I feel at this point.

10-20-2004, 07:32 PM
Express away. I'm sure everyone here, including myself, will listen to you let it out, and will help you through it. Most of us are mature young, to actual adults, and will respect you. Indeed, everyone is lucky that no one else was hurt. Often times, cars accidents in which a vehicle is going in excess of 100 MPH leave no survivors, and the cars look like crushed sardine cans.

Approximately how much time did he have to "joy ride" until the police caught on to him? Do you know how old the kid was? Is he "of age" yet to where penalties will be just as strict as they are to other adults? In my opinion, commit the crime, do the time. It takes alot to look at it as just material belongings. Most people, including myself would be furious, and would be out on the hunt for him.

I used to live in a so called "neighborhood" in which my neighbors were too far away, and if anything happened there we'd be all alone. When I lived there we'd have windows get smashed, someone broke into our garage, tried to set it on fire...Our cars were keyed while out front of the house. It's just one of those things where you're so used to knowing everything that normally happens in your "domain," and then some person comes and messes that sense of security all up.

10-20-2004, 07:40 PM
Approximately how much time did he have to "joy ride" until the police caught on to him? Do you know how old the kid was? Is he "of age" yet to where penalties will be just as strict as they are to other adults? In my opinion, commit the crime, do the time. It takes alot to look at it as just material belongings. Most people, including myself would be furious, and would be out on the hunt for him..

The police were chasing him at 10PM last night around here on foot - I saw my car at 11. At 5AM this morning it was definetly gone... likely gone about midnight last night. He crashed just after 9AM this morning... so he had it for quite awhile, and was involved in pursuit (active) for at least 25 minutes though they were trying to find him since last night.

He's 16, he'll be out within a year, likely a month. So he's not going to learn, he's been in and out of juvenile on probation etc for some time. HIs family sucks (not against them, they just well are known to live this lifestyle). The police figure its just a matter of time before the calender catches him or someone shoots him. On officer flat out told me that he would either be in prison or dead by the time he was 20.

The police would tell me where he is if I wanted revenge... they have removed him from the county though for treatment at this point, and will detain him there to make future escape harer. In fact they told me where he was, and I kinda didn't pay attention, just didn't want to know.

10-20-2004, 08:12 PM
Say with me now people.....


Now that thats done I will continue to say that that sucks, all of your storys. I am making sure that I never ever leave my keys in my car and my car outside. (If I can help it)

10-20-2004, 08:26 PM
ya sucks that happened but, everyone should always lock there car regardless of where you live

10-20-2004, 09:23 PM
Very few people around here even consider leaving keys in the car. Doing that is just asking for it to be stolen. Then you know what happens ontop of the morons destorying your car and nearly killing themselves? Some smartass lawyer will sue you for leaving the keys in the car a creating a dangerous situation or some B.S. like that (I forget exactly what it was but some little punk got a whole bunch of money from someone like that). On the other side sue his family in small claims court (up to $2,000), it is only $30 to file and no lawyers are necessary that way if he or his parents ever do get a job you get part of their paycheck.

10-21-2004, 01:58 AM
Consider yourself lucky my friend. In the 12 years ive lived i nthis house, we ahve been robbed once, had 3 bikes stolen, and our van stolen. Luckily we got the van back. It was pretty funny actually, the person stole the car, but it broke down after 100 yards or so from our house. But when we were robbed they took EVERYTHING. If you've ever helped a friend move to another house...imagine that, GONE. TV's computers, game stations, vcr's, computers, stereos.... And let me just say that insurance doesn't like paying for anything. And its sad to say, that im in one of the best areas in the city. Its just little 12 yr old punks that steal the bikes and such. They jsut try to be cool. I keep trying to get my parents to buy a firearm, even if we never buy ammo. Back when we had our first bike stolen, i had to stay up all night after that, with my spyder sonix air and such. I even confronted the guy i nthe driveway, i just dry fired out the window and he took off. He was probably 15-16 or so from his height. O well, its just a sad fact that people steal from other's. When i buy my '65 Mustang (Less than a year or so) It's going to have an alarm system, and a GPS Chip installed into the console, since it wil lbe worth so much after im done rebuilding it (More on this later AO!) If i were you, i would take this kid to court. Sure i'd feel sorry for the parents, the least they could do is either pay for the car or give you yours. Best of luck my friend.

10-21-2004, 08:10 AM
Gonna lock your car from now on?

