View Full Version : 32 degrease 68/4500 problem

11-01-2001, 12:33 AM
any ideas on this one
when the tank pressure gets to 2000 psi the tank reg stops recharging fast enough to for rapid fire in fact it gets so bad that if I want more then about 5ft of range I need to wait about 5 seconds between shots. however above 2000psi it works fine. and it's not a gradual drop off it's like a switch when you hit 2000psi left in the tank. however when I put the same tank on a cocker or shocker it works fine right down to the point where the gun needs more then the tank has.

does this sound like a defective reg to anyone with the same tank or is this just more 32 degrease junk, like just about everything else they make? but I'm not bitter at all.

11-01-2001, 03:00 PM
I think those tanks are junk. I ordered a 4500 when they first came out because of the price. Four of my buddies did the same. Up here at Tech we get fills from the scuba club. Anyway, when we went to get them filled we could only get 3300 psi cause their compressor doesn't get much higher. One of the filled tanks was sitting on the floor when the regulator broke off the tank. It flew around the 10' by 10' fill room, crashing into the ceiling before flying back at me and hitting my leg. We drained all the tanks and sent them back.

A few month's later my brother won a 3000 psi turbo max at a big game. On my cocker with a palmer stabilizer the velocity is less consistant on that nitro tank then on CO2.

I don't trust anything that carries pressure from 32 degrees. We've had their macroline and swivel elbows detonate when they were gassed up for the first time. I'm sure some of these incidents were probably just our bad luck. I know a few people with those tanks, mostly shooting tippmanns, and they don't have any problems. But that tank crashing around that little room is one of the scariest things that's ever happened to me. At fields back home, I don't even like standing in fill lines next to people with turbo max tanks.


11-01-2001, 10:40 PM
ahh... this just adds to my ever increasing confidence in 32 degrease products.

11-02-2001, 09:16 AM
Drizit, do you have an on/off that you screw your preset into? If so, you might not be turning it in enough or you might be turning it in too far. I've seen a similar problem with recharge rate on my crossfire preset tank. If I turn the on/off too far in the airflow gets restricted somehow and I get a slow recharge rate. Just something to check.

11-02-2001, 09:40 AM

I know what the problem is...it's 32 degrees.

11-02-2001, 10:43 AM
no just a pin valve ASA, but I will try turning the tank out half a turn and see what happens. good idea