View Full Version : Maybe i just shouldnt even think about paintball anymore...

barrel break
10-20-2004, 07:32 PM
for the past 4 years, paintball has been my life. When i started, all my friends, and some of the older kids would play paintball in the woods/orchards about twice a month, then it became once a month. and then they stopped playing. now there were two diehards left, myself and my friends Henry, we finally journeyed to Portland to play on a "real" feild. an indoor airball course, It was amazing. so we became airball junkies without an airball feild for 75 miles. being in middle school, and a frosh in high school, we couldnt drive in, nor afford to play very much, we went back several times, but months apart. I finally this past summer went to Ronn Stern Paintball camp in Virginia, loads of fun, and under pressure from the instructors, dropped $200 (all my money) on a HPA tank for my cocker. upon getting home, reality sinks in, the nearest HPA fills ar at that feild 75 miles away, and i am cashless. I after much haranguing, sell my cocker, and buy an ipod. I am currently borrowing my friends tippmann 98custom and havent played since the summer. yet paintball still eats up the majority of my free time, reading mags, watching videos. I can afford to drop $60 to play, and no one in my town plays in the orchards anymore. furthemore, my one time best buddy (since i was 4) and i havent been seeing each other much lately, and he is the only person i can split the cost of playing with. should i just gice up the ghost?

hope that made some semblance of sence.

10-20-2004, 07:39 PM
You dont have to polay every month. Try finding new people to play with. Or use all your free time and get a job to help pay for everything.

barrel break
10-20-2004, 07:42 PM
yeah, I've thought about a job, but my parents have stressed that my getting good gades trumps all else in their eyes.
and its not about every month, i havent played since a month before school started(school starts labor day here).

sorry about spelling/grammar, i swear, i have never gotten below an A in english.

10-20-2004, 07:44 PM
Try working just odd jobs for people. Ask your parents if they have any freinds that need any work down. I've made a good amount of money doing this. It usually involves half a days work and $20 at the end of it.

10-20-2004, 07:48 PM
Tell your parents your situation and that you really enjoy this sport. Work extra hard at school. Then get a job. Make money.

I guess that doesn't solve your field problem. Do you know anyone else who plays paintball? Like alot of people? Who are into the sport alot? If you do, buy an airball field.

barrel break
10-20-2004, 07:51 PM
Chipper- lol, there is infact a 5 man mini tourney this weekend here, but its just everyone who hast touched their gun in a year going, i unfortunately cannot find 4 other people to make a team with.
but an airball feild is out of the question, as is trying to establish a "real" feild here, too much buisness blah.

10-20-2004, 10:47 PM
I play MUCH less than I want to. No job, freshman in college, etc. However I still do tons of paintball crap. Been on this forum for like ever, not many people have longer join times than me (that still post a lot). I don't post all that much-check my post count. But paintball is still awesome to me, and I always enjoy playing it. So stick with it.

10-20-2004, 11:24 PM
yes you are useless

10-20-2004, 11:37 PM
get a job, it really helps, it actually makes you manaje your time better, and you seem to do all of your homework, and you are making money


10-21-2004, 12:13 AM
Here's my point of view from a very serious addict....I sometimes have to go months without playing, I'm on the opposite end as you though all my kids needs come first and so it makes it diificult for me and my husband to always play. BUT we make an effort to call everyone we know and to constantly try and get new people interested. WE play out in fields and on rocks, sagebrush, old equipment graveyards, just wherever we can get permission to play sometimes there are only 3 of us, sometimes people from out of town show up. We put up flyers at the local grocery store and any bulletin boards we can. The point is if you really love the sport and you really want to play you'll do anything (honest of course) to get that adrenaline fix. Think about it, brush up on those good ole problem solving skills and make it work, no matter what! And Good Luck, you can achieve anything if you really want to!

MXS AD (Staff Writer)
The Cookie Lady

10-21-2004, 12:40 AM
Been on this forum for like ever, not many people have longer join times than me (that still post a lot). .

There is a good core of members that have join dates in the month that AGD relaunched the site after purchasing it, such as myself ;) I have been posting and browsing automags.org since 1997 or 98 I think, used to be a lot better in my opinion but that could be because of all the rehashed topics these days, and some of that pbnation "personality" that is being introduced.

I would say to the original poster: Sometimes its nice to take a break. Maybe its just one of those times where it might be nice to just try some new things, concentrate on school and worry about paintball later when you can afford to play and juggle the rest of your life the same way. Most of the breaks I take are just to get myself situated in life, financial and school.

If you cant travel try to get more people to play locally if you dont want to take a break from paintball for a little while. msprince had some good ideas! Get your friend together and start playing some 1 on 1's... gets old fast but mix it up and make up some skill shooting games and such.

10-21-2004, 04:24 PM
LaW has some good points. Last Oct. I got married. A few months before my wedding I decided to stop playing. The local field had seen a huge down turn. I was usually the oldest person there (24 at the time). I got frustrated with the whole deal so I just stopped playing altogether. Now a little over a year later I've started playing again. Taking a break was nice. Msprince also brings up some good points, get creative! There's always pump play its easy on the wallet. One last thing, when I first started playing paintball at age 16 I took my father with me most weekends. He didn't always play but he took pictures and filmed the games. So try to get your parents involved and let them see how much fun it is. Hang in there and keep playin!