Sorry, but I'm real confused. You're paranoid enough to double check the house is locked and keep a loaded pistol around, but your unconcerned enough leaving a very valuable object (filled with other valuables) unlocked and with the keys in plain sight. :confused:

Make sure you get a judgement against the thief for the value of the car. Maybe once the ingrate gets out you can recover something.

10-21-2004, 01:36 PM
i would like to say that this really sucks about your car .... but this kid seems to be in his own world of crap.....
i would say maybe visit the kid while he is in juvey .. and talk to him man to man ..
sounds wierd but i think the needs a role model .. talk to this kid maybe take him to a feild and get him into paintball try to be a big brother to the kid and teach him that life is what you make out of it not .. the hand you get dealt ..at 16 he still can be changed into a normal kid ... instead of trying to get money out of the family he has that as you said yourself doesnt give a flying turd about him ... get him to clean the yard .. wash the other cars you own ...if you live in a small town get the judge to .. make the kid work weekends in your yard or neighbor hood ... you might end up changeing this kids life . and he wont end up in jail or dead .. just my thoughts on it ..
and no i am not one of those kids that was saved but a few of my child hood freinds needed the help and no one was there for them ....

10-21-2004, 01:36 PM
SBF has a point about getting a judgement against the kid. I am not a sue happy person but if this family owns a house, you should have a new car. The kids is only 16 and the parents are still responsible for his actions. Good luck bro.

10-21-2004, 02:18 PM
I hope the cop car was taping the wreck so we can ALL enjoy it on some up-comming edition of Americas Wildest Police Chase's....

10-21-2004, 11:50 PM
i would like to say that this really sucks about your car .... but this kid seems to be in his own world of crap.....
i would say maybe visit the kid while he is in juvey .. and talk to him man to man ..
sounds wierd but i think the needs a role model .. talk to this kid maybe take him to a feild and get him into paintball try to be a big brother to the kid and teach him that life is what you make out of it not .. the hand you get dealt ..at 16 he still can be changed into a normal kid ... instead of trying to get money out of the family he has that as you said yourself doesnt give a flying turd about him ... get him to clean the yard .. wash the other cars you own ...if you live in a small town get the judge to .. make the kid work weekends in your yard or neighbor hood ... you might end up changeing this kids life . and he wont end up in jail or dead .. just my thoughts on it ..
and no i am not one of those kids that was saved but a few of my child hood freinds needed the help and no one was there for them ....

Well said TMAXX.... i agree with him, the kid needs a role model. If his parents aren't there for him, someone has to.

10-22-2004, 12:35 AM
Gonna lock your car from now on?

Sorry, but I'm real confused. You're paranoid enough to double check the house is locked and keep a loaded pistol around, but your unconcerned enough leaving a very valuable object (filled with other valuables) unlocked and with the keys in plain sight. :confused:

Make sure you get a judgement against the thief for the value of the car. Maybe once the ingrate gets out you can recover something.
I dont think this is a worthy path to try to choose. The kid is already in a bad enviroment, and by suing the parents it will just get that much worse for the kid. I think it would a better thing to get him out of the house and away from his family. He is already showing signs of personal abandonment, driving down a dirt raod at 90 mph... and flipping a car multiple times. This kid might not just be killed before he is 20, he might do it himself.

As for you lohman you need a beer. :cheers:

10-22-2004, 02:01 AM
A lot of you might not understand why someone would leave their keys in their car, but when you live out in the rural area, it's pretty easy to get into that habit because nothing ever happens to anyone.

Out where I lived I don't think there's any other household that locks up all their doors before they leave other than my parents. All the neighbors I use to work for would tell me to go into the house and help myself to getting a drink or use the bathroom while I was there working.

10-22-2004, 02:22 AM
Leaving the keys in the car... well in hindsight I should not have. But you also have to understand what the neighbors I have talked to have told me - more than half of them. "If you need a car for a few weeks theres on in my yard, keys are in it" This is how it is around here, we do help each other out when we can and it is generally assumed that things are relatively safe.

As for the child and role models. Theres something about farmland - want to apply yourself, make money, and be generally taken care of its not hard to do. Any of these farmers will treat you as near family if you simply have a job... work. I mean I don't farm but these people know me from work if I wanted a dinner I need only show up at 6:00 to any of there houses and there would be more than enough food. This kid need only go to any of these neighbors, work in the fields with them, get paid for it, and get accepted. At 16 he has an attitude... sitting down and being friendly and getting attitude from him, would cause all sorts of problems for me. So I'm not a great forgiving person sometimes...

Back to locking the car - I only locked my house when I was in it before this. And perhaps that shows the difference in philosophy. Locking the house, having a loaded gun, these were nto about protection of belongings, these were about protection of my child. I appreciate the police and there efforts, and acknowledge that I have two officers that would respond very close if available. I also acknowledge that I am 15 miles from the county sheriff office and 10 from the nearest town officers. There is a good chance that matters of personal safety are going to be handled by the homeowner around here.

10-22-2004, 07:51 AM
Lohman, you seem to be a good guy. I personally dont agree with the turning the kid around statement. I have seen alot of my friends grow up, people extend a helping hand, and bad things came of it. I had a friend that had a Big Brother (good program, but has flaws), and, one day, he just robbed the guy. Granted, my friend was on drugs at the time, but, again, that only goes to show that some people just cant be turned. Do what you need to do. Let your concience be your guide.
As an aside, I just want to brieflyu comment on what toyotaboy said about buying a firearm, and not necessarily getting ammo. Folks, heres the deal. If you buy a gun for home protection, make sure you know how to use it. BE SAFE. Above all, PLEASE be careful of what you aim at. Today, most people breaking into houses carry some sort of weapon. If you plan on defending yourself with a firearm, MAKE SURE ITS LOADED!!!! The thief will make sure his is. Also, be prepared to be sued. Right or wrong, you are going to court. And, be prepared for emotional consequences afterwards.
Now, that said, I am a gun owner, and have had extensive training in their uses. I dont lock my doors (in my apartment). I am not concerned about bad guys here. That being said, if someone were to break in while I were here, yes, I would probably pull a gun on them. However, I am CONFIDENT I could hit him, and not anyone else. Wow, ok, I am off topic.
Lohman, keep your chin up. Hug your little girl. Take her out for ice cream, or something. That'll make you feel better.

10-22-2004, 10:41 AM
Leaving the keys in the car... well in hindsight I should not have.
Back to locking the car - I only locked my house when I was in it before this.

Thinking about it, it's really pointless paying for theft insurance and even if you were covered for the car the insurance company would understandably refuse to pay you.

Property, IMO, deserves protection too. It might not be the highest priority, but certainly doesn't take much effort.

In this case, locking the car would have protected life and property. The car wouldn't have been taken, the kid wouldn't have endangered himself, the police, or the community.

So, I guess the crooks should all head off to the country and bag themselves a few free vehicles. :nono:

10-22-2004, 11:55 AM
He crashed at said speed - lived through it
That's too bad.

10-22-2004, 12:12 PM
Lohman, press charges. This little punk stole YOUR car that you had to PAY FOR, and not only stole it, but wrecked it. Dont offer him a helping hand, if his parents have been failing at their job for the last 16 years your not gonna change him into a goodie two shoes by making him work in a field down your street. The kid has problems and no respect for anybody elses personal belongings, he deserves to rot in jail. Collect the money he owes you for a replacement vehicle, and let him rot.

Once again on leaving keys in your vehicle, i used to leave mine in my truck. Not just in the truck, but in the ignition. People arround here just dont normally get their stuff messed with. If somebody did want to try and steal it, they wouldnt get far. If they could figure out the right switches to cycle the glow plugs and turn on the fuel, and then get it to start, it wouldnt just wake me up, it wakes the whole neighborhood up. Not to mention i could run faster than it accelerates. I have recently stopped, because suddenly peoples cars are getting bady vanalized arround here, my truck got keyed bad and my sisters car had a brick thrown through it when she was out and about.

Sorry to hear about your car being stolen, it seems like this kind of thing is getting all to comon. Between theft and vandalism, its getting harder and harder to own a nice vehicle. And what happens to the people who do this? Usually nothing, unless they kill somebody else. Like you said, he will probobally be out on probation in a month, only to end up there again. At least you know hes layed up in a hospital bed in pain, on the bright side.

10-22-2004, 06:56 PM
[QUOTE=SlartyBartFast]Thinking about it, it's really pointless paying for theft insurance and even if you were covered for the car the insurance company would understandably refuse to pay you.[QUOTE]

Just for the record, I beleive your wrong on this. Insurance covers stupidity, it does not cover negligence. As I am not a proffessional and had the numbers on my side as to why this was not negligent they would have had to pay me. I had one of the shops I work with leave a drain plug out, and destroy an engine - there insurance company covered them as he did not do it on purpose. You can rest assured that now my house and car stay locked.

And your right property deserves protection. That cars value represented XXX amount of hours of my time in labor. Ok, only XX or X cause i bought it for nothing and had an engine laying around for it. Still... I wish I had protected it better.

On the bright side I was able to buy a new car. I zapped teh savings account to do it but picked up a 02 Taurus for a VERY good number - it had all the options I wanted. I had considered a number of cars - and the Subaru Outback was close on the list. I had also considered a Volvo S70 or 850. Bonnevilles were there but would have been more money, as were a few other cars. I would have had to go about 7 years older to buy any of these for the same amount of money. I did not want a Taurus standing at auction today (dealer only auctions are great placed to pick up your next car - Im a dealer, I know). The Taurus to me represents too much thought into a car - you get good space, good layout, good mileage for its size... and after seeing the last two Taurus I owned totalled by other people (one my ex was in was hit by a full size Chevy Van going 50MPH - t boned on the driver's side, this one of course rolled at 90MPH) and seeing them survive it in very good condition for the accident I cannot fault there safety. This one has side air bags too. Its too much of a "old" persons car... not the image I wanted. Unfortunately I had to admit to myself, there are times when what you want to get and what you should do are different. If I had unlimited funds I would have bought a diesel Excursion Maybe in the spring I'll buy a motorcycle or tune the Porsche 929 (I'm thinking a GM 3.4DOHC or 4.3 or Chrsyler 3.5 would make that thing go like mad) I have sitting around.

Having bought a sensible family sedan I think Im going to have to go get a tattoo to prove that I'm still only 26 and not 40.

10-22-2004, 10:22 PM
[QUOTE=SlartyBartFast]Thinking about it, it's really pointless paying for theft insurance and even if you were covered for the car the insurance company would understandably refuse to pay you.[QUOTE]

Just for the record, I beleive your wrong on this. Insurance covers stupidity, it does not cover negligence. As I am not a proffessional and had the numbers on my side as to why this was not negligent they would have had to pay me. I had one of the shops I work with leave a drain plug out, and destroy an engine - there insurance company covered them as he did not do it on purpose. You can rest assured that now my house and car stay locked.

And your right property deserves protection. That cars value represented XXX amount of hours of my time in labor. Ok, only XX or X cause i bought it for nothing and had an engine laying around for it. Still... I wish I had protected it better.

On the bright side I was able to buy a new car. I zapped teh savings account to do it but picked up a 02 Taurus for a VERY good number - it had all the options I wanted. I had considered a number of cars - and the Subaru Outback was close on the list. I had also considered a Volvo S70 or 850. Bonnevilles were there but would have been more money, as were a few other cars. I would have had to go about 7 years older to buy any of these for the same amount of money. I did not want a Taurus standing at auction today (dealer only auctions are great placed to pick up your next car - Im a dealer, I know). The Taurus to me represents too much thought into a car - you get good space, good layout, good mileage for its size... and after seeing the last two Taurus I owned totalled by other people (one my ex was in was hit by a full size Chevy Van going 50MPH - t boned on the driver's side, this one of course rolled at 90MPH) and seeing them survive it in very good condition for the accident I cannot fault there safety. This one has side air bags too. Its too much of a "old" persons car... not the image I wanted. Unfortunately I had to admit to myself, there are times when what you want to get and what you should do are different. If I had unlimited funds I would have bought a diesel Excursion Maybe in the spring I'll buy a motorcycle or tune the Porsche 929 (I'm thinking a GM 3.4DOHC or 4.3 or Chrsyler 3.5 would make that thing go like mad) I have sitting around.

Having bought a sensible family sedan I think Im going to have to go get a tattoo to prove that I'm still only 26 and not 40.

if you wanted the taurus with performance, you should have picked up an SHO, a buddy of mine has one, the thing is very very fast... and besides, nobody expects a taurus.

(he's beat a v6 mustang, bunch of rice) it has ALL the options, leather, power seats, power everything, moon roof. yamaha motor.

10-23-2004, 06:19 AM
if you wanted the taurus with performance, you should have picked up an SHO, a buddy of mine has one, the thing is very very fast... and besides, nobody expects a taurus.

(he's beat a v6 mustang, bunch of rice) it has ALL the options, leather, power seats, power everything, moon roof. yamaha motor.

And that Yamaha motor is why there is not a chance I would buy one. The supercharged Bonnevilles have better performance, and are built a whole lot better. Remember I work on cars all day - the SHO taurus was not on the list of things I was even going to consider.

10-23-2004, 03:31 PM
Sorry to hear about your car, glad you and your family are safe.
Few years ago I purchased a sea doo from an individual on the second time out the steering nozzle fell off. Fixed it myself and it happened again. Took it to a local sea doo dealership to have it worked on and the service manager accuses me of stealing the sea doo because it didn't have a hull ID. I had no idea what he was talking about (first water craft I ever bought and I didn't do my homework) he threatened to call the cops on me but I produced a bill of sale ect. After this I call the marine police they come out and take a statement from me. Turns out the sea doo, which was sold as a 96 was actually a 95 with a 96 motor. Motor had no identification, police assumed the motor was from a stolen sea doo but couldn't prove it for whatever reason. They set up a sting and arrested the guy for a multitude of charges one being selling me the sea doo as a 96. After the arrest the marine police contact me and ask me to get the price difference on a 95 vs 96. It was around $1000. A few months later I started receiving restitution for the difference. Most months its was small checks $30-70. The last check however was almost $700. So regardless of his families financial situation what's owed can be paid, even if it does take several months or even years.

10-23-2004, 09:39 PM
Unless the parents have savings or a job you probably wouldn't see anything if you won. To take a house, car, etc you really need a lawyer and you don't want to spend that kind of money.

The monthly payments you were getting has to do with them taking the money right out of his paycheck every week/month and sending it to you. I think they can do this for eight years or until it is payed off.

10-25-2004, 10:38 AM
Just for the record, I beleive your wrong on this. Insurance covers stupidity, it does not cover negligence. As I am not a proffessional and had the numbers on my side as to why this was not negligent they would have had to pay me. I had one of the shops I work with leave a drain plug out, and destroy an engine - there insurance company covered them as he did not do it on purpose. You can rest assured that now my house and car stay locked.

If you regularly locked your car, and one day accidentally FORGOT to lock your and it got stolen, then you'd be covered.

If you regularly left your car unlocked, its theft would not be covered. Unless it was known to the insurance company that you regularly left the car unlocked with the keys inside. But, I think you'll find insurance companies would refuse to cover you if that was the case.

10-25-2004, 11:11 AM
If you regularly locked your car, and one day accidentally FORGOT to lock your and it got stolen, then you'd be covered.

If you regularly left your car unlocked, its theft would not be covered. Unless it was known to the insurance company that you regularly left the car unlocked with the keys inside. But, I think you'll find insurance companies would refuse to cover you if that was the case.

You maybe right in some cases, you are not in this one. I can show that it is regular practice where I live - it is not negligent. In fact the police officers around me, who are familar with the crime rates, both leave there keys in there car on a regular basis. 90% or more of my neighbors do. Regardless I was not covered and no longerl eave my keys in the car. An insurance agency cannot take my practice and refuse to cover me - they can backrate my insurance rates accordingly however.

10-25-2004, 11:21 AM
You maybe right in some cases, you are not in this one. I can show that it is regular practice where I live - it is not negligent. In fact the police officers around me, who are familar with the crime rates, both leave there keys in there car on a regular basis. 90% or more of my neighbors do. Regardless I was not covered and no longerl eave my keys in the car. An insurance agency cannot take my practice and refuse to cover me - they can backrate my insurance rates accordingly however.

But, the insurance company needs to know it's your regular practice. Doesn't matter what everone else does. And they can certainl refuse to cover you for all sorts of arcane reasons.

And just because they've accepted you payments all those years, doesn't mean they have to pay for a theft. Particularly one that was facilitated by the regular habit of the assured.

When you make a claim, any circumstance that was unknown to the insurance company, or was not specifically mentioned, or worse was lied about, can invalidate teh insurance contract. While the insurance company may calculate the higher rate and demand the differnece, they are more likely to invalidate your policy and cut your coverage. They would be liable to refund you any premiums paid from the date of the undeclaired or uncovered circumstance. They may be liable for interest on those payments, but I'm not sure.

10-25-2004, 12:08 PM
Argh Lohman you should have bought the SSEi, I'm sorry but having owned a SSE i feel in love with the bonneville. Great handling, awesome acelleration, especially with the Supercharger. And he's right about the SHO, unless you get an older V6 model like i currently own, 91 with a 5spd manual, she'll outrun the newer sho) you end up having major problems like the end lobe on the crankshaft falling off. The V8 is a bad engine. The 96 SHO that i had with the V8 blew up at 102k miles and couldn't be my non supercharged Bonneville.

But um, back on topic, um keep your car locked and your chin up.